Your Speed Doesn't Matter

in #steemit7 years ago

Dear Friends,

How many times have you felt you're achieving things at a very slow rate?

The moment you decide to focus on something and never let it go even if it takes time to get it, this is when in a fast or slow way you can get to your destination.


Your destination could be anything, like a house, savings, invesments, cars, vacations, etc. The moment you stop looking outside of yourself, it's the moment where you feel your destination is coming pretty fast, because you are working from within and the reality process works faster to give you what you want or desire.

Never understimate yourself because your capacity to manifest what you want goes far beyond of our imagination. One thing I can tell you is "Life is about the journey, not the destination". If you think you are being too slow, I advise you to enjoy your Journey instead.

"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of soul instead".

Stay blessed.

There are 2 pages

Absolutely I agree.Most of the time we need to believe something to progress. Because the road we go through most of the time is dark. So we have to believe that it will be enlightened as we progress. Whatever happens, if we do not continue to progress without thinking about stopping, we are always locked in a safe, simple comfortzone.Thanks @javybar great inspiration again. I believe that the strongest element that brings success is progress, even if we think it will fail. I wish Steem Power was high, so I could show this post on the whole community.Thanks again.Upvoted and resteemed !!

thank you very much for these words of experience. We are all in this together so you will build a good SP. Great wishes to you and your dreams.

Often it is hard for us to see our progress. We don’t realize how all the small things we do each day add to the bigger picture and get us closer to our goals. Just because you can’t see the progress in your day to day, does not mean you are not getting closer to your goals. Thanks againJust awesome. Thank @javybar. This is so needed right now.

thank you for this great opinion, little by little we can all get there. Following you :)

You were just writing directly to my heart. Thanks so much.
You have reassured me that It’s okay to grow slow. Slow progress is better than no progress. Stay positive and don’t give up. It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you’re still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.

Very nice contribution my friend, Thank you very much. I'm glad this content made some impact fro you. Following you as well. :)

Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have left to go. Exceptional piece here. You might not be where you want to be, but you’re not where you used to be. Look back at where you came from and let yourself feel proud about your progress. YOU ARE KILLING IT. I think of where I was just 2 years ago. I was stacked with bills and barely getting by, just found out I was pregnant. Living financially stressed like that was not what I wanted for my life.

I started making small steps towards increasing my income. It’s been a slow process of figuring out how to do it all, but I am getting there. I received a promotion at my full-time job shortly after I had my daughter and now I’m building a brand of my own. I don’t live paycheck to paycheck and I actually have money in my savings. As a single mom, with no outside help, that is HUGE. I’ve come a long way in the last 2 years and I have to remind myself of that. I get so anxious about my future and sometimes discouraged about how much further I have yet to go that I forget about everything I’ve accomplished.
It is so important that we are not always focused on how much further we have yet to go.

Unbelievable experience in your Journey my friend. I don't know you but I feel very proud of you. I hope whether is at a fact or slow rate, you keep the progress in your life. Following you as well :)

Beautiful and inspiring post as always.
I loved that you used a tortoise to demonstrate it.
We all have our own speed and pace to achieveing success. Not everyone walks at the same pace. So trying hard to be another person is actually robbing yourself of the best version of yourself. So you just have to keep pushing and never give up.
The thing about pushing through this and moving forward is that not only does your situation change, you change. Your priorities and motives change, your goals for your future change, your lifestyle and the things that you want most change.
This is all a part of growing up, and yes, you can still consider yourself to be "growing up" even if you're 50. The world changes around you every single day, and you can choose to embrace it and change with it, or always remain the same and never grow into the best version of yourself.
Thanks. I love ot

Thank you very much for your kind thoughts. It was funny you mentioned that we are still growing up even if you're 50, because some people at that age are very close minded and think that they know it all. It's all a work in progress for everyone at everyone's own pace.

each step will take you towards your goal but the condition is just keep going don't look back :)

well said my friend :)

Speed is just luck. dedication is all that matters. At least that is what my life has been trying to teach me. The problem with sicking to your true believes and simultaniously failing to see quick progress, makes being dedicated somewhat problematic. Asking feedback from people you trust are a great way in order to make sene of wheater you are on the right track or not! nice piece @javybar!


nice piece of yours as well. Thank you :)

😂 ow now that I re-read it after waking up, it's quite fine indeed haha!


