What you did here is actually a slap into the faces of the people who voted on the posts, have delegated to the bots etc.
However noble your cause may seem to you you are intruding and assaulting a living national community. Are you doing the same to Korean, Malaysian, ... communities too?
What do you really win as a person (!) by educating people from a (more or less) other culture on how you think the internet should be? As far as I know, many of the articles posted before and shortly after HF21/22 have not been distributed to the majority of the German community, be it due to language issues, be it due to lack of time to keep track of the changes, be it due to other reasons.
As far as I know many of the Germans look towards the US Steemit community with fear and insecurity (I mentioned the cultural differences on internet stuff before.) Actions like this one are cementing that. I doubt this was your objection.
I'm sure there's nobody in Central Europe earning a living from Steem-related activities. Please keep that in mind next time before taking your measures on something you don't know from the inside. Thanks!