Greetings my dear friends!
The million dollar question: How Happy Are You?
I believe this question is in a lot of ways defining your life every step of the way. Why?
Well, feeling happy means feeling good at a higher level. You raise your body vibration and guess what? Anything good that in your mind and heart shows up in your reality faster than you think. Isn't it interesting?
I know we are all in some way slaves of this financial system, but you still have the power to choose where you go, what to keep and what to let go.
Another million dollar question is:
What are you really keeping with you and what are you really letting go?
Are you keeping with you sadness? depression? small thinking? poverty? Do you still think $5,000 is a lot of money? If you still think $5K is a lot of money, then you're lucky if you get $1,000.
Well, what you really keep in you is what you get. So let me ask you again. How happy are you?
I don't know about you, but I can tell you my experience. I think you can have happy times everyday out of nothing. Like having fun with your children, family or friends. A phone call with someone can make you happy. A funny movie usually helps. A magic board on the wall where you have what you want to accomplish in life can make you happy everyday just by looking at it. Helping someone in need can make you happy at the end.
There are many thing that can make you happy and do not require any money or big effort at all. So once again, what you keep is what you get.
I'm not an expert, but I try to live a peaceful life and also try to be happy with myself even if there is no one around me whatsoever. Writing this post makes me happy, so I will keep doing it.
You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday.
Stay blessed.
This post was resteemed by @steemvote and received a 25.58% Upvote
I am happy my fd
Wonderful post my friend and great concept. Happiness is defined in many ways. Generally, people don't wants any kind of pain in their life. They want to live their life happily. And that's the good thing. Every people wants this. A person do everything to make ourself happy by entertainment, or such kind of attachments. Some people go in the parties with their friends for enjoyment. But this is a virtual happiness. Happiness is directly connects our soul to the feeling of another soul. By helping poor peoples who are really very needy and wants our help, so we should respect and help them and fulfill their needs. According to me this is a true happiness. Happiness is not for one, happiness is for everyone. Every people have right to live their life happily. It doesn't matter that they are rich or poor. I really appreciate your post my dear friend. Thanks @javybar for sharing this post. 😊💚💙💚
you have a great point. I never worded that way when it comes to virtual and real happiness. The virtual happiness is just very short fulfillment and real happiness with the soul is what really stays with you all the time.
Hi @javybar and @hairflare! I mostly feel happy when I do volunteer work and also see how proudly everyone doing volunteer work in their own way to help poor people who do not have any help regarding their problems.
Most interesting part of volunteer work is that when somebody gives you regard of your good deeds and pray for your health, wealth etc. I think that moments are so precious than anything.
What do you think??
I honestly think the volunteering work is the one that will remain in our society once no money is worthy at some point. It enhances the care you have for others and makes your soul more powerful by doing this type of work because you're providing your labor without the need to get anything in return. Keep doing what you're doing. You are an example for many.
Thanks for the beautiful true words, :) I know that you are also love to do volunteer work but you do not like to show us. Am i right?? that's the another height of your regards and kindness. Yeah! we are not able to repay someone kindness back just we can pray for them. May God always make them, happy, wealthy and make their all wishes come true Amen. You also need to keep doing what are you doing and making back everyone smile even they are in stress. Sometime! we do not know how to tackle stress everything around us.
Your words,
"I don't know about you, but I can tell you my experience. I think you can have happy times everyday out of nothing. Like having fun with your children, family or friends. A phone call with someone can make you happy. A funny movie usually helps. A magic board on the wall where you have what you want to accomplish in life can make you happy everyday just by looking at it. Helping someone in need can make you happy at the end."
and this is also volunteer is happy in this world but we should try to stay happy and fight the problems with great efforts
You are very right :)
great post @javybar. in the world we thing someone with more money is more happy but that is not true.
you have mention it happines can be gain by watching movie by watching funny thing. by chatting with someone but this are not permenent
we can get it by doing simple things everyday
can you tell me
**How can we get real happiness in our lives?? **
Hi friend agree with you but not completely, yes we feel very happy with friends if we involved with them with hearts. I think nothing is permanent in this world even your sorrows, so enjoy your life fully with your family friends and with your dear one. I am not disagree but would like to tell if you offer a cup of coffee to a begger, it brings smiles to his face so money matters a lot in this real world.
money matters alot but what if you have alot of money but who don,t have anyone to share you are alone.
or what if you have alot of money and you are spending your live in fear that someone kill you for money.
your own your beloved will turn against you if you have money but you don,t share it with them they try to find your weakness to get the money from you
Remember you are creating your own reality. You believe people will come to steal from you; then they will. If you believe money won't make part of you happiness, then it won't. If you have in your head every scenario to go wrong in anything you do; then it will go wrong. Focus your energy in what you really want and feel good about it.
