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RE: Open Letter to Ned and Dan: You Badly Need a Communications/Community/Content Expert and I Hereby Nominate @stellabelle or @donkeypong For That Job

in #steemit8 years ago

I feel that this next hard-fork, and the lack of clarity about the changes to the voting/ curation system that comes packaged along with it, is designed to cause further price dumps in Steem, probably allowing price to hit a "strong" technical-analysis support price before changing things back in a future HF (prior price "floor"?). Why do I feel that? Because I'm not convinced that the developers are dumb enough to think that this up-coming HF will result in anything other than more confusion and "selling pressure." They just can't be that stupid. ARE that stupid and they, SORELY, need a better communicator at the top, because this lack-of-clarity-and-clear-direction thing that they're doing is set to drop prices to previous lows (floor), and perhaps then, QUITE some...if you catch my drift.

Blunt as a butter-knife I may be, but I've earned it, and I owe it to myself to not withhold it. I've been around these games (of "penny-stock manipulation") long enough to know how they generally work. Your general penny-stock will do it with phony (fluffy) press releases - otherwise known as "empty promises" - no big deal, I buy day one, and cash out on "dumb money" buys on day two or three. No pains and big gains. Here, on Steemit, the hard forks are substituted for press releases. Again, no big deal. Players gotta play the game, or get hustled. I short it to the floor.

I don't care whether the Steemit team just plays dumb or actually is dumb, I just want to get the most value (read that as: make the most money) out of my time spent, cuz I'm worth a lot in my opinion, lol.