His baby daughter can be clearly heard crying and he gets mad. Then he later lied about the whole thing on steemit, claiming it was a kitten making the noise. Troy Reid just cannot stop lying.Listen to the first second of @thediyworld ‘s new video today.
Trog’s known steemit accounts so far:
Downloaded and sent to the welfare dept looking at his case!
welfare wont do anything if he aint on welfare. You must have their number on speed dial, when you check to see if your food stamps are in
Those guys are so crazy. They continue to turn me in to any and every authority they can think of in hopes of making something stick one day.
I keep telling them that YouTube pays my bills. And they are right here on steemit trying to reduce my income here too. They openly declare they want to destroy my life.
One day I hope to find legal help. They have given me all the info I ever need to win a court case.
he is not talking about the welfare troy relies on to feed his family deer corn and stray cats, he is talking about the child protection agency that makes regular checkups to see if the child is still alive
So if Troy's child cries in the middle of the night, he says, "go back to sleep Melanie, it's just the cat..." ???
More on the way.
It was a cat, because I was there at the time of filming
troy just retracted his many denials and said we were correct, it was the kid. Egg on your face much?
He is the one that truly loves trog for his intelligence but then having an IQ of 3 doesn't really work well for him. His mommy probably created this acct for him to have something to do besides jack off
@michaelrock747 Which one of T-liar’s goons on youtube are you?
wow really... you really want to flat out lie about being at troys home during this video? when it has already been proven it was the baby crying.... just goes to show what kind of person you are.