Yes friend I am agree to that, we are from various parts of the world, we have experienced Various circumstances in our lives. But friend money and friends are our parts of life too. We live in a economic world, everything have it's particular value, we have to pay for it, so money matters in our lives. Yes if we have lost our faith to someone than we should be strong to protect us in every circumstance. Thanks friend, wish you a great time ahead.
very nice saying my friends. happieniess are mose precious then the money. if you have money but you don,t have relaxation in your life you are not happen then what good is your wealth.
i,m happy because i have my parents my fiance who always help me understand me however i,m not rich but i,m happy
excellent! nice opinion! find what makes you happy. If it doesn't, let it go :)
The biggest source of unhappiness is the rat race we people are in. Always looking at others how much they have got, and then try to be better than them. These sorts of things kill your happiness!
You do have a great point. In my early life I was comparing with others, but since I knew about how the universe works, I only focus on my own S&H*IT :) People should do the same. More success comes with ti.
how happy you are?? that is rarely asked!!!
peoples only ask about how much money you have ..
I am glad you shared this value-able information and those points you mentioned above all are 100% true that what can give you happiness you said you are not expert but I can tell you know alot about happiness .. "Happiness is internal satisfaction" enjoy the life , with which you are blessed problems are part of life lets face problem with happy face that is happiness ...thanks @javybar
I loved your comment! "Happiness is internal satisfaction" I believe that very well. I think money is important but if you rely on it to make you happy, you will never be. Numbers are endless.
thank you .. you are absolutely right..
sure this point will give us a good happiness feelings when we help others it automatically creates the feelings of relaxations which make us a happy person,, happines is only is only thing which we except from everything and eveyone not think what other except others from us i think if we make our sence totally positve our life will be fill of happiness @javybar
Yes many are very selfish, but I believe humanity will go in a good change the next 10 years. We will many changes where we will all help each other.
everyone can be happy but sometimes the challenges keep getting rising and with time we only get frustrated that we don't even enjoy simple moments of joy with our dear ones ... but after seeing your post what we can do this festive season is that we can spend some quality time with them and get that smile back again after seeing them smile
Time to spread love and joy this Christmas with positive vibes around :D
Totally agree with you! Merry Christmas to all!
Hi Javy.. Thanks for such a thought provoking post. Makes me ask several questions of myself. Especially that bit about financial system, and the urge to earn more money. Case in point being today's explosion of Verge. In spite of making decent profits, I kept being disturbed by the fact that I had purchased too few of them.
Money cannot buy you peace of mind. Happiness depends a lot on how much at ease your mind is in.
Glad something in this post made some impact. I relate to you a lot when it comes to investments. What I believe is that today i'm putting small seeds in some investments; I may not get compared to others, but I just know I will get there sooner or later, no matter the circumstances. Some get there first, but you are in the line behind them as well :)
That's a good way of looking at it. Will help you maintain sanity in this crypto world.
I'm happy because I'm born in this
beautiful world,If God had made me a living
animal, then I would not have lived
my life like myself. The owner had
to comply with the order. That's
why I'm happy.
So happy for you! keep it up and spread your happiness to others the best you can.
What is happiness :
Most of us probably don't believe we need a formal definition of happiness; we know it when we feel it, and we often use the term to describe a range of positive emotions, including joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude.
it only came when some one cares about you , loves you understand you. and most important is also remain with you never leave you.
then you will be happy
Loved your comment! Most of the time, this meaning cannot be expressed with words, only with feelings or emotions. People will always remember you for the way you've made them feel, No because what you told them.
Thanx you so much my dear @javybar for sharing this Gd resteem & upvote done.
Hapiness is a choice which is result of our decisions...........nice post @javybar..
I cannot agree better with your statement. :)
happy to be healthy and have wonderful family!!
Very happy for you my friend!
I agree! I try to find hapiness in little things. In everyday's life. I'm also happy if i make others happy. I wish happy upcoming holidays for all of you!
Thank you very much! Your wishes are appreciated and many blessing for you all the time.
thats a good topic and good talk on it man hope everyone think on it and everyone try to be live happy always and i agree with u to help others really make us more more happy
Thank you. It is a topic to really think about and analyze what we are all really doing with our lives.
Yea...changing myself is the best way to change the world to a better place. Thanks for your post.
I m happy person.because i like to be happy in a small thing.
