Croatian Steemit Association
There has been an increase in Croatian Steemit users in the past 6 months, roughly amounting to 130 users that are either fully active or are partially involved within the Steemit community, hence the decision to create a one place where we can all meet up to discuss about the Steemit, global decentralization, cryptocurrency and the benefits they all have in a gradual reformation of the monetary system and humanitarianism.
Education about Steemit and it's potentials to the new users
It might be hard to check for every Steemit user out there, and give him some insight on how to use this brand new and intricate system. But for specifically Croatian users, few of the devotees on the server can work interchangeably to help educate all of the users specifically from Croatia, to make sure all of the users are up to a date with Steemit, and are familiar with it's tools and rules, therefore by doing that improve the quality of the users and decrease abusive and spam behavior that many newcomers are not aware they are doing, by doing this we can create a stable Croatian community that will provide a good content and contribute to the original idea that Steemit had when it started, quality and stability.
Why Spread the word about Steemit online and on the streets in Croatia?
Here in Croatia we have somewhat apparent stability due to the fact that we are a very touristic country. We are ranked as the 7'th most popular destination and investment candidate in the world by the FDI, and ranked as te 24'th safest country in the world by TTCR, but as I've said it is only apparent to the outsiders. Here in Croatia even though we manage and we cannot complain about the natural wonders we are given, situation is very "Status Quo" and is kept that way by the inside/outside political influence since we broke of from Yugoslavia (not that the situation was much better while we were a part of the alliance)
Reason why it is a good idea to promote Steemit and cryptocurrency in our country, is that it could potentially increase our stability in the future, for both the people who support decentralization and those who don't, because of the overflow of dynamic investments which will come from all sides, not only abusive oligarch elite that is buying our land for nothing by changing tax laws like they are now, but individual people and small decentralized companies, which will pay onto us and thus onto the country of Croatia, whilst currently investors buy and the money goes outside of the country due to the tax embezzlement
In the near future the increase of cryptocurrency investments and it's usages are inevitable, crypto will replace fiat money slowly and with unimaginable blows to the World economy which will create instabilities even within the most economically stable countries in the World, but all this is very obviously necessary to break off from the tit of the monetary system. It is imperative to understand the individual role in all this, because in the future the "Stock Market" will be decentralized and we are all going to be forced to be our own stock brokers, and this is why it is really important to spread the word and organize ourselves for the future stability, let's put it this way, if the Steemit is the future Facebook (the most popular media in the world) and crypto is the new money, then when you see it like that, this platform isn't just as feeble as most people think it is right now (i.e. easy money etc.)
What is Discord and the Croatian Steemit Association server?
Discord is a (VOIP) Voice over Internet Protocol that has originally been built as a platform for the gaming exchange-communication, but is now being used widely across the net due to it's compact design and the ease of use, it currently has around 87 million users wordwide. It is being used across the Steemit as well, and one of the good reasons to use it is the fact that there you will meet many Steemian friends that share your insights and lead you through/help you with the tasks you are yet to be familiar with. It's compatibility, compactness and the ease of use will help us organize many things, including meet up's and the Croatian Steemfest, you can join the server via the link below.
![Click Here To Join.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmPf44ZRGewZ8BUvLLSxTPKc4AUo2rdVEbNfyiABRakF2f/Click%20Here%20To%20Join.png)
What are the goals and functions on this server?
Bringing more users right now essentially isn't a good idea due to the spam many newcomers do, but within this group we will endorse the creation of good content and contribution to the Steemit community, educate the newcomers and show them that this is more then just a "Facebook That Pays"
Our community as any other on Steemit will only grow if there is teamwork, and we need all the support we can get as a minority, our ambassadors here are a few, but you would be surprised what a few whales can change within this community. Together we can bring support from the Croatian ambassadors that reside in Croatia or are scattered in diaspora.
In the example of some servers already doing this, such as "Steemit Ramble" and "Whaleshares", we will have our own post promotional hangouts, where everybody will have their turn to present their post with a 5 minute interview, in this way there will be much more appreciation to each others posts as you get to interact with the post creator.
On the Croatian Steemit Association server everybody has the opportunity to share their post 3 times a day in the
#post-promocija channel and promote others or the non-Croat members can promote in the #post-promotion-others channel. In this way we will have easier access to the posts involved within the CSA community.
