Beware of your own excitement
Although I am particularly excited about this platform and the vision of the founders, I keep my feet on the ground and tried to unseal the weaknesses of this platform that could led to fail.
Lessons from the ecosystem
Indeed, the crypto ecosystem shows us continuously that we should not take things for granted. In this space, no matter how great & interesting initiatives people creates, they could fail and fail big. The failure of TheDao whose smart contract was yet validated by the key players of the Ethereum ecosystem is one of the most recent proof.
To the moon… or fail fast
But even if Steem fails it will be a good thing because it will bring to those who take the risk of building this kind of outstanding project valuable lessons. Failure after failure, this will only strengthen the ecosystem as a whole.
Get value along the way
Personally as a simple user, I won’t be directly affected if the platform fails. As you may know, It is often said: “invest what you can afford to lose”. Well so far I have invested 0€. I mainly invest time to write and inform myself about the mechanism of this platform.And for someone who is trying to write more regularly, being rewarded with steem power and steem dollars is a nice source of motivation. So if the steem market crashes, I will be fine, because during that time, this platform would have 'teached' me to write more regularly while paying attention to others: the readers.
Thats exactly my approach too, I don't expect it to be around as long as big social networks like reddit, facebook or twitter.
So until this platform ends, I want to learn something, maybe even see how far I could get with my writing skills or the steems I may earn.. So also because I invested "0" it's kind of a game for me, to always try to reach a higher level. And along the way I improve my writing and language skills.
Very nice :) I'm reading "how to play well with others" between the lines lol.
Good luck! I see that you have a couple posts that made out pretty good on this platform. I have yet to post a worthy one lol but i'm reading everything and learning some new stuff like you said. Blessed Be!
Yes thank you kalaylah, indeed, i just put some effort to write something that I like and that I think may find an audience, and when suddenly it works that is nice :-) Good luck to you too!