Has Steemit Affected My Life? | 25 SBD Give Away!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys!

Steemit has been described to me as something in style with Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and all these other popular social media sites, I have used most of these but today I hardly use any of them except Steemit. Maybe the function of these different sites are the same, bringing people together, learning from others work and teaching/sharing your work with others, or maybe you simply just want to chat or have a conversation with someone, BUT! Somehow Steemit is still different, ow right! You're able to earn rewards from posting, commenting and voting! And you know how humans are greedy and money hungry, I'm not saying each and everyone of us are, but humans in general. This is probably the reason why I want to do this right and not just joke around.

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In this post I mainly wanted to share how Steemit have changed my life since I joined but I also decided to hold a small give away because of all you amazing people out there who have helped me to get going!

My account was made for over a year ago pretty soon after Steemit were released, but I started being active about three months ago when I got to my senses and realized this is the beginning of the future and the smartest way to go. Without my good friend @acidyo I wouldn't be here today on this amazing community sharing my stories and thoughts.

So, have Steemit affected my life? YES!, in a few ways I guess it has changed my lifestyle.

Probably no major changes but a few, both for the better and the worse. As I already mentioned, I have become more careful on how I write, what I write about and how the layout is.

I take pictures of everything! That is definitely something that changed since I started writing. And because I love being outside, traveling and just enjoying the fresh air I often run into nice scenery and nature which leads to endless amounts of pictures on my phone!

Thanks to eSTEEM, an application you can download on your phone to easily write, comment and vote, I have been a bit unsocial when I'm out with friends or hanging around my girlfriend. Nothing wrong with the app though, it's perfect if you're traveling and don't have your computer with you, easy and handy to use!

My English have never been that good but now I always try to get my sentences and spelling right so I always google my way through. I have improved my English a lot since I started writing!

I have suddenly become more and more eager to learn new stuff, and now I'm not pointing on anything specific, everything have suddenly become so interesting, actually I don't know if it's Steemits cause or just that I have come to an age in life that I really want to learn about everything?

These are all changes I have been thinking about lately. How have Steemit changed you or your life style, or are you still the same person as before you knew about blockchain-technology and Steemit?

Now to the part you have all been waiting for!

I'm close to achieving 300 amazing followers, and I wanted to thank all of you for supporting me along the way!
I decided to hold a 25 SBD give away so any of you have the opportunity to win!


  • Choose a number between 1 and 200
  • Write it in the comment section, don't be afraid of writing more than just the number(Because of miss understandings I have to mention that I meant 'text' not multiple number guesses) :)
  • After the 7th day I'll let "RNG"(Random Number Generator) pick a number and the person closest to RNG's pick WINS!
  • I'll send 25 Steem Dollars to the lucky winner

Thank you for participating!

Oh, and my flight to Portugal leaves in a few hours, so stay tuned for posts from the beautiful southern parts of Portugal!

Remember to vote, comment and feel free to share how Steemit have changed you!

Until next time...
...Have a great day!

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Steemit changed my life a lot too! I am able to move to the countryside with my family, take longer walks and post interesting stuff I see.

The number is 21.

Glad you have been positively affected with steemit :) sounds like the perfect place to live with your family! And it's so good for you to be outside! :)
Good luck on the give away!

Hey @jerry12 !!

Congrats on your 300 Followers ! Well done! :D

For me, Steemit has made me more creative, I am always thinking for an original idea to help the community back. Trying to do something that could help others. I am more alert for potentially good photos that could be taken at all times.

Thanks for the giveaway and good luck in Portugal ! Boa viajem!

My number is 128


@jerry12, Steemit definitely changed my life, too... I was a bit skeptical at first (6 months ago) but decided to give it a try because I was ready to start a general blog like I had more than a decade ago... I have been very pleasantly surprised by the sense of community here, and the high level of interaction.

I'm picking the number 100, because I just happened to give the 100th upvote to this post...

Thank you for the support and good luck with the giveaway.
I'm glad you're enjoying your stay at steemit as much as I do! :)

Steemit provides lots of learning opportunities for everyone who uses it. I think it is great that you have seen improvements in your english and I can agree that Steemit can definitely take a LOT of our time.

My number is 77.

The Last Sage

Absolutely, and since you can just choose the topic of your liking and browse through it is easy to learn on topics you want to learn more about!
Thank you for stopping by and good luck on the give away! :)

Grats man, number 77 were chosen from RNG, I'll send over 25SBD.
Thanks for participating!

Thank you so much @jerry12! I greatly appreciate it and always we remember what comes around goes around. Be assured that I will pay it forward! Peace brother.

Receiving feels good but giving to someone that really appreciate it feels awesome! Peace, I'll see you around!

Your vote is important to us. For which we thank you. And keep voting @ahlawat

Thank you @ahlawat for stoping by! :)

Great post

Well hello there! have been doing the same thing (photo) for the last few days :D
Number 90 thank you! enjoy the trip mate!

Hehe, that's how it starts. Thanks man, I'll enjoy it!

I take pictures of everything!

Haha same here since I started using Steemit! :D

Enjoy the vacation man!

