Steemit Saved My Relationship

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

You know those times when your relationship doesn't seem to be working? Where everything is a bit harder than it normally is. 

My relationship has suffered from that for the past couple of months. The reason being is we both became rather stagnant in our lives, we had way too much spare time and we weren't actually doing enough independently. 

We were constantly bickering because we really didn't have much else to do. 

Self worth is generated by contributing, creating and bringing something to life in the world. The importance of this is expressed in one of the greatest poems to exist in this world is the one by Kahil Gibran "Love One Another" 

The poem finishes like this

And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

It is the perfect expression that we all must remain independently strong, to hold up the weight of the relationship and each other. 

Steemit then came into my life, I had been writing for a long time but would always start and stop. Since joining Steemit I write every day, I gain a sense of contribution and I love to share my thoughts on this platform. 

As a result my self worth and need for self expression is being fulfilled. 

Not only that my partner has also taken up a second language. 

The combination of us both investing in ourselves has resulted in a more positive interaction. It is easy to be absorbed and swallowed up by your partner. But, you must work together as a team, playing your part and bringing the best version of you can to the table. 

The only way you can do that, is to fuel your soul independently and by contributing to life in your own unique way. Steemit has provided me with this avenue.


Awesome. Hope it works out for you two.

! oh it will - we have been together for a long time. Just part of the ups and downs of any relationship :) @johnnyyash thanks for the well wishes!

I'm glad that you're starting to work on yourself, but there is a deeper issue at hand here. As soon as you lose interest in steem, or if it starts becoming routine then you will be in the same rut. Nonetheless you have my support!

@nocluewhatimdoin maybe so, I think what it has taught me is that I need to invest more time in to myself. Writing has always been part of my life and Steemit is a great platform to contribute to - sharing whatever I please.

I think it is just the acknowledgement that I must continue to keep it up .Like anything it takes work :)

Very touching piece, best of luck to both of you finding your "selves" within the couple.

@grolelo thank you very kind of you!