Yes! This is absolutely the best post of yours I've read sweetsssj. Thanks for thinking about all the aspiring Steemlings! I know a lot of them look up to you. I really appreciate you encouraging people to focus on their own internal motivations and not the 'reward'. I know it seems obvious, but I feel like it's a great reminder for all of us. I get caught up in it too sometime...but the best things always come when you're doing them out of plain love.
gorgeous Steemscape paintingAlso, @sweetsssj, I don't mean to pander, but I'm currently the high bidder over here for @customnature's ...and I absolutely want to win!! But more than that, I want more people to see it...It's so wonderful. I paid for a @randowhale for @customnature already, but I wish there was more I could do. Any chance you would take a look at it??? I'll send you ALL OF MY CUTE CAT PICTURES! here's a quick sample
cute! (and dangerous!!!! AAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!! but look at tail wrap...gotta keep the toesies warm)