Those who want to contribute some media tutorials in our native language are always welcome to get involved, this will help us jump start the newcomer Steemians, as it is currently a bit confusing for many on how to do the basic functions of Steemit.
If there is any concern or doubts about making a fully fledged Croatian Steemfest, it is only because people are thinking in way that there is just a few of us, or that it is not possible to sync our time with each other. This is entirely not true as it is completely possible, think of it this way, we have a whole year to plan the festival and we can make it when the most of
us plan to have free days anyway, and the school and college is finished for the most of the people. I'm talking about the summer of course, and this is also practical because many people are oriented to the coastal line of Croatia from July to September anyway. It can be a gathering of two days in a conjunction with some other popular festivals or even if it happens we all agree on it, we can invest in our own small but private festival setup.
If the numbers worry anybody understand that all of us can/will bring our Steemian/non-Steemian friends with us, also that there are already some gathering in Croatia concerning cryptocurrency awareness that we can also work in conjunction with to increase the numbers. As I've said above bringing friends will not only make it more fun but it will also entice them to maybe join our community officially.
Our 2 day festival can consist out of 2 daily workshops involving education about the Steemit usage, decentralization, and crypto world, and maybe +1 workshop that will be a hangout/workshop (i.e. cooking, music, sport etc...)
And leaving evening for the hangouts around the city or the area where we will decide to create the event.
We can also publish/announce the hangout/fest on platforms like MeetUp.com, Couchsurfing.com, Workaway.com and similar to attract more people interested about the event.
Other meet up's and gatherings on a smaller scale, between just a few people sharing a city or a county, will be encouraged via Croatian Steemit Association, this will help to create real friendships which will enable even better communication and incentive within the community.
We have to agree on one thing, SBD is a pretty solid currency, be it on a rise or on a plummet. For us in Croatia the fact that 1 SBD equals (40 HRK in the moment I am writing this) means a lot more then for the countries with a stronger fiat currencies and we should respect this. I am suggesting now and will also suggest later on the group server, that we make a humanitarian fond where anyone can donate as much SBD as he/she wants and everybody else donates 0.50 SBD once a week. This will amount to a minimum of 4 SBD (160 HRK) a month per person, which will roughly if there is at least 100 of us be around 400 SBD (16.000 HRK) a month. If we make two festivals a year in the future and decide to invest that fond for the ones that need it the most, we will have around 96.000 HRK every six months, and that money is quite a sum considering that it took nothing out of our pockets, just a small 4 SBD a month.
The fond and the fond's account/password would be in a possession by all of the proven and trusted members within the community, the fund would be cashed out every month and transferred to a joint bank account that we would make on our first Steemfest, the account would be locked in the "savings mode" in the bank until the date we provide to the bank upfront, which would be roughly around the next expected Steemfest. On the next Steemfest we would withdraw all the money together and transfer it immediately to the ones that need it. Every time we will have plenty of time, 6 months to decide to whom will the money go and who needs it the most, we will also never endorse a personal case to prevent the abuse of the fond, only unless someone has proven that it is the case dire importance.
This bank account will be in a form of a stock that means that even if someone decides to take the money, it will not be possible to withdraw more than that person's share of the fond, the withdrawal that the bank of course requires other members to approve anyway. This makes it impossible to abuse the fond because we would all need to agree to take the money but that would only mean that everybody just gets their share they gave in the first place, only around 20 SBD (average monthly earning of a newcomer to Steemit)
Anybody who was not included below contact me on discord in a private message and give me a name of your account so I can add it to the list
@olegw @dubydoo25 @stalexmkl @hellenita @spalatino @gingergeorge @stefandimic @schkure @lukaluci @rivercityguy @robi8888 @tince @pantareis @jele.mala @jkcroatia @stefan9696 @labakj @adamtomislav @tonka25 @alktoni @ana-maria @askdeano @big.mama @buzzbeergeek @cmoljoe @cutwitviky @damirkatusic @danijel @deniro @dumar022 @edith1990 @fibra59 @filiplujic @fminerten1 @igorzil @lasper @leonarda @matejka13 @mateyav @mblazetic @moon32walker @muhi @novina @pepe.maya @rcecelja2503 @ronhilda @runicar @sarahcroatia @amw @lensational @scout-adventures @ssekulji @sspanovic @tina-emm @to-tru @velimir @awakentolife @crocoin @drax @mekky @lufcija @ibklimpak @matija46 @miss.angie @antminer @antoniokarteli @faces @marin23 @tom28 @alexcote @exanime15 @kriptonoob @lovepath @svarozich @telasius @kanu1988 @xnte @positivity420 @dbkdom @rita0404 @ivyy @chr0nix @katarinazaja , @gymbuddy, @vela1974, @budzy, @sanjalydia, @frenkifc @johnz14 @croata @zija2022 @matko-md @ivitodigital @mistislav88 @gamingarea @trospa @worldfinances @ocupation @bilogorac @marina-rogic @jaksa @keyss @tonylup @ivorius @health1st @careassaktart @damirb @dramalens @josipdomin @bonvivan @frajer @jelena.koprivica @dtworker @mikisolus @jokster @lana-iz-tounja @tmntzara @iamsilvia @AlenaN @mateakrnic @gamer83 @ivan.atman @terezakumric @thelittlemile @thebigmile @zitazz @docsmith @zen-art @silentscreamer @fotograpixx @redrumtom
I would like you to discover one of the authentic whales/witnesses on Steemit @gtg he helped me personally numerous times even though he is overflowed with messages 24/7 I am grateful for this and his appreciation, I will always do as I can to repay him for showing me around, one of things I can do is to support him by voting for him as a witness, he truly works for the community and wants this community to have stability and a good content flow I ensure you.
Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 8 "New Designs"
Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 7 "Right Time For Us"
Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 6 "Special Delivery"
Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 5 "Wind Swept Shore"
Open Mic Collaboration With @supermiaou "Oh Chuva"
Beatbattle Week 17
Beatbattle Week 16
Beatbattle Week 15
Check My Pictures and Music in the picture links below:
Nemoj zaboravit da SBD lako može past nazad na peg liniju tj. na 1SBD=1USD. Ovo je trenutno previše napuhano da bi bilo održivo, sa rastom cijene Steema više SBD-a ce se printati i to ce vratiti cijenu nazad na održivu razinu. Previše je pohlepe u zraku, ljudi votaju na svoje komentare da izvucu šta više SBD-a dok traje "akcija".
nije prave ekonomije ako se sve zadrži za sebe. U takvom slučaju , volatilnost=1, i to ubija cijenu valute.
ali to nije nista cudno za novu/nove valute, a pogotovo jer su vanka sistema i nemaju zlato kao pokriće, i FIAT i CRYPTO će u nedalekoj budućnosti počet raditi katastrofalne varijacije, to je jednostavno činjenica, tako je bilo i kad se počelo prelazit sa srebra/zlata na nikal/broncu i kada se s nikla/bronce prelazilo na papirnate dionice/FIAT@moon32walker svjestan sam što radi @haejin i slicna ekipa i njima ce uskoro doći kraj kada dođe nova reformacija Steemit-a sa svojim token generatorima i jos puno novih praktikalija koje ce skratit mogućnosti zloupotrebe, i znam da svake godine Steemit daje x 100% u opticaj radi inflacije to su i najavili u whitelistu, ali nije bitno jeli SBD 1$ ili 9$, bitno je koliki potencijal ima ova platforma, jako inteligentni ljudi stoje posrijedi i ode ima dosta utjecajnih ljudi kojima je stalo do stabilizacije, jedna od najbitnijih stvari je da razumimo koliko ce se stvari promjeniti zbog crypto valuta i ovakih platformi, znam da priće o balunu koji ce puknit idu naokolo, o bitcoinu da ce tresti po podu i SBD s njima itd...
@ivan.atman ljepo da si me dodao :) Ampak sem iz Slovenije. Vaš susjed. Pitaj @olegw ;)
bok @worldfinances nema veze, radim i Steemit Balkan Alliance isto server kao ovaj, prikupljam sve balkance na listu, javlja mi pomalo GinaBot, objavit cu ovih dana kada dovrsim, biti ces pozvan i tamo kao i svi s balkana 👍 😎
Ni problema. Ta SBA aliansa njuši po YU nostalgiji :) zezam se...
ništa ex-yu nonsense 😏 ovo radim iz praktičnih razloga, da funkcioniramo bolje i uspostavimo komunikaciju, radionicu, tutoriale, okupljanja itd...
p.s. samo mi ode u komentar zaljepi svoje sunarodnjake koje znas vec tako da i njima posaljem link kada server bude gotov, Hrvate sam skoro sve povatao
Bravo - resteem :)
Pozdrav pozdrav Ekipa! Bas sam se pitala kad cu naletit nase ovdje. 😊
Ja sam aktivna zadnji par dana, sviram violinu, pjevam i tako dalje. Radim kao zamjenica koncertnog majstora u splitskom HNK sviram u bendu Treblemakers-Split i htjela bi vidit mogu li kakvu korist izvuc iz ove stranice. Koju kunu zaradit dodatnu i malo se ispromovirat.
