“Change the way you look at things
and the things you look at change.” ― Wayne W. Dyer
Never were truer words spoken!
Let's start being POSITIVE shall we...
The lesson in this quote by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has repeated itself to me countless times in my life and has become the catalyst for how I now approach pretty much everything in my life… and it really does carry a lot of weight.
If we are going to walk around constantly complaining about health problems, discussing it with every person we cross paths with, we are going to create more of precisely the same – health problems! If we are going to approach every month end stressing about not having enough money to pay all the bills, then we are bound to stay on that rollercoaster of financial shortage.
We need to learn how to approach the things which displease us, stress us or challenge from a different perspective. I believe that before you can even begin motivating yourself in order to achieve goals or change things in your life you need to ensure that you are beginning your journey in the right direction. It is not going to very easy to reach your destination if you are constantly running against the traffic. You simply cannot expect to shift the direction of your life, turning it in a positive direction if you are going to constantly and repeatedly feed yourself with negative thoughts and the like.
“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” ― Wayne W. Dyer
So, starting TODAY on this
I would like to challenge each and every one of us
to make a concerted effort
to start looking at EVERYTHING with a positive attitude and mindset.
They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit...
So lets make this Day 1 of thinking forwards!
Lets approach ALL of our challenges with an attitude of gratitude,
find their silver lining, look for their lesson -
appreciate everyone that comes into our lives
(even the ones that may annoy us at times)
Let's think from the finish line!
Let's climb the mountain,
and then enjoy the view from the top!
“The more you see yourself as what you'd like to become, and act as if
what you want is already there, the more you'll activate those dormant
forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality.” ― Wayne W. Dyer
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

Animated Banner Created By @zord189
Thanks for the positive start of the day/ :)
Happy tuesday :)
My pleasure @hossary :) Glad it achieved its objective ;) Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday too!!
Niece piece...Greetings.All d way up😊
Glad you liked it @vickyrich - thank you :)
Wow its really nice post @jaynie
Thank you :)
very nice post friends
thank you :)
please visit my friend's blog
Wow, this is great, looking at EVERYTHING with a positive attitude and mindset, the approach and action we gives to a particular thing or situation that will determine the reactions it gives back to us. Thanks @jaynie you have really touched a life and am sure as many that read this post will be touched also. Happy great and positive Tuesday
Thank you @millerkay I am glad it resonated with you! I hope you have a magnificent Tuesday too :)
hahahaha :)
@jaynie this is a very nice post, we all should always act positively every single day of our lives, being pessimistic makes things go worse and allows our greatest fears to have a grip over us,once again thanks for giving us the lovely charge... Have a nice tuesday
Thank you @rexcoinz :) I hope you have a fabulous day too!!!
It is our mind that creates the kind of life we live. If we think positively we will transform our life accordingly. Everything starts from within, from the most simple action to the greatest achievement. We cannot always have control over our external circumstances, but we can control our inner world of thoughts, where everything starts. We can't always control our outer universe, but we can, with some effort, to control our inner universe.
Thank you @jaynie for this wonderful piece this morning
You articulated that SO beautifully @omardcam!!! Thank you for your insight... I could not agree more! :)
Have a "POSITIVE"lamb meat...
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Tuesday @jaynie after you had finished eating your
Hahahaha!!! Thanks @samueloption - Hope you have a kick ass day as well :)
So true!!
Martin Luther King said it best :)
I just wrote a blogpost about the Law of Attraction. I thought you might be curious about that since you seem to be all about the positive vibes ;) Here's the link!
I have always loved that quote!
I will go and take a look now :)
I totally agree! I am a huge fan of motivational speeches and they literally changed my life! I started being more positive and creating the life i wanted for myself instead of just taking what life gave me.. one of my favorite quotes is
I also love that one @moderndayhippie... And another one which one of my brother uses often too is "Failure is not an option." That one packs quite the punch :)
Yes, you can let life get to you if you aren't careful. It is really easy to allow yourself to get defined by the tough stuff. We all have our crosses to bear, and sitting around feeling sorry for yourself just feeds the beast.
My parents have been doing it for years, and as a consequence it is their adversities that define them.
That's not for me!
Accentuate the positive!
