Why Steemit Considers Comments as Posts : A Detailed Guide on Why You Should Focus More On Commenting

in #steemit7 years ago



You might have asked this question a thousand times that why would steemit count your comments as posts? It is annoying, right? Even some steemians made some contributions on @utopian-io that comments should not be made part of the total number of posts.

I tend to DISAGREE..

It is all about community
Steemit was designed to be a community site and engagement is of paramount importance when you are building a community.

It doesn’t matter what kind of brand you run on steemit, your level of engagement with other steemians reflects your will and dedication to be the part of this community.

So when we talk about engagement on steemit, leaving comments on posts is the best and the most profound way to engage with fellow steemians.

Before I answer the question as to why steemit considers comments as posts, I would like to bring to your attention 2 crucial points related to commenting.

Comments Are Not Part of Curation Rewards of One’s Blog Post

Yes, you read that right. When you create a blog post, the curation on that post is only limited to the upvotes you get there and thats it. As far as curation rewards are concerned, it doesn’t matter if someone posts a comment there or not.

So when you write a comment on a post, where does it count?

Does it help promote author’s blog post?
Does it help author’s blog post earn more money?
Does it reward the author in any other way?

& No...

So what happens to the comments you leave on other posts?


Your comments become posts instead. Now people can upvote / flag your comment or even respond to it just like it was a post itself.

So for instance, you wrote a comment on someone’s blog post and it earned you 1$. By the end of the comment payout, you would have earned 0.75$ with 0.25$ going to curators, JUST LIKE YOUR OWN BLOG POST.

The second point I would like to highlight here is that...

Comments Are Independent of Post Expiration Date

Suppose if you leave a comment on someone’s post that is about to be paid out, will your comment also expire with it?

Absolutely Not...

The moment you post a comment on someone’s post, it initiates its own window of 7 days and the upvotes your receive on your comment will be paid out to you after 7 days.

If anyone is wondering, yes, you can also leave a comment on a post that has already paid out and it won’t affect your comment in anyway.

Keeping above mentioned facts, it is evident that comments are not just mere comments you leave on a blog post. Infact they become posts and HENCE, THEY ARE COUNTED AS POSTS ON STEEMIT

Now that I have established why comments are considered as posts on steemit, it is time to emphasize on why you should focus more on commenting than creating blog posts.

Why You Should Focus More On Commenting

Less Time Consuming & More Productivity

When I take 5 minute break from my daily job, I log on to steemit, go to my feed, read a post, comment on it and then I get back to work. It is easy, simple, efficient and not at all time consuming.

Normally, it takes about 2-3 days to properly research on a topic and then it takes another 4-5 hours to create a detailed, error free post about it. This is some time consuming task and most of us cannot allocate that much amount of time without taking massive breaks in between.

Generally, people are more inclined towards writing their blog posts instead of writing comments. I have practically witnessed people pushing out 7-8 articles in a day but they are reluctant to write even a single comment.

It is advisable to spend more time on commenting since comments are also posts. Though rewards per comment may seem a bit less but when you are thoughtfully commenting on at least 20 posts a day, those little rewards combine to give you a massive boost.

More Visibility and Increase in Followers

The success on steemit is directly proportional to visibility on platform. The more visible you are, more people will follow you, more people will visit your blog and more rewards shall come your way.

But it is easier said than done. People spend countless hours interacting with other steemians on Discord channels and through other means. One of the most efficient way to put yourself on steemverse map is to comment on other people's post. You will be surprised to see how quickly your following will increase.

For instance, if you have 300 followers and you are continuously writing blog posts, chances are that very little amount of people outside of your followers' circle will visit your posts. But placing an intelligent and wonderful comment on another steemian blog post who happens to have 3000 followers will benefit you more in terms of visibility since your "great comment" will be visible to so many people. This visibility will help you gain some following and your future blog posts will be even profitable.

By Leaving Comments, You are Not Doing Author any Favour, You are Doing Yourself One

If you are new to steemit, you will soon come to realise a harsh reality that the steemit community generally does not like to upvote or comment on other people's posts. Now, there are many factors involved in this phenomenon as to why this is so and probably I will cover it in my future posts. No matter how good your blog is, most of the people tend to see your wallet first to check if their comments or upvotes will earn them any returns or not, which sadly, excludes 98% of the active community.

