You Create Happiness.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Do you know where your happiness is?
Have you created it over time?
Is it too late?
Are you just a happy person already?

There are several questions about happiness now days, It's like it is been hidden from us many times. Our financial systems is also a cause of the hidden happiness we deserve, but we can create it if it's not there right?

What do you think?


Yes, the image above is very funny because what we are searching for, it is always within us and we only have to focus to create it. When happiness is not there for you at any time of the day, you can create long and short term goals to achieve it.

In reality, you can just be happy now if you want, and it's the end of the story; but it doesn't work that way a lot of times right?

I'm just pointing out at the reality of the majority in our human race. The fact you might not be able to see it, it doesn't mean it is not there right? You should help yourself first, before helping others, so that way you can be an example for many.

Feel happy now for whatever reason you find, even if it's not there. The universe will always find the way to give you what you desire.

Many blessings.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".

Stay blessed.

There are 2 pages

Such a wonderful and interesting topic for blogging by @javybar
What is happy? I chased happiness as if it were an escapee or a thief that had taken something from me for a long time. Then one day I was working at a temple and looked up and realized that hours had passed and I had not felt lonely or depress. I had a deep feeling of accomplishment and contentedness. It was an experience different from the happiness that comes from opening presents or seeing a movie. That feeling passes quickly. Contentedness and the sense that your life has purpose is a lasting feeling and leads or more experiences of contentment in the future. Take a look at TED talks on positive psychology. It may help you put happiness in a new light.
I wish you peace....
Wel done sir....

You are very right. There are many ways were you can feel content and happy. it is just a matter of trying new things and explore life at any point of time. Thank you very much for your contribution.

"Most people can make their own happiness, if they change their way of thinking," says Abraham Lincoln.
Happiness is not measured by what happens to us in life, but what happens to that happiness is our reaction to what is happening

makes sense my friend. There is never an issue, the issue is when you react to it as an issue. Thank you for your contribution :)

Great dear happiness is an emotion that comes when we achieve our goal , success . happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have it's depend on what you think
Just matter of choice . I agree with you thanks for its loving words

Thank you very much!

Very great way you define dear @javybar because its true we want more happiness but we dont know what way is good for success and get happiness .many times we are failed in our mission. Because we choose wrong way for happiness
We should choose right way for get happiness

Lots of times, we don't know the right is, but that's our job to find it out. Keep focused my friend :)(

Hmmm you are right my friend

Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends entirely on what you think. In order to find happiness in this life, you should first find yourself in life. Thanks for the interesting post @javybar

Lovely thoughts! very wise my friend. Thank you very much. I definitely agree with you

La felicidad buen tema,considero que una persona es feliz en mayor o menor grado , realmente si nos ponemos a mirar en cualquier momento del dia somos felices , ya sea por compartir con los demas , o por un objetivo logrado .
Yo por ejemplo me siento feliz comentando los post , y aproposito Javybar , gracias por visitar mis post, no tengo muchos , aun no soy muy experta , pero mi hijo dim753 si y es quien me ayuda .
Feliz dia :)

Buen dia! Gracias por la aportacion. Siempre es un placer. :)

Muchas gracias@javybar por su apoyo , su contenido es muy interesante y me hace reflexionar dia a dia y eso me gusta :)

so cute and so true you never find happiness if go for a it ... it's something which you can create by own self by enjoying every little moments @javybar

very true my friend, thank you :)

@javybar to be happy you have to know how to love yourself so you can know how to love others ..

  • Living each day with joy and enjoying the present is the most effective way to be happy. 
  • Happiness is like hugs. You have to share it to enjoy it. 
  • Being happy does not consist in doing what you want, but in loving what you do.

Awesome quotes! I will save them for my personal experience. Thank you!

Of nothing ... friend ... for that we are, to share and help

Again a great post. Happiness moves around in our lives. We have to find out with our positive attitude. . In fact, we are never satisfied with anything in humanity. When we think about thousands of helpless people in the streets, we can be understood to be very happy
Thank You dear @javybar for sharing a wonderful post

thank you very much, it was an honor. :)

Excellent post friend and i agree with your thoughts and also like to mentioned that the secret of being happy is accepting where we are in life and just try to make most out of everyday, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts regarding life with us, Stay blessed

Very well said. You just made it as simple as possible for all of us. Thank you~!

To create happiness the way it is to yourself, because every happiness of the person is different,
Thanks for sharing @javybar

There is happiness in two places ... heart ♥ satisfied with tender and the same reassuring faith ..

Happiness is not a dream: neither illusion nor distress. But is optimistic and good thinking and patience without urgency ...

It is said: Everything is lacking if we divide it between two but happiness increases

Very nice contribution. "Happiness is not a dream: neither illusion nor distress. " Very true from your statement my friend. Thank you.

Happiness is to live every day with new hope and new work, to live your life without looking back only for happy memories @javybar

very well said! loved it, thanks!

