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RE: .

in #steemit7 years ago

I could patron, but I'm missing some 7sbd for the high stakes :D if it's a tough week I would chip in now, if not I'd wait till next week or the following :) I have to say I just read my first post from you and I do know how you feel, It's a tough grind, many have fallen under it, many have walked out, in the end it shouldn't be about rewards, at least that's how I feel although I'd like to have them as much as the next guy... like @enternamehere I've stopped posting a few times for my year here, actually there are a few times that I have posted, mostly I comment and read, then get tired and overworked and stop, I'm nervous enough as it is to come here relying on whales and dolphins to feed the fish :)

it is what it is :)

I hope the art scene grows and manages to support itself in the modern times, maybe you can explore the other possibilities as well utopian, dtube and dsound even dmania :D you can move the shit posts there and still grind, while you work for the remainder of the day, it is tough however, consistency and the burn from overworking are tough to balance out

oh and shameless self promotion since you said master so much, it's my master post after all :)

also substituted steemit for busy :P .


Burn out, I have come to realize, is a true struggle for the creative folks here. Youtube has the same problem though. A lot of platforms really have that problem... so yeah... all I can do is hope to find a work around to keep me sane while I try to do the real work. Sigh - ya know? Doesn't help that I am also just another human with complicated emotions/anxiety/depression just trying to make a way for myself as an artist.

I would greatly appreciate the support if you are in a place to help. enh sent 5 and if I can make up the 10$ between other donators I got this piece covered and can commit to it without worry ha ha

How would you like to claim adspace on these posts should you become a sponsor? Do you have a footer image I could include and link to your work/channel/feed?