I would like to highlight here that by leaving comments on other people's post, you are not doing authors any favour. If anything, you are doing yourself a favour by promoting your content, your brand and your profile. No matter how miser your approach towards giving upvote is, you should never stop commenting.

Commenting is Better Than Posting Average Content

I have a rule here on steemit...

If you cannot create a great post, do not create a post altogether

As I have mentioned before, It usually takes 5-6 hours for someone to create a great post. It is not possible for anyone to come up with quality content after every few hours. If it takes you less than an hour to create a blog post then you might want to revisit your strategy here because that kind of post can never be a great post. Take some time to research on subject and then create a detailed post on it.

But what do you do when you are not creating a blog post?

Do commenting instead. There is no need to create unnecessary below average blog posts just to show the world that you are active here. Your activity on platform will always be measured by quality and not quantity. Writing comments do not involve a lot of time. They are quick to compose and keep you active on steemit.

I would advise everyone that when you are done posting a blog post, immediately turn your guns towards commenting. The more you comment on other people's blog, they are likely to visit your profile and read your latest post.

11 Advices Regarding Commenting

Based on my own experiences, I would like to share 11 advices related to commenting with my fellow steemians:-

  1. Don’t post crappy comments like "Nice Post" or "Thanks for Sharing". Even if you believe that the post is so complete in every aspect that you possibly cannot add anything to it, you can simply write down your own experience on subject and then appreciate author's take on it.

  2. Don’t hesitate to post a counter opinion in comments. You do not necessarily have to agree with everything author has to say.

  3. Voice your differences with author or with other members in a polite and humble manner.

  4. Don’t participate in flag wars. In a flag war, if you think that a whale will back your comment up with 20$ worth of upvote, then there will be another whale who will give you flag of worth 25$.

  5. Do not post spam. No matter how creative or clever spam you come up with, a real steemian will be able to recognise it and it will get you flagged.

  6. Try to post detailed comments. lengthy and well crafted comments often catch the eye of public and author. Make sure that you are able to convey your message properly.

  7. Do not beg in the comments like "please upvote me" or "please follow my blog". Your comments are reflection of your personality. Keep it untainted.

  8. Do not upvote your own comment unless you want it to be visible. Authors generally don't like when someone leaves a comment and then upvotes their own comment.

  9. Do not waste time commenting on people's blog who do not appreciate or reply to your comments. Leave them be.

  10. Do not hurry in posting a comment. You being the first one to comment has nothing to do with the amount of upvotes you can get.

  11. Do not drop links of your own blog posts on other people's blogs unless the link is absolutely relevant to the subject.


In this guide, I have discussed in detail as to why steemit considers comments as posts. Also I have managed to highlight that why every steemian should focus more on commenting. In the end, I have shared some of the advices related to commenting with fellow steemians.

I would request you to consider upvoting and resteeming this post so that it could gain more visibility. And of course, comments are more than welcome :)

Thumbnail image is designed on free canva tool. Bruce lee picture is taken from his famous interview while the comment over it is written by me. All other images are taken from pixabay


This is a post with great suggestions! It has been only 28 days here for me, but, I have learned a lot.
I would add that resteeming is a valuable part of building a good portfolio, just as comments and replies.
If someone has already written a post that I think is worthy of being one of my own, then, instead of trying to top it with a post that is substantially similar, I would comment on it add or disagree when appropriate and then upvote it and resteem it - the same that I am doing with this post.
Thank you!
I am not a bot ... I do more ... <<< please read my post on that.
All the best!

I couldn’t agree more. Infact last month, i wrote a post on this very phenomenon. I highlighted in the post that the trend of resteeming good posts is diminishing and there is an alarming rise of duplicate posts where by people, who come across good posts, try to rewrite it in their own words instead of simply resteeming it.

You are right about how resteem is indeed a valuable part of steemit (and is often neglected unfortunately). However i wanted to keep the focus of the post just on “comments”.
Thank you very much. Your comment certainly added value to this post.. ^_^

I am glad that you read my comments and agreed! In 28 days, I have been able to purchase Steem and Power Up so that my comments and upvotes are making impacts. I am not here to profit from tricks and games even if the rules allow them - use of bots.
I don't like reinventing the wheel and I am **not a jack of all trades - I know what I can contribute and what I cannot.
We all need followers and fans - so, I'll be one first.

