LIVING your DREAMS... Happy Tuesday Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

Good Morning Steemit!

from beautiful Cape Town!
(or good afternoon or evening... whichever is the most applicable! lol)

It is AMAZING what a good nights sleep can do for a person,
and I have not had many of those lately lol!
So I woke up feeling particularly "chipper" today.

I think I should consider making a habit of more sleep...

I just wanted to wish everyone an amazing day ahead...
Whether that be Tuesday or Wednesday ahead...

As most of you know,
I am pretty much starting a whole new life
for myself... as a full time Steemit Blogger!

I am nervous, but DEFINITELY more excited...
than nervous!

You all know I am a total sucker
for anything motivational,
and I am a firm believer in the fact that
feeding our minds with positivity on a regular basis
has limitless benefits!

So, on that note, I wanted to share a little
of a recently re-ignited excitement
for my road ahead....

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and hopefully it puts a little bit of a

into your day too :) #SPARKLE

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Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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"As most of you know,
"I am pretty much starting a whole new life"
"for myself... as a full time Steemit Blogger!"
your power is you, no one can have that from you." ♡♡♡ Yay! I'm so much happy right now having you as a couch to always look upto, you won't know how much you have been of an inspiration to me these days, you are that one hell of a strong woman i have met on steemit lol! I always try to go through you post carefully for easy assimilations and understanding because you are a great person with lot of live at heart. I see the way you treat or address people you've never met if i'm not wrong in here, with so much respect and regards regardless of their reputations, i love that about you which is very genuine and rare. You shall go along way @jaynie,

What a wonderful thing to say... a HUGE compliment. Thank you @tyrex. I value that, truly! I sure am looking forward to my days ahead and even more at closing the door on the ones past.

Thank you again for your exceptionally generous comment. Means a lot. :)

Morning @jaynie. Was feeling a bit low this morning as I have a lot on my plate and stuff that has to be done that I don't really enjoy doing.

But nowadays I start my day replying to comments and reading posts that have come in over night and my spirits are already lifted. I had no idea that would be a side effect of joining Steemit. It's huge for me!

What a contrast to starting my day reading customer service emails, most of which were negative!

I've only been here a month but that one small thing is already making a radical difference to in my life.

Isn't it just amazing how one SMALL change like that can make the WORLD of difference to how our day pans out... :) Thrilled that you are enjoying positive change xxx

Hi Jaynie. I am Valentina.
Congratulations for your new " job " :)))))))
Steemit Blogger, nice. If all the people in the world make only that's what makes them happy, OMG we will have definitely a better world.
But now I have a question for you.
What is the thing that makes you jump from the bed in the morning or from a bad mood or a bad vibes? You said you like motivational thoughts. What is the thing you telling to yourself ? :)

Hi @valensia,

Thank you for your congratulations and well wishes - it means a lot to me :)

To answer your question, that would be situation dependent ... but as for what motivates me in the morning... it is the passion and gratitude for everything I am blessed with in my life... My son, my family, my friends, my talents and the simply fact that I get to explore and enjoy another day.

In terms of changing my mood from a negative one to a positive one, it would be that we all have a choice as to how we allow things to affect us. Negative emotions are only destructive... I don't believe others have the right to hold so much emotional power over our moods and I therefore make the decision to shift my focus from a destructive thought process to one which is positive and constructive.

I hope I have answered your question adequately :)

Thank you again for the lovely comment... and thank you for taking the tie to visit my blog. Take care... hope to see you again :)

Thank you so much for that answer. It's a great one. I have two boys and pretty much that kicks me to be a better one in every way.

I really enjoy you blog and yep, you are my new steemit friend 😊😉👍👊

Really thanks for the motivational words and quote, wishing you too a great Tuesday.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

Thank you too @chireerocks... I had a fantastic day!

Welcome. ☺️

Nice post every time you put some different posts I reateem

Thank you for your support :)

Can't wait to see you start fully. I'm excited to read them already. Have a great Tuesday too. Thank you for all you do.

Thank you for your positivity towards my future. Much appreciated :)

Anytime. You are one of my favourite people.

To be more motivated dear, you should take enough sleep haha :) Good morning too.

Have a great day too😘Thank you @jaynie

Thanks :D

Good morning to you also and also wishing you a nice day ahead.nice quote from you please keep up with these

Thank you very much dear. And to you too :)

Some time ago I told you I was removed from steemitbloggers because of my absence for more than 3 days so you sent me a link but the link is showing expired

Been following your posts for a while now... They are always so unique and captivating.

Keep up the good work

Nice work i like it

Thank you dear....

Such a great post my friend I resteem it very cute post @jaynie

Thank you :)

If you don’t live and strive for your dreams than you only exist. That’s not living.

That is so very true!

very good morning dear @jaynie

And to you too :) thank you

Good morning to u jaynie how is Capetown?

It is a GORGEOUS day here :)

keep sharing, more power!

A good 7-8 hours of sleep will keep you energetic through out the day.


Thanks for the good wishes, motivational word last for a while but consistence intake of the word ginger and rekindle our spirit to do more.

Full time steemit blogger! Wow. This sounds amazing. I might consider being one in the future. Thanks for being an inspiration. <3

And thank you for the positive feedback @nays :)

I am a firm believer in the fact that
feeding our minds with positivity on a regular basis
has limitless benefits!

I whole-heartedly agree with you!

your posts always motivate me , you talk in a poetic way . love it

Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. :)

thank you dear:)

Good morning @jaynie... trust you had a beauty sleep regardless of the fact that it was short (we all have nights as such...). keepbeing awesome..

for some reason, i might have flouted every rule of the book and gotten my ass kicked outta the discord server. lol... havent heard from you in a while though...

Thanks for the well wishes @pangoli. Yes it is possible that you omitted one of the rules of the server lol... We have however closed the doors on the server now and are not taking in any new members for the moment. Keep in touch here on Steemit though - as We will be inviting member referred peeps as time moves one :) Take care x

Sure thing Jaynie...

Nice work @jaynie

Thank you dear :)

very impression your post, I really like, I want to like you what is its secret?

if you wish please visit my blog, i need your support .thank you

so nice we should struggle to fullfil our dreams

and I can not have a good sleep constantly, a morning certainly already passed but with a good morning, good post on a positive