Pretty confident this is the most exciting thing to happen all day, but it looks like it has just landed! Or maybe I am tripping out and it has been there forever...please let me know if I have lost my marbles! Either way I am over the moon that we can now follow people!

What a great leap forward!

#steemit #steem #follow #button
It has been there all along but I don't think it was working until recently.
after following someone, what can I do? How to show the those people I followed?
what is the function, after all?
I think this is like posting, "We have a door!!!" and we ask if they will open it so we may go inside and they respond, "there is no inside, it's only a door stupid."
I have been wondering the same thing.
yeah im sorry t break it to ya, but it has been there for awhile now
hahaha over the moon either way! winning!