One of my sister in law's has had an extremely horrible experience with other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and it has reached a point where she can't use these social platforms without paying for it with mental abuse verbal abuse and also some sexual harassment and misconduct. So I talk to her today and explain to her that if she wanted to be a part of a community that isn't here to nitpick and slander every post you make, or question why your views are not in alignment with what they believe in. If you don't conform to appease the masses on Facebook you'll be harassed, your posts will be removed And also you could be kicked for posting things that do not align with Facebook's agenda.
When you post something, content that some people might not agree with , and content some people might find completely offensive to their views , but that doesn't mean that you will be harrased or threatened until you remove your post and conform to there agenda .
That's why I intoduced my in law , I was tired of her bein made fun of and bullied when all she wants are some friends to talk to and socialize , and #steemit will not tolerate that kind of behavior .
She already has her profile set up , I just don't know how to find here .if anyone knows how I can look her up please let me know I would like to follow her and help her understand some of the different rules and regulations that are necessary for this platform to run like a well oiled machine , which it does thanks to all the effort and commitment of all the dedicated believers out there , without us this wouldn't be possible we don't need some billionaires in Silicon Valley making money off of the sheeple that can't think for themselves .We don't need that useless waste ,we have steemit , A platform that is more useful than any other social network on the face of this earth , and if anyone can challenge me prove me wrong , steemon ,
by the way please if there's anyway I can find my sister-in-law please point me in the right direction I appreciate everyone's support and help , have a good night , steemonnnn!
Just a stab in the dark, but if she's your friend you could simply ask her for her username and go to replacing "@username" with the name of your friend.
Just an extra tip
Make sure she also stores her keys in a very special place (like on paper).
So many people have a computer crash, or they even forget where they put the keys 6 months after they join.
When they want to sell a few SBD, they can't remember how to log back in with an ACTIVE key (instead of their normal posting key).
When you say Active/posting key when logging in do you mean the generated password that you receive when you make your account? Because that is the only password I use and I have it on paper, should I be doing something different instead ? I just thought that would be most secure ?
Every account has 3 keys:
Posting - this account can post and comment "only"
Active - this account can post and comment and TRANSFER funds
Owner - this account can post and comment and TRANSFER funds AND also set new keys for posting and active
It is important to find out all 3 keys and keep them.
You can get buy with just a POSTING key. But should you want to transfer your funds or power down and send them to an exchange to cash out, if you've lost your ACTIVE or OWNER key, you are s-o-l
Okay once again , thanks brother . This is vital info and is detrimental to my well being in the case of losing the owner key or any other bad situation ...... but I got something I would like to share with you that I came across today and I am working on its validity but I would like your opinion and also if it is true what will be the consequences ? Positive , Negative ? I am not sure ..
At the bottom of the article there is a link to a video and links that i have not clicked on yet I just read the info , if you can let me know what you get out of the Information I would appreciate it .
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Good opportunities are not "sold" that way with huge marketing language.
It's done to bait the vulnerable. I've seen lots of hype documents like that link has... Within reading 4-5 sentences I knew it was garbage.
Any good think that will make a lot of money people keep it a secret. The best opportunities are the ones you discover on your own, that no one is talking about.
If someone isn't pumping or pushing it, you have a chance to make money.
If someone is pumping or pushing it in that way (with massive marketing language) they want you to buy in, so they can get out. :)
I Have a question about these tokens #steemit is getting involved with . are they going to affect the value of steem? Or the platform in general ?
If you have time to set me straight on some of those things that would be awesome , THANKS again you really motivated me , to realize that i can do this , I will do this and its my time to make it happen !!!! NO BS your a major part of that , just saying ........ steeeeeeeemonnnnnnnAlso , if i use steem to buy SBD and steem goes up to $ 3 a coin a week later it doesn't matter because SBD stays the same right ? SBD does not fluctuate on the same bases as steem does right ? If not then I cant have all my eggs in one basket , I need to diversify my account to give myself a little bit of a chance to capitalize on whatever the situation brings my way . But im not sure im on the right track here when it comes to my info about the values or the fluctuations of #steem / #SBD ?