That is too sad @matbaker :(
And yes, I am definitely on your bus! haha
I feel I would be cheating if I attempted this. I have this mindset already lol. I don't get down much. In fact it takes a lot for me to feel bleak. Every new day is a challenge, and a fun one at that :)
That is an excellent space to be in!! - But having said that... you have worked hard to get there....so definitely earned it @raymondspeaks :)
Thank you! I liked that comment :)
True Story! ;)
I like your spirit. Being positively minded is the only way to go. It is all about having a right mentality and viewing things differently. Thank you my friend as always.
And thank you!! :)
Anytime. :) ;)
I'm feeling excited after reading your post. We cannot make the things better while complaining each thing along side, it's in our hands whether to get up and move forward or to take the past happenings so seriously and ruin our future.
I upvoted and resteemed which I could do to promote your inspiring words. You too have a very lovely Tuesday @jaynie. Thanks for sharing. :)
Thank you so very much :)
It's,my pleasure dear
it was really great to read your blog because it showed me the sign of positiveness, and started following you @jaynie, because you seem like a sister, and sister always guide us very well.
Many thanks for the lovely compliment @fruityfizza :)
my pleasure, sister,
by the way where from you?
Cape Town, South Africa :) You?
Oh! Cape town is really beautiful sister,
and how much time you have spent here on steemit?
would you like to tell me
been here since June 2017 :)
wooOO! its a long time here , so sister can I ask something about steem?
if you don't mind.
You need negativity even more than positivity. Sounds crazy? Then could you please hear me out? Negative thought show you the problems, obstacles and challenges that you may encounter along the way then you can accordingly plan do something about them. It's free improvement. This helps in decreasing the uncertainty of failure and increasing the certainty of success and that is awesome. Now what about positivity? Just use it as a source of inspiration to strengthen your commitment towards achieving your goals. Therefore, keep negativity more close than positivity. It will help you stay safe and successful in the long run. Now what about happiness. Just express your joy and love towards things as much as you can. Who is stopping you?
Everything in life is about balance... but it is HOW we balance it that changes everything :) The one always offers perspective on the other... they are both useful, but do not both need to be absorbed...
I believe it is way too easy to be negatve, mankind emphasizes fighting disease, solving problems and asking each other "whats wrong"
The practice of positivity is indeed a practice and should be encouraged - which doesnt mean pretend bad things dont happen, simply acknowledging and feeling the emotion that rises but not dwell needlessly for extended periods because that then leads to suffering. By focusing on the negative the positive is hidden and I know where I would rather live from.
Love your work! As @jaynie said it is balance as we have to recognise the negative to appreciate the positive, the two have to exist, just as day/night, good/evil etc.
Good motivation @jeynie, good luck. resteem
Thank you for that @stelwok - I appreciate the support :)
Support with your power 😁
"When you think positive, good things happens" Matt Kemp.
Positive mindset and attitude all the way. Thank you.
True Story @frequency50 :)
As always thank you for being one of my motivators to keep going and be positive everyday. Thanks for this post @jaynie!
My pleasure @ooleyjulie :) Glad you are enjoying the positive vibezzzzzz :D
More positive you try to become the more negative you will become. #True story. Try thinking positive that your business will not be a flop and then see what happens. No need to be positive or negative. Just see stuff as it is and give your best in doing the right thing as per requirement of the situation.
You just repeated exactly what I said Banana Boy ;)
The problem with that sentence is that you are STILL thinking about the flop.
My point is don't think like that ;) Lets fix that sentence....
TADAA!!! Like magic :)
Thanks so much for this post.
It's a great advice
My pleasure. Glad you found it useful :)
U just just gingered my tuesday with this piece of motivation. Thanks for making My tuesday positive
Happy to hear that @sammyswt :)
The more you ruminate on the bad, the deeper it digs it's way into your mind. I made that mistake, and let me tell you how tough of a path it is to work back into the light. Focus on what's good, what you can do, and how you can help others :)
Day 1 ;)
I can definitely relate to that @mikesthoughts - it can be VERY challenging indeed, but am happy to see you did in fact turn the corner :)
Hehe, every day's a struggle. But at least I'm struggling upwards :)
Like I said in my post yesterday... even baby steps are steps ;)
Well said
Thank you
Let your imagination run wild!! Perfect timing! Brilliant shots.
Thank you :)
Wow..am intrigued, indeed this piece is a sweet bitter truth, am glad i read through because it's a fact that what we think and conceive in our mind is whom we are..Thanks for the piece and do have a scintillating Tuesday
Thank you very much :) and you too!!!
Good post,, i like this, suxes for you