This is a very meaningful discussion of important issues. If I can add anything, it's probably that the democratic approach works. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, because of their own actions. On top of that, some people rise above the majority to help others here on Steemit. -But no matter how much they try to help, those who don't really enjoy the platform will eventually leave. Whether they earn or not won't matter. 'Social-mediaing' is fun and they will keep doing it elsewhere. Too much social-mediaing, at least for me, makes people poorer. This is just based on my observation.
Standardizing subjective behavior/perspective is just not possible: some people value memes more than 1000-word posts, and vice versa.
-Some memes are worth more than a thousand words if they have strong messages and convey emotions really quickly. It's the same idea behind limiting a song to four minutes. Any more than that may not contribute to the value of the piece and may even cause the composer to lose listeners halfway through the song depending on other factors.
All can not be assumed to be of equal intelligence. So what is great content to u may not be for me as I am not that intelligent.