Absolutly right you can create your own happiness

I agree with you @javybar, happiness is just a matter of choice. Most of the time sadness is a result of too much expectation which gives the conclusion that sadness is a self-inflected state of mind.

very exciting, happy is the thing we really need, the happiness of a person can not be manipulated because it is something naturalI felt by humans.Speaking of happiness, finance and love in my opinion is very supportive for one's happiness, accompany the two things together it will be easier for you to feel satisfied and achieve happiness

Excellent comment! Thanks

I wonder if I would be happy @javybar
Imagining that you have achieved great success and accomplished your goals; Imagining makes all five senses share your thoughts, feel alive and realistic. Feel happiness, passion, pleasure, anticipation and joy; because positive feelings make the owner consistent with the good that he wants. When you believe in your dreams, you will see it happen before your eyes.
Grow your imagination every day, it will make you in a good mood!
Another way to imagine is to write your story as detailed as possible, and try to imagine many ways to achieve your dream. You can write in your diary what happens if your dreams are true
Everything is in our hands

imagination is unlimited my friend. So many things we can do to help ourselves. I appreciate your contribution. :)

you are right I agree with you, money plays an important role in creating a happiness, but that does not mean money is everything, because although we are a lot of money but we can not enjoy it properly then it is the cause of someone's destruction, but happy is enough to enjoy the existing and always grateful and able to help people who need and can use our money for others

Yes you create happiness by our own, and you create happiness for others too.. it’s not that you must do big things for making yourself and others happy, there are small things by achieving them you can gain self satisfactions.. do not take things hard there is a satiruation for each and evey problem you just have to motivate youself, focus on what you want to achieve, try hard for it

In this life we ​​all want to feel happiness, and that happiness is our own set. To be able to create a happiness is actually very simple, because it all depends on ourselves how to create a happiness. In my opinion, we can be happy with our loved ones, and we can always be with them all, like parents, wives and children, and they are always encouraging for us, it's all a happiness. thank you @javybar

No one other than yourself has the power to make you truly happy. Sure, other people can do things for you that give you momentary happiness. A kind word, a pretty gift…things like that! But true happiness comes from within…and only YOU can give yourself that.

Totally agree! thank you very much for your contribution for all of us.

It's never too late. . . . and yeah we have to create Happiness, but I think it can be also found.
and Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrate it for everything that it is.
Thank you @javybar for sharing awesome quotes

very true!

Greetings Sir. @javybar
We have to understand that. Nothing is described as good or bad, but your perception of it makes you feel good or bad; so look for the reasons for what is happening, and try to learn something from it.
Do you see life as a train station, saying that if you wait for that station or destination, I will find happiness there? If you do that, you fool yourself; when you arrive, you will find a miraculous mirage, and despair will overwhelm you;
Think about how you feel when you reach your destination, and do not think about the destination itself! The joy of pursuing a goal or dream will not be found in the final destination, but in the person who refined the experiences during the trip; enjoy your trip as much as possible
I hope you like your way

you create happiness this is a good tropic of good day.. .. it’s not that you must do big things for making yourself and others happy, there are small things by achieving them you can gain self satisfactions.. happiness is within our own self and still we are not able to find it, we are living in a generation were people think less about being happy and more about money and race.its your good knowledge cretivity.i respect your own quality.i am really inspired of your post.thank u very much for your good post sharing...very well done dear... @javybar

Very good post @javybar, everyone who lives in this world would want to get a happiness in every breath. But sometimes people do not understand how to create happiness. Because actually, happiness is very simple. Not for those who have a lot of money that can create a happiness, but the poor can create happiness. Because of the happiness we can not buy with money, but it depends on how we can create a happiness for our lives. Thank you for sharing and may the happiness will always come in every breath you ... :)

your words are very true. and I really salute to @ javybar which always in post is about our everyday. thank you for sharing about life. hopefully we all can make happiness

it is a pleasure my friend :)

totally agree with you my friend. Happiness is really everywhere if you intend to look for it. I appreciate it.

I strongly agree, but there are also some people who feel financially can not make a person happy. for example there are people who are very rich and have other perfection, but his heart still feel lonely and never feel happy. So, happiness is not from money alone. many other things should also be done for someone to be happy.

Oh that’s really creative..the true happiness we should find it by own self..really funny but true post..thats really interesting post @javybar

that's exactly what I thought when I saw the image. Thank you my friend :)

I agree with you dear . . Your post is very great. Happiness is the main important part of our life...every people if want to live happy .. happiness is the mental or emotional state of well being. Happiness is the inner feeling and positive feeling . We want more happiness but i dont know what way we use for get more happiness. You want live happy .my Allah gave you happiness and success ....stay happy be happy ...
Beter to b the one who smile than the one who didn't smile back

I really agree with you. It all begins withing us, and not outside of ourselves. Wishing the best :)

Thanks dear

A few times you must be narrow minded to help yourself, for your own particular great you simply need to think about yourself first than thinking about others to discover bliss, satisfaction is inside our own self and still we are not ready to discover it, we are living in an age were individuals contemplate being cheerful and more about cash and race, to be glad we should think about these things less.

Someone has said so good that" Be happy for this moment, the moment is your life"..yeah it's always within us, it is just the matter of discernment and demounting the same from within.....