It is mesmerising to see that you have so much clarity about your path. When i joined the platform, i was all about fitness and health. Soon i realized that i could write some guides as well to help young steemians get acquainted with the platform..

It is a fact that people join this platform and they do not read steem whitepapers or FAQs and then they struggle with some of the basic concepts of platform that they should have known prior to joining the platform.

Sometimes it is not about re-inventing the wheel. Sometimes it is about giving a refresher course to new comers.

If everyone coming to this platform were familiar with terms & conditions and rules of this platform, then we would not see 80% of the users posting below average content and spam on daily basis.

What people hear on the outside that there is a platform named steemit where you can go and post anything and you will earn. So they come in here and treat it like a money leaking website. And when they fail to get some money, they blame the platform.

Steemit is still in beta phase, there are no more than 100,000 active users on this platform. Educating masses is our top most priority. If we train them the right way now, we will be able to build a better platform for the world. Steemit alone cannot do anything. It is us who have to keep it alive and make it a hub for quality content.

Wow! Thank you! You are too kind! Your 100%+ deserves my 100%.
It is important to see steemit.com as what it truly is - a free ecosystem - almost like but more free than the Wild Wild West of US or any other country before a top down ruler gained control and crested order.
Here, we are "self-regulated', albeit there are civilized standards and expectations to govern our behavior.
In the Wild Wild West, there were scammers, bullies, gangsters, cliques, and so on, so, I am not at all surprised to see parallels to these characteristics in the physical world.
Just as in the Wild Wild West, like-minded people need to stand together for their standards and principles - justice and fairness will surely be attacked or ridiculed.
This is akin to the gold rush. Some (many) were drawn here to "get rich quick" while others are skeptical.
I have already gone through many of the same life experiences - struggles - falls (I do not call them failures), recovery, and successes and have achieved financial freedom once and am now on the tail end of the same 2.0 (long story).
So, I have a lot to share - although after being disappointed by previous one-on-one mentoring over a few previous years, I no longer do one-on-one mentoring but still will:

  • encourage
  • inspire
  • help
  • collaborate
    and, I believe in:
  • "be the change that you want to see happen"
  • "give what you wanted and lack to others first" as in "give and it shall be given unto you ..."
    So, I have been going around upvoting and encouraging new steemians and help set an example of a fast track to the top here.
    This post has some of the best ideas that I have read!
    So, again, your 100%+ deserves mine in return. Perhaps, someone else will also agree?
    All the best!

You are absolutely right.. and i commend that you have been rather forthcoming to appreciate new steemians by upvoting them where necessary.
I can’t thank you enough for endorsing this post as a source of great ideas.
Steemit needs more people like you.. ^_^

Steemit needs more people like you.. ^_^

I am glad that you are here as ^said ^! :-)

Very informative article @jbn. Thanks.

I worked out very early on that I could get much traction by commenting than I was getting on my blog posts so that is where I spend the majority of my time. That, and replying to comments on my own posts.

However, it is only in the last couple of weeks that I have learned that you can still comment on posts that have paid out.

But . . . just to clarify, If I post a comment on someone's blog and nobody upvotes it then there will be no payout on it. Is that correct?

Also, I wasn't aware of the 75/25 split. That's useful to know. Sort of obvious now I think about it but I just hadn't considered it before. Primarily because I'm mainly commenting hoping new people will visit my posts, rather than for the money.

And one more point of clarification . . . if I reply to a comment on my own blog then that reply becomes a post in it's own right. Is that correct?

Thanks! 😊

But . . . just to clarify, If I post a comment on someone's blog and nobody upvotes it then there will be no payout on it. Is that correct?

Since comments are posts, and posts only earns rewards when upvoted, then I think that it's correct to say that there will be no payout on the comment.

And one more point of clarification . . . if I reply to a comment on my own blog then that reply becomes a post in it's own right. Is that correct?

Yes. Any comment you make on Steemit is a post even if the comment is on your own blog. At the same time, posts are different from articles. All posts are not articles. All articles published on Steemit are posts. I hope I won't cause more confusion with this.

It is as I thought then. Thanks for the clarification @stojay007. 😊

Gillian i was writing a detailed response for you but i slept halfway through it. Its 1 past midnight here and m drowning :p i will reply to all of your queries tomorrow in morning..

No problem @jbn. Get a good night's sleep. 💤

Spot on..

