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RE: Sweetsssj's tips to successful lifestyle blogging on Steemit !

in #steemit8 years ago

Thanks a lot for the tips, it is really inspiring! I was thinking on how to write the blog. I'm keep thinking of "should I do what other bloggers do?", "should I copy their style?", "but they already have large number of subscribers, how am I able to do that..". All these thoughts are stopping me from blogging, your post really encourage me to continue my blogging. Thanks a lot!


keep it up! Persistence is key!
No accomplishment is ever worth celebrating about if it wasn't a challenge to achieve.

For anyone looking for tips on persistence... I recommend The Founders movie. It's true story about the Founder of McDonalds... In fact, I found quick clip referencing the scene about persistence. See it here:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence." :)