Naravno @silentscreamer ova platforma je jako korisna za umjetnike, ja sam i sam jedan :) te sam iz Splita kao i ti, poslao sam ti poruku na tvoj zadnji da nam se pridružiš na discord serveru, tamo cemo te poduciti kako funkcionirati ovdje i jedni druge isto tako ubuduće
Dvije stvari kada dođeš na server:
Vidimo se :)
Great work, congratulations!
Hvala @rcecelja2503 👍
Going to do my best to follow each and every one of you!
@olegw @dubydoo25 @stalexmkl @hellenita @spalatino @gingergeorge @stefandimic @schkure @lukaluci @rivercityguy @robi8888 @tince @pantareis @jele.mala @jkcroatia @stefan9696 @labakj @adamtomislav @tonka25 @alktoni @ana-maria @askdeano @big.mama @buzzbeergeek @cmoljoe @cutwitviky @damirkatusic @danijel @deniro @dumar022 @edith1990 @fibra59 @filiplujic @fminerten1 @igorzil @lasper @leonarda @matejka13 @mateyav @mblazetic @moon32walker @muhi @novina @pepe.maya @rcecelja2503 @ronhilda @runicar @sarahcroatia @amw @lensational @scout-adventures @ssekulji @sspanovic @tina-emm @to-tru @velimir @awakentolife @crocoin @drax @mekky @lufcija @ibklimpak @matija46 @miss.angie @antminer @antoniokarteli @faces @marin23 @tom28 @alexcote @exanime15 @kriptonoob @lovepath @svarozich @telasius @kanu1988 @xnte @positivity420 @dbkdom @rita0404 @ivyy @chr0nix @katarinazaja , @gymbuddy, @vela1974, @budzy, @sanjalydia, @frenkifc @johnz14 @croata @zija2022 @matko-md @ivitodigital @mistislav88 @gamingarea @trospa @worldfinances @ocupation @bilogorac @marina-rogic @jaksa @keyss @tonylup @ivorius @health1st @careassaktart @damirb @dramalens @josipdomin @bonvivan @frajer @jelena.koprivica @dtworker @mikisolus @jokster @lana-iz-tounja @tmntzara @iamsilvia @AlenaN @mateakrnic @gamer83 @ivan.atman @terezakumric @thelittlemile @thebigmile @zitazz @docsmith @zen-art @silentscreamer
Are maybe a Croatian expat, we have 13k people in Toronto 😉heck even a national soccer team C.N.S.C. hahaNice @ozwald 👍
Dobra idea - pratim.
Great Job you are doing.
bravo konacno se neko i toga sjetio
@lasper 👍
The Steemit awareness is needed all around world especially in my country.
Zajdeno smo jaci :D
Naravno @keyss 👍
Mislim da ja nisam još niti mjesec dan dio Steemit-a, ali mislim da ću uspjevati izdvajati nešto SBDa za fond! Čini mi se da ne zarađujem još toliko, ali vidjet ćemo kako će se stvari odvijati...
Hvala na obavijesti!
Apvotao & ristimao! ;)
👍 super @careassaktart samo da znas ovo je tek danas pocelo i fond je tema koja ce doci na svoj red, za sada se samo usmjeri na rađenju dobrih postova i stjecanju prijatelja na našem serveru i tako i na drugim, sve konce o tome kako funkcionirati na Steemit-u ces uskoro imati na serveru, napraviti cu tutoriale sutra, jesi li se uspio pridružiti na discord, ako ti treba pomoć samo zovi, pozz
Evo danas ću se pridruziti vašem serveru jer bio je dug i žestok vikend...
moze @careassaktart vidimo se tamo 👍
I BTW, može li mi tko bolje pojasniti na "naški" što je to zapravo "witness"?
witness su ukratko korisnici koji su dokazali da su spremni pridonositi Steemit community-u, vecinom oni koji su tu od pocetka, isto tako oni zarađuju na drugačije načine osim post-ova (barem vecina njih) malo vise o tome ovdje https://steemit.com/steemit-guides/@pfunk/a-full-steemit-user-s-guide-to-steem-witnesses
OK, pročitao. Da li je moguće da linkam nekim witnessima, kojima bih dao glas, pa da oni i meni podijele malo i svoj upvote za neke sadržaje?!