First of all, thank you gillian for your response. Your support is always appreciated. Now to answer your queries :-

But . . . just to clarify, If I post a comment on someone's blog and nobody upvotes it then there will be no payout on it. Is that correct?

Yes, there will be no payout. Actually when steemit was created, there used to be a reward for author who wrote parent blog, which was somewhat 25% of the earnings of commentators. Now that reward quota has been removed (i dont exactly know in which hardfork they did so). So now your comments are 100% yours. If you earn upvotes on your comments, you will be paid, if your comments do not receive any upvote, payout will be zero.

Also, I wasn't aware of the 75/25 split.

It isn’t exactly 75/25 split. It depends. Generally it is 75/25. For instance if you have written a post and you get an upvote seconds after posting it, you will get 100% of the upvote. If you get an upvote after 15 minutes, the split is somewhat 85-15. After 30 minutes it is 75-25. With each passing minute leading upto first 30 minutes, the percentage will change. However, beyond that, it is 75-25%.

And one more point of clarification . . . if I reply to a comment on my own blog then that reply becomes a post in it's own right. Is that correct?

Yes that is correct. Each comment you post, no matter where (that includes replying to your own comment too), will be considered as a post itself.

I hope that i have answered all of your queries, if there is still left any, please by all means, do not hesitate to send it my way ^_^

Thanks @jbn. I've copied and pasted your answers into my note file in case I forget again. it seems to take a long time to really get all this information to stick.
I did have another question for you but I've forgotten it again now!
If it comes to me again I'll let you know! 😊

NO problem at all. I will be happy to help you whenever you will ask me a question.. ^_^ cheers

@jbn - It appears that with the detailed Q and A thst this post could very well be a classic roadmap to newbies.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate and opine.

Only upvotes will give you rewards. However, not eveyone wants rewards - some prefer or need reputation score - votes by those with higher score.
https://steemnow.com/@gillianpearce (your vote is worth $0.03) and mine:
https://steemnow.com/@freedomshift ($0.13 @ 100%)
And as in my profile and post, I am here to ... I am not a bot ... I do more ...)
All the best!

Oh yes. @freedomshift. I forgot about the upvote value to reputation. That's important too. Thank you for reminding me.

@gillianpearce - upvoting by people who have been here and build a reputation has the power of their reputation score to vote their approval or encourage newbies.
Today is day 29 here for me and my reputation score is next to my user name but SP and other stats are (spelling it out for newbies):
My goal is to Power Up whenever the "exchange ratio" or the price / cost to do so is near a low point.
My other goal is to increase my reputation score - something that I have to earn.
This post shows exactly what is important and what is not so much.
All the best!

The split is described in the FAQ - it is on a sliding scale based on the time since the post.

I think comment can really influence a post. Most of the time, people tend to look first if the comment is good or bad before reading the article. If there's nothing interesting in the comments then they usually just go away.

Interesting take on the subject.. people filter through posts by a lot of means.. this is the first time i am hearing that people scroll through comments to see if there is anything interesting going on or the post is worth reading. I didn’t know that..

I tend to be one of the people who read the comments before reading an article or watching a video. They are like points of reference and they manage to grow my intrigue to see the content or abandon the intention to do it. In this case it was different, first I read the post and then I went down to check if some commentator had my concern, to know if the comments should be voted to be paid and someone actually asked the question.

Very grateful for the information. I will continue to review your blog to see what else I can find that is useful to me.

It's no lie that I got most of my rewards from comments. The problem is, I have nothing to say for most topics that is more than a line, so I usually don't bother at all.

Well you should.. like i have said in the post, if you think that you have nothing to say, you can write down your own experiences related to subject.. commenting has pramount importance if you want some visibility..

You make it sound easier than it is. Most of the times someone else already said what I would say and I don't want to repeat the same thing.

Maybe you should try to comment on more anime related posts.

I understand what you are saying but there are literally thousands of posts everyday.. you can easily skip to next to make a comment

I totally agree with you when it comes to commenting. Commenting is very essential because bridges the gap between us all. I believe that even this comment has made a connection between you and I

I couldn’t agree more.. ^_^

I've done a number of posts over the few months I've been on Steemit where I talk about the benefits of commenting. I talked with one guy who told the new Steemians that he mentored that they needed to be doing 30 meaningful comments per day to start with. That would get them enough exposure to get started.

