Just taking a moment to appreciate and celebrate some fun milestones on steemit. 500 followers and 1000 Steem Power
And to share some of my thoughts on what it's like to be here as an early adopter.
As a photographer social media has been very important for my career and I've been very involved in lots of them.
It's kinda funny getting so excited about 500 followers because pretty much every other social media I use has way way way more than that and it was way quicker and easier to get much larger numbers elsewhere... but I'm really proud of my Steemit numbers because I've been working hard at it. Interacting a ton, commenting a lot obviously with "1500 posts" and I've been voting a ton as well sometimes 50+ votes a day. And this isn't my first rodeo.
I can't remember working this hard on a social media since back in 2012 when Google Plus was a huge deal in the Photography Community, I would be on there hours every day interacting and helping the photography community along with a bunch of other great influential photographers... and all my interns wondered why I was spending all my time there (while they organized and rated pictures for me thankfully) I told them it was an investment of time and energy that I knew would pay off. Even though Google Plus kinda died it was a huge boon to my business. It led to several weddings around the world and a ton of really great friendships with worldclass photographers. Heck that's how I became friends with @derekkind as he was just getting going in photography. So even though it didn't last as long as we hoped the investment was well worth it.
I was also on FB and Twitter as an early adopter where I didn't have hardly a friend on there so I had to go out and make new connections but then lots of friends quickly came. Admittedly I was kinda sorta late to Instagram and Youtube but still there before the masses and those networks seemed easier to get large followings because It wasn't in early days because those platforms already had large user bases and I knew lots of people who were already very successful there so that was helpful for me (not my case on steemit). I jumped in quickly on Ello and now Vero but didn't do hardly anything because I never beleived much in them or could warrant spending time away from other networks.
Of almost all the social media numbers Steemit is the smallest still... but I understand that's because it's early adopter time period and the masses are yet to come. Almost none of my followers on any other social media are on Steemit. (I've brought just a small handful of my friends) But the idea is one day the rest will be here and they'll know someone here. However in the meantime those 500 followers represent people that I'm cheering for and in many cases investing time and my vote in so they do better and better because helping them rewards me in the future.
- 500 Steemit
- 5000 Twitter (I was active in 2008-2009 now they have picture abilities but it came like 3-4 years to late for me)
- 8000 FB Biz page (haven't focused on or posted much in 4-5 years, Because FB was a total bait and switch scam)
- 11,000 Youtube (I just couldn't fit it into my schedule to edit video on top of everything else so it's been 3-4 years since being active there, love the idea and love all my Youtuber friends and still spend a lot of time with them)
- 11,000 FB personal page (That represents 3-4k personal friends, clients and people I've actually met so obviously I really love that one. It's still where most of my photography business comes from)
- 50,000 Instagram (It actually is probably one of my more powerful social media... I can get a lot of interaction and views... the audience is just very different. I'm learning how to stay active there while putting most my time in Steemit)
- 440,000 Google Plus (I haven't posted much there since about 2015... like I said I owe a lot of thanks to this site for the time I was on there)
Let's revisit an idea I alluded to ... on steemit you're not just trying to get huge numbers of followers but you're trying to create really good connections. And you're mentally hoping that your connections continue to thrive on the platform. That's a bit deal in comparison to the other networks. On steemit I want my friends to succeed and perhaps even do better than me because they will have even more potential for economic benefit in my life. I want those 500 followers to double triple or 100x their vote power. I want to teach them what I know about steemit and even photography so they post even better stuff so they can get better posts and perhaps little by little more and more steem.
Sure I want to bring in my big influencer friends for some of the same reasons. However, I know that the early adopter phase of the social media isn't quite right for many of them and it represents a little too high of a risk compared to the places that are paying their bills right now. But I'm learning lots to help them once it is right for them and perhaps being a good base to help kickstart their adventure here once they make it. I know they love the idea, I've talked to many people with huge followings on other platforms... they're willing and one day there will be that wave and momentum they're looking for to push them solidly over to steemit. Right now it's hard for them to spend time away from their other platforms specially when their followings are larger than the entire user base of every single person on steemit.
I think for us early adopters the key is just building good foundations for the site for when that moment happens and a key aspect is to still be here for when the wave hits. Of all the social medias I probably gave up on twitter too soon. But it's not really a big deal to me because it just didn't appeal to my really wordy personality. It wasn't a good fit for who I am, plus it went many years without a good ability to show off pictures, and there still really aren't a ton of economic reasons to be there. Obviously I get to be really verbose on steemit and some people love to soak up knowledge and insights here, moreso than other places.
But 1000 Steem is pretty much impossible in 3 months without some sort of investment beyond time.
And she gets to have a good little economic impact as well with her vote . It's not huge of course what we get to do with our votes even at 1000sp but it still is fun to be able to get new users excited about some numbers moving up from time to time. And to some people in some places it is actually really impactful.I've been lucky to have the backing of folks like @cryptoctopus and win a few good contests that helped with steem power and then I've been consistently publishing content.