Glad you know and understood this concept. Thanks!
Welcome bro...keep going your good work...:)
I would love to keep following you and read more from you. keep going great buddy.
Best of luckWow ! What a nice thought you have @javybar .i appreciate it and also impressed by your reading.
Thank you buddy! It will be a pleasure for me. Following yours as well.
I`m happy this moment with cryptocurrency pumping. Go ahead and earn more profits. :D (Just Kidding)
If we have any things life needed then I can happy.
haha we all get happy on that. As long as you are humble with your profits and don't feel you're better than anyone, you are in the right track.
hlw friend thanx you much your post,i am happy @javyber.
very nice!
thanx friend
Excellent post with nice picture. Happiness means just feel happy in every moment of life. try to live a peaceful life and also try to be happy with myself even if there is no one around me whatsoever. Thanks for the great post
Anytime! great thinking of you
Yes friend we people are busy in search a way in life that ,we have to stole some times for happiness of our own. Happy ness is not permanent, so try to live your life fully with your family friends. We are human beings we response with everything ,I think we are here for some beautiful reasons, let make our lives Heavenly with sharing love, friendship and happiness. Wish you all friends good luck and happiness in life.
Very thoughtful and nice thinking my friend. Agree with you :)
Excellent post my friend, and i think the secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday and i write these words on my profile page too, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts with us, Stay blessed
you are very right. Many little things can be done just to be in a good mood and happiness.
Actually I am happy about what I have now! But I know I have goals to archive, so still feel unhappy! Sometimes it might happen due to greedy mind of mine! Yeah greediness is a nature of all humans! I also got it a little :/ Shame, but yeah that's true! So, until I remove that feeling, I will get more goals to my life and it arise the greediness as well!
Great you decided to talk about it bro!@javybar,
I have to relate with you when it comes to those goals and greediness. I think it's great to have more than enough and think big. The moment you do that while harming others is when everything have to stop. Some people want achieve what they want no matter who they hurt. As long as you do things with kindness and love, you are always in the right track.
great post bro meaningful n lessons that money is not enough for give happy most important is family n friend all those who luv us.
Your love ones are the most important. Keep that mind my friend
I think this year I have had happy periods and sad periods.
But luckily, the final part of this year has been very happy and good for me!
Good to hear that! Keep it up.
One thing that I can tell you is that money can't buy happiness. You're happy only when you are at peace. You can be a millionaire and not having peace and you can be a homeless person and still be at peace.
And my prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) has said : Anything that disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up. :)
Wow Anything that disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up. I always say "If it disturbs your peace, it is too expensive". :)
I am very happy and content with what I have. I have learned to always be grateful for whatever I have. Happiness is not outside of us, it is inside of us. I used to find happiness outside of me and this always make me feel lost. But when I meditated on the feeling, shutting down all the memories and concentrating fully on feeling, there was a revelation: I don't need anyone or anything to be happy. I'm enough. It was wholeness that I experienced. it's a pure feeling when not associated with a tone or any event. :)
Thank you very much for your lovely post @javybar! ☺💚
I totally appreciate your words. I think I've had the same experience and clearly found all answers within myself. Thank you for your contribution. Keep doing what you're doing :)
when i got degree of BSSE & got job i feel happy
I am very happy! I think being happy is a choice to be honest.
Totally on board with your comment. :)
I am happy its not because I have money but I have my family. I want to share this post with others happiness is more worth than money, after which we all are running (Resteemed)
I hear you very well. Spread that blessing with others :)
yes i am happy
happy for you.
I'm agree this line "Helping someone in need can make you happy at the end." You are a good writter. Thanks for sharing friend.
thanks! it is very true
Today i am very unhappy because my exam result is very bad
now alredy resteemed this is profitable for me.i like this topic . thanks for sharing @javybar .
I am very Happy!!!
wow amazing I wanna share it
I resteemed it.
Thanx you so much dear @javybar for sharing your thinking.
Teruslah untuk berkarya dalam diri anda.karna kebahagiaan bukan dari uang semata.Continue to work in yourself. The meaning of happiness is not from money alone.
Great topic and excellent post. thanks for sharing
have a great day @javybar
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nice post
Very very godd article dear @javybar
We should be happy for what we have and we must learn to live in our present and not in illusion as far i know and understand about my life and also sometimes if we are in touch with good people then that help us to pave the life better.
Thank you and have a great day.
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That is indeed a million dollar question but to think of it ,yes are we really happy !sometimes money is not enough to make us happy other small stuff does .Thanks for the words buddy it was indeed a small relief in this daily life's hassle