There are so many people here who are fighting for attention. If you're not willing to do the work to bring them in, they won't come. They'll go to someone else who is doing the work. Leaving comments is sort of like marketing. You're leaving messages from which people can see the quality of your work. If it appeals to them, they might visit your blog and end up "buying what you're selling."

It's nice as an author to have people post meaningful comments because then you can know that the audience is engaging with what you're saying. The spam comments are annoying, but they're not unexpected.

The thing that resonated the most for me was that I shouldn't pressure myself to post. I've had a goal to post once per day and it has taken a lot of work to do so. I don't just post a picture, I post articles that take time to think up and then create. I see people posting 3-4 times per day and I think I'm doing something wrong, so I appreciated you saying that quality is more important than quantity. It's a good reminder that I needed to hear. I'd rather be know for high-quality work every few days than low-quality work multiple times per day.

First of all thank you so much for taking time to write such a detailed response.

Your words remind me of myself when i started out on platform. For some odd reason, i made it a target for myself to post at least once everyday. Soon i realized that i was running out of ideas and i was putting too much pressure on myself for no reason. There was a point in my life when my 15 months old son (19 now) would not stop crying on certain instances and instead of attending him, i was busy writing posts. I am not proud of it.

So i have kind of learned this lesson the hard way that posting everyday will not get you anywhere. I have come to realize that i have got to stop treating steemit like a ticking time bomb. This platform is not going anywhere and i have to learn to keep the balance between this and my family.. so now i post like after 3-4 days and i couldnt be happier.

Comments, however are a different story. It does not take more than 5 minutes of your time and is totally worth it..

Somehow it makes me feel better to know that others are going through the same struggles. It seems that you've found a solution for yourself. I think one of the contributing factors is a number of accounts that will only vote on content every 24 hours. Therefore, to maximize profits, there's an urgency to post every day. Some of them are subscriptions that cost an upfront fee, so in order to make that cost back, there's pressure to post. I need to get rid of that mentality. I'm still making small gains on posts, so I shouldn't worry about sunk costs.

I think another reason to post more often is that people are generally following so many other authors that the thought is "they'll miss my posts, or stop following me if I'm not producing content." I think that's a lie too... or if it's true, who cares? Like in your example, taking care of yourself and your family is more important than making sure that your steemit followers don't forget about you.

You're right, comments generally are easy to fire off. You can read a quick article and dispense some sarcasm back in the form of a comment. ;)

Thanks for the dialogue!

Your struggle is real and i have lived through the exact same thoughts and moments..

There is one more thing regarding what you said about followers leaving you. If i am being totally honest, i have made followers based on my content quality. When i used to post average quality level post, my followers did not grow in numbers. Believe it or not i had 22 followers for a complete month with zero increment.. however the moment i started making long quality posts, they started to incease by leaps and bounds.

Forget about maximising your profits... this is a never ending loop. You will never be satisifed with the amount of upvotes you get.. the hungrier you’ll get, the farther you will wander off from life.. keep it simple.. rewards will come to you. Take 3 days to post and before making the post, research on it a bit to refine the quality of your post.

And you are asbolutely spot on about comments ;)

I think I've actually earned more from making comments then on my blog posts. Also don't underestimate how many followers you could gain from making good comments.

Whereas your blog posts usually disappear pretty quickly from the Steemit front pages (New & Hot), comments usually get seen way more often. Especially if you comment on popular blog posts.

Absolutely wonderful description.. people generally dont realize that with commenting, there is big money involved. Plus comments are wayyy wayyy better when it comes to advertising yourself.. they are much better for visibilty than blog posts..

I have been busy the past weeks and I have missed my steemit family and yes, commenting, for me is really a very important part. What I usually do is to read their blog, upvote it and leave a comment. I do this and it's very time consuming at times because I make sure to have read the article from beginning to end. I can't steem at work anymore, I have a new job and I've also been very busy for the transition aside of course, from taking care of my nanay who suffered from mild stroke. I have always spend enough time in reading your posts, sir and yes they're all resteemable (for me at least) and of course, very helpful to me and my followers. I've been asking this question before and now the answer is here. I am so glad I do this for every article that I read. God bless you po and thank you so much for your heart to all the newbies like me here. Please continue to guide and help us through your posts, sir. :-)

Excellent post, I agree with almost 100%. People here totally neglect commenting, they are missing out.

this was new information to me

Suppose if you leave a comment on someone’s post that is about to be paid out, will your comment also expire with it?
Absolutely Not...
The moment you post a comment on someone’s post, it initiates its own window of 7 days and the upvotes your receive on your comment will be paid out to you after 7 days.