I migrated a good share of my meager crypto currency holdings over to Steemit because I love this concept that I can invest in a coin while using it's benefits to impact the lives of others and have it help grow an audience and in the end increase that amount of coins by some work. In addition my brother does lots of investing so he sent some steem my way as an investment for himself while saying "Make sure you help the family with this" ... My sister was originally just gonna get steem to add to her investment portfolio but she loved the community so much she stuck around. Because let's face it @photogames is pretty awesome!
On a side note most of these coin markets seem to follow a pattern and steem has several times followed a pattern where it goes way up and then later moves down and consolidates for a few months and then shoots way back up again. I think some people get way too disapointed by this. It's only a problem if you're trying to cash out right at that moment. These patterns are something every one of these coins does and even though it seems to mean less stability to most people it makes a lot of us excited because it offers great potential. So when I look at steem I don't think of it being $2usd I think of that inevitable cycle where it hits $5 or sometimes much higher than that depending on what Bitcoin is doing. In fact I get really excited about it going down low... because I can get even more and then really have a much larger economic benefit on the lives of my followers and those friends of mine that make their way over to the platform and in my own life. It's a great investment. Maybe I'll cash out my initial investment on the next jump but I'll still have tons left here to keep rolling.
Also when I invest into my posts, as I often do, I like to think my friends and followers should be happy because the more Steem and influence it brings me the more I'll be able to potentially impact their lives in the long run. Through votes through @photogames and through other interesting posts like this perhaps and then helping big influencers make there way over here. Also when I see my friends and followers do the same I'm more than happy as well. I just wish it was only my friends and followers doing it. haha
Some may think it's crazy that I've put so much time interacting on a social network where I have so many fewer followers but I do love the concept behind it and have hope for a large wave to come. I know many influencers that are consistently being more and more frustrated by FB and Youtube and their policies and how much they switch the goal posts on them. So I think something like this solves a lot of their problems. Sure it has it's own set of problems but there is also tons of great potential for them and for us as well. Pretty soon steem will cycle back up to a larger value and that may bring lots more people along with it but it also makes investments really valuable as well. P.s. it's funny because I watch all the new followers on Steemit ... I know that many of those 500 are just random accounts who follow 10s of thousands of accounts hoping to up their numbers... it's kinda funny ... but whatever I'll still take it, it happens in every social media.
So those are just some of my random babblings.
Congratulations! I realize that's quite an achievement :)
Congrats on the achievements! They're very well deserved. And I totally agree about each milestone of followers. With so many fewer active users than IG or FB, each 100 follower milestone feels like a major achievement. And like you, I came to Steemit with no friends and no audience here. I've found it incredibly fun and rewarding to build my blog here and work on my photography. This was a wonderful post expressing why you believe in Steemit and why you're investing your time and money here and I completely agree with you. So once again, congratulations!
Yay... glad you saw the post and thanks. Always nice to get some verification that others are feeling the same. And you're right I get way more excited about 100 people here than even 1000 people on instagram. Because in those 100 are potentially people that can really grow and I want them to grow and do great things and that has a positive impact on them and myself in the meantime.... in the past with those 1000 instagram followers perhaps there may have been 1 person that some day would need wedding pictures or pictures for their business... but they also followed 100 other photographers perhaps. And also their impact was years away because who knows when they would have ever needed my services.
Anyway thanks again and I look forward to seeing your photography continue to get better... that's what happened to me on those other social networks. I pushed myself to up my game every time.
Great post; your thoughts align with my own, and once again thank you for pulling me in with you! :D
Very intersting post. I am just a steemit beginner and read a lot of posts during the last time about how to get successful and impactful on this platform. I think and believe your opinion and experience in this post will help me to do a better job for this community.
Thanks i hope I'm thinking through this correctly and not leading anyone astray. But i do believe it strongly at thr moment
Yay it is great to celebrate milestones and see where we have been and where we are going. Thanks for introducing me to Steem and Steemit and kindling my love of photography again. It is so great to connect with people from all over and see the world through their eyes.
This was kinda long lecture, but I took my time and it was definitely worth it! I checked your instagram and daaaaaaamn bro... you have some really sick shots! And also I really appreciate that you're sharing your work, experience and knowledge with the society because it helps to grow people's skillset, which is really great. On my today's post I said that @photogames gives really cool opportunity to learn and to work on really great photos. So I guess your 500 followers is totally deserved number and I think you deserve a lot more and that's what I am wishing you in this little celebration! :)
Thanks buddy. I'm also glad @photogames has been a good opportunity for you. We look forward to keep improving it to get better and better.
My advice to improve is to get more photostars to Fix it Friday because that's the best option for me to learn new ways in editing photos! :)
congrats! Your photos are amazing. So glad for your success, keep up the good work!
Thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!
It might seem like a small number, but also remember that there are not that many users on here (yet) so celebrate away!