@careassaktart ne funkcionira to tako, samo radi na kvaliteti i duljini svojih post-ova na autentican nacin i biti ces primjecen pomalo, vecinu witnessa mozes kontaktirat preko chat-a ali to samo radi na svoju odgovornost, nemoj nikada molit za upvote ili follow jer ga tako nećeš dobit, samo pomalo i kvalitetno nađi naćine za post-promociju kao minnowsupport, whaleshares, steemit ramble na discordu itd... i vidjet ces rezultate
Mislim da sam se već registrirao na whaleshares, ali uopće ne kužim kako to funkcionira?!
Pri registraciji na Whaleshares WhaleBot mi napiše da slobodno mogu dijeliti sadržaje na post-promotions... Idem sad to probati...
pa evo, daj glas @fbslo on je prvi Slo witness, btw: witnessi su u stvari mineri, oni potvrdjuju sve transakcije na steem blockchainu...
OK, gdje da ga nađem? Daš neki link, molim te?
pa dao sam ti link evo još jednom @fbslo
Hvala! Pročitat ću!
Ivane thanks za ovo. Prijavila sam se na server i sad bacam poglede u dalj i tu i tamo dok vas ne pohvatam. Budem vikala kad mi stvari postanu nejasne :)
uspjela si @zen-art 👍 super
Hi Ivan, how you doing man?
I really like this initiative, me and my buddy @runicar are pretty active on Steemit and we had some similar ideas!
Would love to keep in touch, peace
I'm glad you appreciate it, yes of course, let's keep in touch @enjoyinglife 👍 😎
I'm from Cro :P
Super @enjoyinglife 👍 vidimo se na serveru onda, samo učini dvije stvari kada dođeš, neka ti je ime isto kao i na steemitu radi međusobnog raspoznavanja, te se javi u kanal svoje županije da se zna odakle si, radi lakse komunikacije kod manjih okupljanja
Vazi :P
Jupi. Baš super. Sad sam si tak hepi.
👍 😎
Sviđa mi se inicijativa. :)
Mi smo osmeročlana ekipa na steemitu i potpuno novi smo ovdje (prije tjedan dana čuli za steemit, a prije sat vremena prvi post).
Malo smo istražili steemit ovih dana i sviđa nam se, al imat ćemo vjerovatno dosta pitanja. :D
Naravno @tripdespider dobrodošli i vidimo se na serveru
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Odlično je vidjeti da nas ima i na ovoj platformi!
Pozdrav svima :)
👍 😎 pozdrav @edwinbeutti vidimo se na serveru
svaka cast na ideji @ivan.atman !
Pozdrav ekipa,ja sam novi ovdje pa ako moze bilo kakva pomoc oko steemita kao npr follow ili sta je najbolje vise komentirat ili stavljat postove..lipi pozdrav,živi i veseli bili ✌
Pozdrav, možeš mi objasnit kako da se pridružim sa starim discord accountom? Kad se pridružim preko linka traži me za ime i napravi se novi account...
@freegardens probaj samo pronaci Steemit Balkan Alliance putem discorda onda, ili mi daj svoj account pa ti posaljem invite u dm pa bi onda trebalo raditi
Evo ga unutra sam, predstavio sam se. Da znaš za ubuduće ako netko pita, mora stisnuti plus ispod grupa i zalijepiti link za prijavu koji si stavio u svoj post.
@freegardens Evo vidim da si stigao, nedjeljom ti imamo glasovno okupljanje od 21h do 23h di nas bude 15-20, pomalo se upoznaj s ekipom u neke sate nas nema u neke sate smo svi, omogucio sam ti "post-curation kanal di se mozes promovirati samo procitaj pravila koje samo ti poslao u dm
Hvala na svemu, za sad nemam nikakvu opremu za live snimanje zvuka ili videa tako da ću izostat od toga.
Hrvatice i Hrvati, doista moramo iskoristiti svoj največi kapital a to su ljudski kadrovi.
Imamo prilike ovdje na Steemit ispraviti krivu Drinu, dok su političarima u koje kakvim vladama RH smetali Hrvatice i Hrvati izvan Domovine, i izvan današnje RH nama ovdje su te osobe i te kakvo potrebne.