Mind blown!

I don't know about not spamming though, you just need to be really classy about it.

Aah.. funbobby.. glad to see you again .. i am pleased that my post was helpful to you and you learned something that you did not know before..

I checked out your post.. it is for a good cause and i have rightfully made my contribution to it. But, I thought the link that you were posting here would be about spamming. But it wasnt. Did you accidently use the wrong link?

no, providing an example of classy spamming ;)
I wouldn't spam on my own behalf but I am pretty hard up to get these Venezuelans a computer. Thanks for your help!

I wouldnt consider a link to a post that helps another human being as spam.. i wish you best of luck.. and lets see if you remain this much witty when u ain’t drinking :p

that's the difference, if you get someone to click something they like it is fine, if you get them to click something stupid they will get mad.

Great article..
About point 8 , you have to upvote sometimes, otherwise your comment will be buried under the spammers

totally agree, you leave a good comment, and if you do not receive a vote, it will surely be left in the garbage, so this well elaborated one (question or answer), anyway, is a great article with a lot of valuable information,,, thanks @jbn

Well.. you are not wrong. But some comments are meant to be ignored. Not because they are not upto the mark. Its because the author on other end is also a human who can mistakenly miss your comment..

Ehtically speaking, you should only upvote your own comment when you want it to be visible because it contains great piece of information that you would like everyone to read first before they respond to your post.

I agree with the fact that commenting on blogs is better than posting below average posts. Reading and spreading the words of dedicated steemians is what I am sticking with at the moment

Resteemed bro!

Absolutely right.. thank you so much for the resteem. Means a lot..

Hi, @jbn... nice to meet you here.

  1. I have tried looked for you at discord channel, I also used the search engine but I still failed to found you. Actually I need your help about the way to calculate of the votes value. Basically, I using your theory but couple reason that make me confuse. Please assist how can I make communication personally on discord channel.

  2. I have completely read your post of great steem-guide for comment, you are right bro, every steemians should make lot of communication with others, that mean are more then community but we are a big family of steemit. I have had been read the same of suggestion from @Donkeypong from him I known the comment is very important for every one of us. Some time I am really forgot the time because my comment become equivalent a huge post hehehehe... you can see in here ... here ... and here

  3. I also recommend for every one, please respect to every comment in your blog. This is not about asking to upvotes but 0,00000000000001 is gave lot of meaning and every one happy because of RESPECTED. Then I did as you word,

Do not waste time commenting on people's blog who do not appreciate or reply to your comments. Leave them be.
hehehehe.... but my feeling is not good for this, it's think look like lost a friend and very sad.

  1. a thousand, or a million, please do not dis-pointed with this condition, keep always guide the steemit family, because we need it.

  2. Thank you very much for every your kindness, we are very appreciates that. And I am waiting for your response because I have lot of materials to discuss. See you bro.

First of all my apologies if you werent able to find me. Thought i assure you that i haven’t placed any filters whereby people cannot reach me. Even my facebook link is in my profile. I am on discord as well.. you can join Peace Abundance Liberty (PAL) Channel to find me. I am also available on Isle of Write channel.

I was also unable to find you on discord which means that we do not have a common channel there. Ok i guess it is a big mess and you should contact me on my facebook messenger.. i will help you out. If you don’t use facebook then let me know, i will guide you how to join PAL channel on discord then..

Thank you so much for the wonderful insight. You are absolutely right about respecting the comments part.

Some of the tips you raise have already been discussed in other posts and the others are deduced from common sense, however I think some brief comments are also motivating, even if they do not enrich the post in any way. De cualquier forma creo que vas a cambiar la mentalidad de algunos


Thank you for the response. First of all let me share what i have already written on the comment of @freedomshift. To save time, i will copy te gist of it and paste it here for you:-

It is a fact that people join this platform and they do not read steem whitepapers or FAQs and then they struggle with some of the basic concepts of platform that they should have known prior to joining the platform.

Sometimes it is not about re-inventing the wheel. Sometimes it is about giving a refresher course to new comers.

If everyone coming to this platform were familiar with terms & conditions and rules of this platform, then we would not see 80% of the users posting below average content and spam on daily basis.