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"But it's not really a big deal to me because it just didn't appeal to my really wordy personality" - I agree. I think this is one of the awesome things about Steemit. Instagram is more visual based of course, not a lot of room for longer reads or stories there. And I always feel an awkwardness on Facebook as your friends can be more judgemental about you than strangers! - and they've heard your stories before, so you don't want to bore them. And twitter, of course, is far too succinct for my psychobabble! I found the blog interesting, but no one really read it - it's hard to connect to people and there are so many blogging platforms out there. Steemit just seems perfect. Early days but I love what you say about creating good content for when it takes off - all Steemians should be alert to that responsibility!
Real content(photography) attracts real lovers of photography.
Congrats. Worth a follow
This was kinda long lecture, but I took my time and it was definitely worth it! I checked your instagram and daaaaaaamn bro... you have some really sick shots! And also I really appreciate that you're sharing your work, experience and knowledge with the society because it helps to grow people's skillset, which is really great. On my today's post I said that @photogames gives really cool opportunity to learn and to work on really great photos. So I guess your 500 followers is totally deserved number and I think you deserve a lot more and that's what I am wishing you in this little celebration! :)
You are send very informatives posts i like your posts
Thanks for posting. It helps to give some incentive. I just recently started posting on Steemit and it can seem a little frustrating at times. I have a couple of loyal followers for which I am grateful. I'll stick to it come what may. Thanks again for sharing your experience.
Good stuff. I've never really been into any other social media and this is the first one I've really made an effort with and so far I'm enjoying it. It was kind of frustrating at first getting pretty much no views or upvotes but things are starting to look up a little. I feel like I still have a lot to learn about it and I feel lucky that I'm getting into it while it is still fairly early.
And all your posts I've seen are great. Really great photography.
Yeah luckily i have experience being on a new network where none of my friends and fans are at... otherwise posting and not getting any interaction would be pretty frustrating.
Spending time commenting, voting and interacting in general is perhaps evem more important for a beginner here. Right?
Super interesting! I've seen this Jarvie name a few times in the past couple weeks since joining Steemit and I thought it sounded kind of familiar. But now I know. I recognize you from Google+! Haha those were the days. When that platform died however, I didn't follow you on anything else, and now here I randomly bump back into you a few years later on some rad blockchain based social media platform. Cool how the photography world works.
Haha yep!! It's been a long time hasn't it? I doubt I remember most of the names from there as well... except I still have dozens of really good friends from there ... but we communicate elsewhere these days.
In any case welcome to the new jungle... stick around it's slow going at first not quite like the frenzy of followers of Google Plus. But people are a little more thoughtful on their interactions and what their feed ends up being like as you probably have seen.
Also I'm enjoying your stuff thanks for commenting.
Congratulations! Happy to be one of your 500 here. I just sent a looong email to one of my photographer friends who was asking for more info about this steemit I'm all excited about. Cheers to your success here!
Well if you ever need it I have an unlisted playlist on youtube of videos that I made for my friends explaining a bunch of stuff... happy to share it so you can see if it helps your friends.
Oh yeah? I just met with a friend this morning who has been producing self help videos/vlogs on youtube lately. Her eyes lit up when I told her about Steemit and Dtube, and I found out she is hodling many coins so it's a perfect fit. I'd love to be able to send your links to her and other friends that I have been attempting to onboard...
Congrats on these milestones!
So many great points in here. We are quick to want to compare steemit to other platforms, but it's different and even though it has similar aspects, what sets it apart is going to be well worth the hard work the wait.
Great achievements and a good description of adopting the socials. It's exciting to imagine this platform a year from now
For sure... if this is what it's like with just a couple hundred active photographers on here (that's my educated guess) then imagine when there are thousands or tens of thousands ... and then all the regular fans who appreciate good images. And when we all have much more steem power to really make a good influence on eachother.
Yep i'm excited too!
Thanks for your sharing
Nice post. It is interesting as you have mentioned, there are fewer people, thus, fewer followers on steam it than other social media platforms. Yes, I too am adapting to this new environment and am feeling like I’m apart of something new that in the near future will be something big. This platform is really making me rethink the way that I generally blog and that’s great in the sense that it’s challenging. Steemit is pushing me Into a bigger growth process in the development as a better writer and photographer.
Yeah an interesting example is that i had a friend who was one of the most well known Family Vloggers on Youtube and started pretty early on when there weren't that many people using Youtube compared to now.
It took him Many Many years to hit 1 million followers. Now in part because of being known but in large part because there are just soooo many people using youtube it could take months to get an additional million subscribers. I think he took a break from youtube for a year and still went up a million to 5 million this week.
Just a random fun example... this pattern of early adopter has been repeated in every social network that allows public follows. All we have to hope is that steemit lasts to get to greatly increased numbers. I think it will.
Bid Bots and Vote Selling Disclosure
heavily advertised using bid bots or vote selling services!For your information, this post by @jarvie has been
In fact, at least 100 SBD have been spent for getting this post hot and trending.
Remember that in the age of bid bots a high reward is not equivalent to good content. So be vigilant when looking at the trending and hot Steemit sections! I will help you by scanning all transactions to bid bots and making post promotions transparent and visible with comments like this one.