Haha, phew, glad to hear I'm not the only one going all crazy about photography. :D
Thanks, I'll enjoy it!

And you know how humans are greedy and money hungry

Totally agree with this. Without this factor, I'd still be really active on Facebook, because everyone I know is there. I would say I'm more desperate than money-hungry since I haven't had a regular job in almost a year. And yeah, I've been taking photos more often than usual. Photos of things I never used to care about, like historical places and sites.

I choose number 24.

Yep same here, I have always enjoyed looking at historical places and nature and all that, but it has always been enough to see it with my eyes and store the memories in my head, but now I'm taking sooo much pictures! My little brother are always laughing at me and calling me a 'tourist' :D
Good luck with the give away! Lets hope you get the prize to help you with your current situation!

Thanks a lot Jerry :)

My number is 135, Thanks for sharing bro!

Thanks for participating!

It makes sense to post on a platform that pays yo back for doing so.


Yeahhh, that's my number. What do ya think ???

Hi, jerry. This is good job..

Interesting post @jerry12
I'm sure everyone also feels the same with you

Thanks! Glad you liked it @iamrifk

Glad to hear you've enjoyed your time on Steemit, it is highly addictive! I'l take number 13 please!


Wow. What an amazing story! Your English is excellent! Hope you are having fun! Thanks so much for doing this!


Thank you for such fine words! :) Good luck on the give away!

Yes for me is the same I am not much more on FB and the other ones okay have a nice day and steem on :)
My number is 23

Thank you @danyelk! Good luck on the give away :)

Thanks and yes hope to be lucky :)

Number 30. Thank You

The Number "171"

Well, wish you a great and I hope to see a lot of pictures from Portugal. :)


Thank you! Absolutely, I'll be sharing my trip with all of you! :)
I have heard so much about Portugal and people say there are amazing scenery and beaches down in the southern parts :)

Great to hear your thoughts on the platform! Followed and I will guess #179

Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :]

Thank you for spreading it! :) Not interested in participating in the give away? :)

87 nice one bro

  1. Thanks for doing this!

I just started out with Steemit myself and also feel I'll be hanging around for some time.

Number 123

Nice having you on board, good luck with the give away and enjoy your stay on steemit!

My greatest joy is talking to friends in countries I have never been to. My number is lucky 7. All steemians have a happy day

It's always nice meeting new people from different countries, you learn so much as there are so many different cultures in different countries :)
Good luck on the give away!

My number is 07,

Thanks for your generous offering. I select the no. 7

I choose the number RNG generate😂😂

Mmm I say 178

thank you Jerry!


that is the number i wanted to use lol

72! Woo-hoo number 72!

Steemit has let me get back into one of my passions. I used to love editing video and shooting pictures. I stopped my passion for years because I felt like it was a waste of time. I know that's kind of sad, but it's true.
Steemit rekindled my passion. I'm creating on a daily basis and sharing with friends. I'm learning and loving the process. Cheers. Thank you for your post.

Hey! I will take 96, wish me luck!

Well done Jerry!
Cool idea.

27 is my number and thanks for the fun! Safe travels.

I've only been a week but Steemit has changed my a bit already I think. I'm more curious about learning stuff, as when I write a post, I try not to make a fool of myself.

The number I choose in 89

My nmber is 25

Steemit .. it changed my life in just one month and two weeks.
I made a window here 2016 Summer ... But I did not use it then. I start use it 2 month back. Then two months ago I decided that I would try again. I got 400 euros for the first two weeks... And by the end of the month, I had already earned 3,000 euros. I was ... WOW.... Did I make this....WOW... I like black and white photography and black and white art. And I sell B&W prints.
I personally believe that Steemit it is still rising... Because this page does not advertise here itself. And because of this, many have not yet seen and heard it.

Oh man, have a great time in Portugal. I envy you a bit :)
Btw, lucky number 8 for me :)

Thanks, it will be nice with real summer and not just the "Finnish summer" :)
Good luck with the give away!

Same here @jerry12! Since I joined Steemit, I am infact not even interested in logging in the other social media sites where I used to be so present before!
Whole day lt's Steemit , Steemit and Steemit!
Have a great time in Portugal mate!
I will pick my daughter's birth day as my number : 95
Thank you!

I have been around less than a month, I love steemit and it's community.
My number choice 34

Very cool post!!! I feel the same way about steemit! it is so motivating!.. I forget I even have a facebook account since I discovered steemit, the only problem, is that there isnt enough hours in the day to do all the things you want to do on steemit, comment on posts you like , write endless creativity, etc! it opens so many avenues and opportunities! .. for example, for years I have been wanting to return to writing poetry but have never got the right amount of motivation to actually do it, it has been something I just really want to get back to but keep putting off. Steemit has made me return to this dream of mine :)... Same goes for my fiancé , he is absolutely fantastic artist , doesnt believe in himself as much as he should, but when I post his art , it always does well. it has got him motivated to return to art again !..
It has to be said that steemit must also be a fantastic way of keeping our cognitive function up to scratch xD

i am looking forward to your portugal pictures, I spent time there last year in Tavira, and although I was not very steemit friendly at the time I enjoyed the beautiful scenery so following you to see those pics!
Steem on :)

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