I think reddit grew so much was the invlovement it created within communities. (Steemit has awesome communities which could move us to the top!)I think the best way for steemit to improve is to grow the comments section into a more organized way...
Think about it when you go on Reddit do you spend more time reading the actual post or more time reading the top voted comments? Me personally it's the comments... I'm not exactly sure the best way to do this....
The best I can come up with is maybe a "Highlighted" top 5 comments, which incentives peoples people to have meaningful comments? Also maybe incentivise the creator to use his upvote in the comments, say for example the more "voting power" spent in your comments can help steemit algorithm push your post to the top of trending/hot?
Thoughts anyone?
For anyone interested I always put "Comment your opinion below" on my posts to encourage people to comment meaningful comments and always drop a fat upvote on their comment....Helps yourself attract attention and the fishes at the bottom:-)