I appreciate your enthusiasm and your will to make this place a better place, however i fear that the solution is way out of your reach. Steemcleaners can only go so far.. unless the top 21 witnesses, ned and dan come together to solve this issue at blockchain level, i am afraid its gonna continue to spread like a damned virus.
You are right. Many of these accounts are dead easy to spot. But can somebody allocate this much time trying to identify these maniacs?? Thats the real question.. and the real problem is that they will continue to be in your followers list.
Yep. You're right @jbn in terms of the time it takes to spot these accounts manually but the patterns are so obvious there it ought to be fairly easy to do automatically I would think.
Here's a block I found when I was replying to paulag's post:
Those ought to be child's play to stop even signing up in the first place. But, of course they aren't all named like that and, in the end, if there's no will from the people with the power to stop it to do so, I suppose we're snookered.
I don't understand enough about how it all works but there do seem to have been some apps built to tackle stuff that needed doing and wasn't being done. That one the looks out for people using private keys in their memo fields, for example.
But I suppose all these good apps happen after accounts have been created so they are different.
If the governing authority is not willing to make its platform better then there is hrdly anything we can do.. but you are right. Identifying these culprits is one thing however, rooting them out is another, which is way beyond our control..