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RE: Vegans, Anarchists, we need to talk!

in #steemit7 years ago

As with religion, both veganism ans Anarchy have been hijacked and manipulated to harm the public. I think any who are truly aligned with the moral principles of one will eventually come to terms with the other.

I stopped eating meat for selfish reasons... health! Almost 3 years and counting, getting healthier by the day!

3 things to keep in mind when becoming "vegan";

  • Buy organic, fresh, living produce whenever possible (or grow your own)
  • Do not eat processed food
  • Be conscious of your protein and consume lots of legumes etc.

I would say there just as many unhealthy vegans and vegetarians as there are omnivores. Be sure to be conscious of your own health in the process! You will get bad gas for a few weeks but no worries, it will blow over. Other than that, be prepared for weight loss, improved health, increased energy and an overall improvement in mood and attitude.

I do not adhere to strict veganism (or any other ism for that matter), there are 2 acceptions for me;

  • Eggs which are procured from chickens who are given an amazing free range life on my friends farm
  • Local honey produced in a way to encourage preservation of honey producing bees

I won't eat just any honey and I will not eat eggs from any source I have not verified in person. Dairy products are nasty and probably more in violation of animal rights than meat products. That being said, if I were to go to a restaurant or if someone was to ask me, I just say I'm vegan as it is the simplest way to explain to others.

I think there are situations where meat consumption may not be morally wrong (just as self defense can be a Right) but we are hard pressed to find these scenarios with the over-availability of vegetal sustenance within our societies.

I don't believe anything, I know facts. Fact is - try it for 1 month, if your not healthier you're doing something wrong! I usually give any training or nutrition program 90 days to best evaluate results... never looked back to meat.


I'd be open to a 60 day trial. I've heard good things.

You've got nothing to lose and can always choose to eat meat again...