The issue with AI is us | Practically spiritual post | Baru

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


It looks like the future is AI. Seems like scietists and inventors are at it again - doing something because they can not because is “right”. the issue with AI is not AI as a concept. The issue with AI is that it is being made in the image of its creator - us. WE are not conscious yet. WE are not good enough parents to birth something caring, loving and connected into the world. Just look around. Observe how we treat each other, how we treat our youth, how we treat ourselves. We promote poison as food. We are killing each other for a profit. We provide poisonous fake food to each other and wonder why we are sick and cancerous. We drop atomic bombs on each other and hope its ok?

Why would we rather AI than interacting with other people? Maybe because we think AI will be better than us? Nicer than us? more accommodating than us? Will it be like a puppy dog that will always love us? I think of the Stepford wives when I think of "men" creating AI. I think a pet rock would be a better companion than a talking robot doll. LIke all children, the flaws of the parents get amplified (unless the child is willing to reflect and ponder- to do their inner work to heal their own wounds)

   What scares me about AI is the science fiction might have predicted the outcome correctly - I, robot and the robot nation. Terminator lucy. Stories are lessons. They can be warnings. What are we doing to learn from them? To prevent them?


Until we do our work to become loving caring affirmative parents we should question creting anything. Our shadow self will either unconsciously transfer into the creation or the creation will turn around and ask us uncomfortble questions that we dont want to answer and get made at the creation for doing exactly what we created it do to - learn.

What do you think?