Having said that, i would like to further emphasize here that each blogger has his/her own style of writing and explaining things to other people. All readers are not same, the respond and understand to different styles of writings.

As for the common sense, that is all relative as well. For example if you scroll through the comments on this post, you will see many people who did not know about rewards distribution from commenting..

It doesn’t mean that they dont have common sense. It means that it is not their priority to search for such information.

Brief comments are also great. But those brief comments better not be “thanks for sharing” or “nice post” or “great information” because most of such commentators were found to be spammers. Thats why, to be on safer side, one must write at least 2-3 lines while commenting to avoid falling into category of spammers..

Great I am commenting a lot but nobody is up-voting the comments.
That is mean

I am an upvoted conments but my sp is a little short but i loved to upvoted great comment in great post or autor like this.
Best regard.
When i get a great sp i give more great upvotes to great comments.

Well that is mean, may be you should change the audience.. remember.. there are a lot of people on steemit who upvote good comments.. so make a group of those people and regularly visit their blog. That is my advice. Dont waste your words where they are not acknowledged...

Thanks for sharing.....a lot of newbies including me are finding it difficult but with these few tips... They'll be relieved.

Well i hope that it was indeed helpful for you

An answer to the greatest mystery. I waited so long for something like this to come up. Thank you so much

You’re welcome my friend..

Wow! This is an amazing perspective! I never knew this! I was commenting because I really liked the post. Thanks for sharing this info!

Well now you know that your comments are worth something.. they are your asset. Use it wisely ^_^

I agree that commenting should be the main priority for all new accounts while they (we) build a following. At least 20 meaningful comments a day. People also shouldn't comment on everything they read just to comment. I only comment on less than half the posts I read because I dont have something to say...and im not going to force it.

Very Good advice. I thought it was kind of given thats why i did not mention it in my post.. :p but you are right, sometimes placing a comment where you have no clue whats going on is a waste of time.. it is always adviseable to go to blogs where you can practically contribute via comments..

I am new on steemit, I joined some minutes ago. And I have to say big thank you for this eye opening post.

I'm a writer & blogger so posts are not difficult for me and commenting also.. Its something i love doing in the blogosphere ..

But I'll love to ask if posting articles from my blog will affect me here... Some articles from my old blog.

I hope you answer.

Thanks again for the post

why would affect you if is your own stuff?, you would only be copying your stuff from one place to another, that should not be a problem... I think...

Okay. Thank you😊

Welcome to steemit my friend. If you are already an established blogger, you will do just fine here my friend..

About your question... it will be frowned upon even if you copy your own articles and paste them here..

There is a bot here named cheetah, who searches the internet and match content with what is posted on steemit. Bot doesnt know if you are reposting your own content or plagiarising someone else’s. So it will post the web link in the comment section of your post saying that bot has found similar content on the web that readers might be interested to read..

And it is generally considered as bad omen when cheetah bot pays you a visit. So people generally feel reluctant to follow a person who has been visited by cheetah bot.

Plus it would be weird since you will be targeted for self-plagiarism (yes.. that is a term)..

In order to avoid the mess, i would recommend that when you use your old articles to post them here, make few changes in them. I am sure you would love to update them anyway. So change the words, reduce or expand the articles, change the narrative may be, customize them for steemit audience etc.. take these measures and there should be no problem at all.

Best of luck. I would be interested in reading your blog.. ^_^

OMG!!.... wow.

thank You! and I copied an article from my blog earlier today, I think i will just delete it.

thank you so much for your reply. thank God I asked


No problem at all :) happy to help..

This post is the masterpiece of commenting. You cover the subject in real detail, great work and enjoyed reading it.

Thank you very much my friend.. you appreciations are a great source of motivation for me..

Thanks for the great information about comments. Now I have better understanding about comments. Yes comments is the best way to communicate with fellow steemians.

You are right.
The conversation is the heart of the community otherwise it will be as browsing the net for only consuming information.
Comments are the legitimation of the word social.
And there is an added value to comments in the form of a possible monetary reward.
Thanks for your post.

Absolutely right. Thank you for your endorsement ^_^

I have thought this from the start of my time here - I have made over 1200 'posts' in around a month. ALot of this is commenting on peoples posts. Asking questions and generating discussion. Most people really appreciate that you took the time to read their content - especially those who are new and building a following themselves!