Happiness is not only the financial stability! but bro sometimes I feel it's correlated with financial stability of a person! But anyone can argue on this topic for both sides!
That would be a great idea that you decided to discuss about it! Thanks bro!


I feel ya brother. Happiness is a simple concept, but hard to understand for many. We basically want financial security, but successful people always say that when they get financial security, they are not really happy after they get it. They advise to be happy now and find the ways to make yourself happy. You can start with small things even if that is not most of the time. Hope this helps thanks.

So true and most of the time it's because we seek happiness in its grandest form and not learning appreciating smaller stuff that actually gave the biggest happiness. Such as a baby's giggle, our dog's kiss or even the whining of a kid you trick.

rightly said @javybar Happiness lies inside you, it's your inner condition which make you happy and joyful. you don't need lot of money to be happy. All you need is peace in life. Peace come in life if you don't compare yourself with other. Comparing yourself with other means you started an endless race of attaining power and money. it doesn't give you any thing except anxiety. Thanks for sharing such a motivational post. keep sharing @javybar

a very good post, thank you always presents a post that gives insight to readers. Talking about happiness is very important, although there are some people think that happy from the material but not always happy from the matter of financial material, happy is very important from the heart because happiness will be more eternal

You're very correct. Happiness comes from within and anything can cause you to have it. Not necessary because of martial of financial stuff. Like a friend of mine said: The secret of being happiness is accepting where we are in life and just try to make most out of everyday

Aww soo cute image 😍 Exactly we are owner of yourself to creat cute happiness. Our relaxation and peance of mind become through happiness, we feel happy, than our mind feels relax. Happiness comes, when we feel satisfied and fulfilled our needs and makes happy moments. 😇💕

Totally agree with you my friend, happy day!

There r some people across the globe who from inside fear what will happen next or also what's gonna happen when they walk one step but despite of this fear they create their own temporary happiness in order to let others think that they actually r happy!!
When they do so they naturally become happy in the coming period of time!!
I'd say that they create their own happiness no matter what fee they've got from Inside!!!
Those people r actually the ones who r most loved by others!!!
As for me I can't say whether I'm happy or not bcz life keeps changing after every second!!!
But I'd suggest myself to be happy always no matter what life throws at u!!
Lastly ur posts r always meaningful n they help others like me a lot!! Thanks!

Happiness make you perfect and positive . If you help someone you can get happiness . Every small work can give you happiness. Sir @javybar yes you are right we should help ourself . We must sincere with ourself then we can get happiness .
Thanks for sharing great blog .
Stay lessed!

I am so blessed with every single blessing of my true God. We have a very disciplined environment around us quite similary our God made our fortune with full accuracy. True Lord asked us to strive and work hard so that everyone gets his/her share via my blessings.
Agreed upon the fact that God/Nature is always ready to help us :-)

Where the happiness lies hanh... I believe happiness lies in the everything we do but if we start doing things with a different ideology more curiosity and and more joy. Hapiness lies within the brain and is a psychic thing. So if we start developing a character of making our brain realise so we can stay happy for ever and ever.

Happiness is achieving those goals which were hard to achieve and being with your loved ones and doing things which others restrict you :)

You are right, Sometimes we lost our happiness moments due to busy routine life and important financial works, but we should have to time with yourself and family members. We create little happiness throng own way and joy the moments with relatives family :)

happiness is the main important thing of our life.every people if want to live happy.people wanted its create doing may be happiness.i think that,its all people best wish matter. so,every people needs happiness of her own choice. truly happiness is one thing that we all deserve, and it is true that happiness is in ourselves.thank u very much for your good post sharing..dear friend.. @javybar

It may sound trite, but my happiness is my daughter. I wanted a baby for so long, I was incredibly happy. When problems occur in everyday life or bad thoughts appear in my head - I stop and look at my daughter. All the misfortunes pale in comparison, what she gives me.

Some times you have to be selfish to help yourself, for your own good you just have to care about yourself first than caring about others in order to find happiness, happiness is within our own self and still we are not able to find it, we are living in a generation were people think less about being happy and more about money and race, to be happy we should care about these things less.

you are so right. Happiness is put to the sides now days, and it's all about the cash $$$. Money will provide lots of options to be happy, but it won't be all. So many other things to take into account in order to be really happy. I appreciate it a lot

Amazing post.Thanks for sharing it.

Great post..Really loved the amazing words and really inspiring..And yes my friend happiness isn't what others give to you but, it is you make yourself..Happiness is very needed to make our mind refresh and to be health too.Thanks for sharing it with us.@javybar

very true my friend, I appreciate your post.

Well let me tell you in your first question there is a mistake, "Do you know where you happiness is?" it is supposed to be "your" in my opinion...
now let's come to the post, truly happiness is one thing that we all deserve, and it is true that happiness is in ourselves we just have to find a way to explore it...

Surely we can ignore a typo ;)

i appreciate the correction. The message is what matters, thank you @rjunaid12

posni aayi na kafei chu :p

i appreciate the correction. The message is what matters, thank you

pleasure dear :)

Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..

Nice post dear @javybar. Happiness is there for us to choose. It is up to each of us!

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