Thank you for your publication Get give us the momentum and determination to continue and the life's eloquence must be overcome and possible mistakes
No matter how many mistakes you have made, however slow you progress, you precede those who do not try to do anything
You have to fight in the hard days, until you deserve the best days of your life

Awesome advice! Slow or Fast progress, enjoy what you're building :)

One feels concerned about one's speed for something when it comes to comparisons. I personally don't like comparisons not because I fear to lose but for I disagree the way they are carried out. For example, several competitions are done without keeping in view the capacity of the person. Take a look at this picture:

As I've mentioned in one of my previous comments, humans have been divided into 16 personality types each one of them is special. So, there can be some comparison based on some similarities and differences but you can't expect all these personalities to act the same way. They can forcibly act to be the same to some extent, may be, but their true potential lies in the fact that they get the right nurturing so that they could bring their true potential to life and thus can help make this world a better place to live in. Having talented is one thing but keep practicing that talent steadily is the key to success.

Slow and steadily still wins the race!

Good job @jabybar. Steem On!

What a great analysis my friend. Everyone has their own pace and no one is faster or slower than others. We are all living our Journey at the time we desire. It may not feel that way, but the more anyone keeps looking outside of themselves, it will feel a very slow progress all the time.

This was such an inspirational post to read. I love the mindset of taking things at your own speed and being proud of every achievement, no matter how small, and always remembering how far you’ve come!
Have an awesome day! Thank you.

Glad you loved the message my friend. You are totally correct. Great feedback. Following you :)

Completely agree that progress takes time and that tiny steps can lead to results. Life is not a sprint but a marathon!
We must always remember that each step is leading us to the finish line.
Thank you for sharing : )

what a wonderful message my friend. Thank you very much. Following you :)

What wonderful words - "Life is a journey, not a destination". If you think that you are too slow, I advise you to enjoy your journey. Better and not skazhesh.Spasibo for the post.

Glad you loved it my friend :)

So today I am reminded that all progress is progress. No matter how big or small. Just like you said, we all have different destination. We have to acknowledge all the steps in between that have to happen in order to reach our goals. While I killed it in my business last week, I need to regain my focus on steemit. The most important part is that I keep moving forward and do not give up. Strive for progress, not perfection Thanks @javybar for all the motivational post. I usually try my best not to miss them, even when i miss, i always go back to read and derive more strength from them. Thank you.

Thank you very much for your dedication and contribution. You do have a clear mind of persistence and that usually takes to success. Keep it up my friend.

I read a story which name is Slow and steady win the race. This post like the story. Many people will be encouraged to read this post.

   Upvoted and Resteemed.

thank you very much for your support. The story sounds like the correct way this supposed to be. Following you :)

Yes you are right my friend..your speed is doesn’t matters forward is forward..
Always inspiring your all post😊

thank you my dear friend :)

However more important our golden time for that. Need to control time and anytime need to manage our time. Current society going high speedy journey. So we need to go same way. If we can control time and thoughts we'll can get better destination.@javybar, Absolutely I think all of control from our thoughts. If thoughts positive , we'll go success way; if our thoughts negative we'll go negative way. So before decide destination require to control our thoughts. It gives fro meditation. We always if stay nature we can automatically meditate. Nature is so cool and calm.

excellent advice my friend, thank you I totally agree with you :)

When my husband and I got married - we didn't have a home and we rented an apartment. We thought it was impossible to buy their own homes. But then we decided that nothing is impossible. We have worked hard, saved up and two years later almost have accumulated the required amount. It was fantastic. We just have to sell the car and our dream became a reality.
So I fully agree with the idea of the post

Wow that's a nice success story that was made with a lot of team work to be done. Congratulations in advance for your new house :)

wow .... Amazing .. As my speed of achieving Steem power is too slow as compared to others .. but I believe in myself .. I will not stop I will achieve what I want to... Thanks to you the spirit is renewed .. I was getting bit of dishearted ..Thanks @javybar

Great way to see things my friend. In one or two years, newbies in steemit will look up to you and admire what you've built.

woow... that makes me feel very amazing... haha Thank you very much!

wowow great one i totally agree you its doesn't matter how slow and clumsy you are at the end of the day all will just noticed where you had just reached by defeat all the others 😉😉

Let's just keep moving forward my friend. Best wishes :)

wow that's remind me my childhood memories when read story about turtle and rabbit... that teach us hard work and our delegation get the goals speed doesn't matter.

Glad to bring back some good memories my friend :)

Great post. I wrote something to correlates with this well today. It is having specific goals to get where we want and to take them in small steps. That is how we will get to where we want, instead of having a vague idea, will eventually probably be somewhere we didn't expect or want.

Great analysis my friend. With small steps we see progress. best blessings

We can’t compare ourselves to others and get discouraged that we aren’t where they are. We all progress at our own pace. Keep moving forward. If you are making the effort to transform your life, I promise you that it will pay off. Celebrate every little thing that brings you closer to where you want to be. I learnt a lot from this. Thanks @javybar

what you just said was me in 2004, Looking at others and feeling bad why I was not there yet. I did change completely when I stopped looking at other and looking at myself instead. I completely agree. Keep it up my friend.