Top advice

Now thats what i am talking about.. this is what it is all about. You arw a living example of how comments can change your life on this platform.. well done my friend..

Yeah I think when I started I went a bit overboard on the comments. Now I do a few less comments and really think about what I can add to the discussion

This has been a super informative post! I didn't realize that comments are considered their own posts and you have the opportunity to have your comment up voted. I was a little disheartened to learn that some accounts will not interact with accounts with small wallets. The wallet and crypto-currency is something that I am still learning about and it seems very simply complicated. Good to know what is something to focus and improve on to be more connected with the community here.

I am happy that you have learned something new here. That was exactly the purpose of this post to educate masses.. ^_^

Awesome post. Makes sense to me as commenting is an easy way to get started. No pressure to put something "amazing" out there. Just simply engage with the community and show your appreciation for someone's effort. Thank you @jbn, this post has earned my first comment.

Thank you very much barry. I feel honoured ..

Its clear now after I read your post
And this comment maybe part of what have you explain above

Thank you jbn you are absolutely right! I think the most important part of it: this is a community. And a community needs to be built. By sharing our ideas, comments and upvotes we are building a stronger community, which in turn, will represent more benefits for all the users. I'm just starting over here, but I totally see your point and will take your suggestions into account!... and another thing I wanted to highlight: yes, creating content takes time and effort, we need to be aware of our time and mix our own writing with commenting for better results.

Brilliant.. this is what it is about.. building each other and engaging with the community..

Interesting I love to comment and there is something you have forgotten, and that is that every time someone visits your blog and comments, always, you should always give an upvoted even if it is 1% that helps, and a lot you will always have good feedback and generate loyalty in your followers and you will have great posts full of comments.

By the way, lately I have been accustomed to visit articles of great personalities steemers voting all their comments to 1% in absolutely all those comments that I consider of quality.
Also my policy is if someone comes to my blog, and I vote and comment will always have my vote in your comment, of course sometimes someone just comments and does not vote and your comment is spam then yes that does not ask for true vote either.

Sometimes I choose to vote the comments within the 1% post or sometimes I vote the comments received 100%, although my power is nothing but because something could be useful, and you should always respond to your followers always always
No comment is left without an answer or without a vote even if it is 3 days later but it will always be like that.
You say you should not vote your comment in the posts of others, that's fine but inside yours you could do it from time to time I guess not.
I hope there is no problem with that.

I loved your advice especially because many do not give the importance it deserves to comments, thanks I will take it into account considering that my average publication is once a week to not bore the followers, and then stop you from continuing so post that sometimes are just a simple photo, thanks for such a great teaching.
Sorry my bad english I use google translator to translate I hope you understand my native language is Spanish
a hug.
cordially @galberto

I take it that you are really humble. However you underestimate yourself my friend. You have written some amazing advices here.

To be honest, i did not forget about upvoting the comments part, its just that i wanted to talk about comments only since the post was dedicated for comments alone.

No need to apologise for english language my friend. I understood your message loud and clear. ^_^

Many thanks dear

Dope Bruce Lee quote

Lmao.. thank you .. i thought nobody even noticed it.. :p

That is very interesting.
About point 7, it remind me of the other day that somebody reply to me with just that, I was so tempted to reply with "No", or "you first" or something along those lines, but at the end I just leave it at that because the guy was not worth a second of my time...

Yes that happens.. honestly there are so many bloggers on steemit. There are people who are not worth of your time and energy. Like i said “leave them be”.. ^_^

Thanks for sharing this im a newbie here
and i want to learn a lot here in steemit
Godbless you and more power

I would like to say you good job..

You might wanna read the last portion of the post before commenting??

Please upvote me (Just kidding :D) Good stuff to know 👍👍👍

Thank you! I've been one of those people who posts a lot of content but rarely comments. I'm going to step up my commenting game now!

Thank you for all of these advices. It's really been very helpful. It gave me an idea on what to do because I usually focus on posting blogs not on comments.

I just found this post, but it is actually what I have been doing. I have been here for 4 months and just started posting this week. I was checking out other posts and trying my hand at comments to join the community.

I joined Steemit sometime ago as a way to see Vlog authors that I had viewed on other platforms. I only recently became active in the community and now see that I have made many of those very mistakes that you have written about. I really appreciate the thoroughness of the post you wrote. Thank you.