You can't make a dime if you don't spend your time. Spending time on steemit is not profitable for everyone. How can someone with 100 followers compete with someone providing their content to thousands of eyes? Well here's an effective and profitable way to even the playing field and start scoring more with steem and crypto in general.
When joining you are afforded around 500 coins to begin your collection of crypto, the creation of tasks which you pay your chosen amount to completers to, for example upvote and comment on a steemit post you're proud of but just isn't getting the eyes it deserves. The completion of fellow kryptonians tasks thats rewards and replenishes your own stack of SUP. These privacy coins are on 3 exchanges and provide opportunity for aquiring a lot for a low price with long term goals for major growth and stability in the market as well as providing more uses over time.
So if you want to guide a little more traffic to your social media platform sign up with, link your social media accounts and recieve the coins providing you the power to pay back the people that pay you so everyone wins. Each account gets a seperate award when connected, twitter, facebook, we get people a little more connected with superior coin. - superior coin
Great post
so many people is into kryptonia now. almost 135 task to do. nice. i know for sure that supcoin will rise soon and I'll definitely hodl on to this coins until that day.
a lot of people are loving kryptonia now. i just know it from the start. nice.
superior coin and kryptonia to the moon.
Brilliant!!! Superior Coin is getting better every day
nice post, in #Kryptonia we can make more friends as well
The benefits @Kryptonia offers which you do a great job highlighting in this article are for real. For more evidence just check out some of my recent post and you can quickly see from the amount of up votes & comments on my post from kryptonia users the benefits are clear.
Kryptonia and Steemi have synergy. Using Kryptonina Tasks helps you get comments/resteems/upvotes on your posts.
You can now connect your Steemit Account to your Kryptonia profile.
This is a great way to grow your network and increase you earnings on steemit!
wow great article
Support SUP and kryptonia they have an awesome team.
great post. kryptonia to the moon.
Great post,i love kryptonia, sup to the moon
Great job. Upvote courtesy of @Jerry32 from kryptonia. Nice work here, and You'll get plenty of referrals for your link. You should sign up here and use your referral link. You get 120 coins per referral! I'm already up to over 500 coins and I just signed this morning. Check it out, here's a screenshot of my coins......
Thanks for sharing. I know a lot of people will be going to love kryptonia soon if they know it. Keep sharing the good news! Kryptonia name: @charity user name: @khieshecha
Kryptonia is made by brialliant minds! Thanks for these people who are behind this platform. I am one of those who enjoy in their labor..agree?!! Upvotedand commented by rubelynmacion of krypto
Great post.
I'm beginning to fall in love with Kryptonia
Excelente información para SUP! gran moneda, gran futuro!
@omontoya46 from Kryptonia
SUP is bouncing up and down.Hopefully will grow and get stability
The whole Cryptocurrency market is up and down now just SUP. Currencies follow the Bitcoin price.
Yeah im pretty sure it will
I love Kryptonia! Thanks for sharing! Lets continue spreading kryptonia! @zhayie03
Task completed