Sounds like you have had your fair share of experience in the "wine" and "not so much wine" department. lol! I think it would be impossible to live in Cape Town without being able to enjoy the wines here... but I wouldn't know anything about that because I am not trying... hahaha :)
Have you ever been to SA?
Yes I have.
I do still love wine. Once you get a taste it's hard not to.
No, not yet. I really do want to visit. I've traveled abroad some. Traveling is definitely my favorite thing ever so I'm sure I will get there! Especially once my steemit picks up :)
well best you get busy steeming then :) you don't know what you are missing!!! :D
It's building pretty well. I have a plan ;)
plans are good :D
They seem to change mid stream, but they are good.
Thats ok too lol :)