Ne mislim samo po pitanju glasanja i novaca, ne smijemo se spuštati na razinu koje kakvih otpada bivšeg velikdosrpskog jugokomunističkog režima u koje kakvim grančicama bivšeg SK. Mi ako mislimo uspjeti kao Hrvatski Narod moramo se udružiti.
Ne smijemo se odnositi prema našem Narodu kao da samo mačeha, ne smijemo ni u ćemu se odnositi prema njima kao da su oni manje vrijedni.
Počevših od neustavnih grbova iznad Hrvatskog Grba po kojem su samo priznati Hrvatice i Hrvati iz pet pokrajina Lijepe Naše DOmovine, do sitnica poput izgovora "Mi i Oni, ili Mi i Vi".
Razmislite malo.
Imamo priliku dokazati kako su Hrvatice i Hrvati jedinstven narod, nisu nas "političari" u zadnjih 20 i kusur godina razdvojili, mi smo jedan jedinstven Narod.
Ako Židovi to mogu sa svojom malom "dijasporom" onda možemo mi bolje od njih. Država Izrael prihvača, podržava, ljubi i štiti svoj narod diljem svita. Zašto onda ne bi mi naučili od njih, mi Hrvatski Narod koji ima kud i kamo veču emigraciju (dijasporu) od Izraela.
Razmislite malo sada kada je tek početak ovoga štos e pokreče, ako se u samome početku krene istim stopama onih velikosrpskih sluga iz SK koji su ranih 90ih pa sve do današnjeg dana krali i uništavali sve što je Hrvatsko, ako budemo nastavili s njihovim pristupom, sa koje kakvim petokrakama izna Hrvatskog Grba, ako budemo nastavili sa njihvovom jguopartizanskom politikom "Mi i Oni", onda nema tu sriče.
Lako je kazati, valja to živjeti i disati.
Bog i Hrvati.
E vidiš, zbog ovakvih se ježim ikakvih viritualnih grupiranja Hrvata. Život je prekratak da bi trošio energiju na ovakve.
Što bi ti, da se četnička stoka i njihove sluge koji su nama u saboru da nama ovdje vode kolo?
Čoravi stvore, zbog takvih se mladež seli odavde, koji bi sve za đabe, bez odgovornosti kako naša raja veli "jebao bi se a da mu ne uđe".
Najvridniji resursi na ovome svietu su "ljudski kadrovi", mi ih imamo a odbacuju se kao da su zadnje smeće.
Dok ti ljudi žive kao ljudi, određeni žive onako kako ih određen vođa opisao "stoka sitnog i krupnog zuba".
A drugi narodi ovoga svieta pametno kapitaliziraju u ime općeg narodnog dobra na sve svoje ljudske resurse.
Ako će druženje biti za ono što je šaka četnika i njihovi sluga u Jajcu nacrtalo onda neka bude, ja sam nezavisan i zaboli me za sve što se veže za čorave kokoši.
Ispeci pa reci, pajdo, i to ti je stara Hrvatska izreka koja očigledno važi za tebe.
Ti si iz Minhenske bojne doša vamo širit govor mržnje. A vreti se na Facebook!
hohoho, de si drug? pa zar i ovde?
Međutim nemoj pogriješiti o čemu se ovdje radi, niko ne negira da smo mi svoj narod ovdje nego je priča skroz drugačija. Naime ovdje se radi o decetralizaciji, koja ce zapravo pomoći ne odmoći Hrvatskom narodu da uzme konce u svoje ruke baš zato jer ne moramo niti mijenjati niti rušiti svoju vladu da bi se mjenjali kroz decentralizirani sistem. Jako je bitna edukacija ovih novih sistema jer su u posrijedi malo kompleksnije te jako nove nikad isprobane sistematizacije crypto valuta. Više o tome cemo uciti zajedno na serveru, samo par stvari imaj na umuBok @jaksa hvala ti na tvojem feedback-u
Server je zaštićen od lošeg jezika i svih poznatijih političkih riječi (npr. HDZ, SDP, ustaše, partizani, imena generala, političkih vođa i slično) radi prevencije zasipanja tematike koja nije povezana sa Steemit-om i trenutnom situacijom
Neka ti je ime na serveru kao i ovdje na Steemit-u radi lakseg međusobnog prepoznavanja, te se javi u kanal svoje županije da se zna odakle si zbog dogovora županijskih okupljanja