Great post..Yes speed doesn't matter the hard work matters like the story of turtles and rabbit...You have written so motivating things...Glad to see it..@javybar

Glad it was useful to you :)

nice to read this and you are right fully and sure we dont need to run fast as rabbit....the rabbit and tortise example is best for our understad is good thing but not key of success the success need a propper attitude in work and in your life aims and stick on these till you pick it

thank you, I'm glad you understood the message very well.

"Life is about the journey, not the destination".
Great advice and very valuable post! I like this most - "If you think you are being too slow, I advise you to enjoy your Journey instead."
Excellent article friend! It contains a lot of inspiration!@javybar,


thank you for your support my friend

i think really speed does not matter and i have experience during study when i was read books and learen fastly and not repeat chapter then i forgot everything because our mind capacity and its need some rest like as our bodies and when i read and leared with a propper method maybe that was some slow....then i dont forgot those lessons ....i think we need a proper method and proper rules to go on the life way and our success and we will get a good success which have a strong base @javybar

Everything is a work in progress my friend. thank you

i salute your post.great topic.
stay blessed.
upvoted and resteemjust i told to you friend @javybar , If you want to get an education, just travel the world. i hope you visiting my blog.

great learning my friend!

Brilliant post...Your motivating words are very attractive and hearttouching...Thanks for sharing it with us...@javybar

thank you very much :)

You are absolutely right, whatever we do, the main thing is moving fast or slow, it's from someone like. Thank you for an excellent post.

Great leaning :)

Excellent post my friend and i agree with your thoughts

life is a journey if you feel it's too slow enjoy it
thanks for sharing this nice suggestion with us, your nice thoughts are helpful for me in life, Stay blessed

Those are some really powerful words and quatos,they are applicable and relatable to all of us.thanks for a great post yet again. You work hard to share this and it’s appreciated 😁

thank you!! :)

Mean "Better late than neve".

Thanks alot for sharing nice blog.Yes sir @javybar I agree 110% with you . Slow is does not metter. Urdu language has one qoute "دیر آید درست آید" So i think we are follow what sir @javybar saying.

Stay blessed
Steem on!

thank you very much for stopping by my friend :)

heart touching & motivational post. thanks for sharing this motivational post

thanks :)

yes friend speed doesn't matter forward is forward 😄😄

correct :)

You are absolutely right, whatever we do, the main thing is moving fast or slow, it's from someone like. Thank you for an excellent post.

thank you my friend :)

slow and steadily wins the race, good info sir

well said my friend :)

wow amazing words and very inspired me alot .. i can feel the how much you had did sruggle and finally rich on top and inspire all great one @javybar

thank you :)

Those are some extremely effective words and quatos,they are pertinent and relatable to all of us.thanks for an incredible post once more. You endeavor to share this and it's valued.

please see my post @javybar

thank you :)

as a matter of fact you are correct. be that as it may, it's better for me to be speedier. since we need to make up for lost time with a few things. I know to what extent it takes.

everyone's pace is acceptable as long as you feel progress, thank you :)

I'm agree you have to get your goals no matter how long it takes you. Regards


really powerful words and quatos,they re applicable

of course, thanks

very inspiring word.
If you make little improvement everyday it makes big difference in future.
upvoted & resteemed


your work is well you are very intellengt writer i hope your success is very soon?? Thank you i support you everytime but i want to you support me alltime thanks for this postdear @javybar your post is very nice

thank you :)

the motto is that they believe that they are more than just the target, not the process, and even more desirable than the process.
Being on the road begins with the moment you plan to take an action. The most pleasurable and most hopeful activity on the road is to be on the way. When you start yesterday, you can not understand how it ends, and only memories remain and no peak is a peak photo or finish signs.They are the ones you have experienced and felt as long as you are on the road.Without the passing gears, uncooked spaghetti, tents that can not be built in the wind, frozen fingers, stay up in the morning.You remember correctly the day of graduation and say 'what a beautiful day' can not be forgotten?
Examples of similar situations:
'' The important thing is not to make the summit but to be on the mountain. ''
'' The important thing is not to make a holiday but to go out for a holiday. '' @javybar

thank you for your contribution :)

Yeah absolutely right "Life is about the journey, not the destination". Thanks for sharing.

It's happens many times to me but i get encouragement from my fellows, who love me. Sometimes enjoying the journey by forgetting the destination causes more fun and energy towards the destination.
Don't much care about the progress, imagine the results.

Well said, great motivational piece!

Help me to use steemit, i am amature.

Thank's for this inspirational post. I think it will inspire some people @javtbar

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