Would the Steemit team please make these few incredibly easy changes to steem.io because these updates will help convert more readers learning about Steem into new investors in Steemit and reduce new user confusion?
Why have I requested these changes on behalf of all of us?
- These are REALLY REALLY easy changes that I hope will make a significant impact in making Steemit easier to use based on my experience on Steemit for a couple months now. If all ten of these changes were done, I believe it would take one person less than an hour and make a significant impact on the price of Steem because with a few simple updates, I think we can greatly increase our conversion rate of users on https://steem.io taking action and buying Steem!
- Is it worth taking the time to update https://steem.io even with the rebranding in progress? YES because when I was learning about Steem and deciding to invest, I spent a lot of time on Steem.io which led to a lot of confusion after spending more time on Steemit. Fortunately I was referred to Steem by a friend I trusted because if I had just been curious about Steem on my own and visited steem.io, I would have figured Steem was just a startup cryptocurrency with no real value and left before I even found Steemit because of a few simple website design issues that I will offer very quick fixes for in this post.
Will the Steemit team please make at least one of these ten simple changes for us?
- Update https://steem.io/blog/ with an RSS feed of the Steemit blog at a minimum or link it directly to the Steemit blog because seeing an empty or low quality blog on a website is my number one trust red flag. When considering becoming a client, I almost always visit the blog first because the quality of the blog almost always equals the quality of service. Most companies I am a customer with have an outstanding blog and most every website I have been scammed on had either no blog or a sketchy blog. Steemit has a great blog which should be immediately obvious on Steem.io.
- Replace Shapeshift with either Blocktrades.us or changelly.com at https://steem.io/#intro-ex because Shapeshift is not currently taking Steem or SBD and it has been this way for at least a month. Sending users to an exchange that has Steem disabled is another red flag for trust.
- Remove the link to the whitepaper or nest it alongside a list of changes or replace it with the 2017 roadmap because this will stop confusing new users and/or provide updated information. After reading the whitepaper in May 2017, it has been one shock after another in actually using Steemit. I felt like I had been punched in the gut when after powering up 10 BTC of Steem and expecting a very high interest rate as explained in the whitepaper, I discovered it was only 2% annually. I thought about powering down immediately and quitting Steemit before I even made my first post because of what I considered a huge betrayal in trust from outdated information in the whitepaper. Fortunately, I stuck with it because I was already filming a video course about why Steem was the best investment in June 2017 and I had already filmed the first half of the course.
- Update the broken Forbes link to https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogeraitken/2017/01/17/fintech-steemit-migrating-servers-to-amazon-unveils-blockchain-roadmap/#6f77b42a7dd5 because the current Forbes link is broken which is another red flag trust signal. Scammers love to try and make fake trust online by using logos from what many consider reputable websites like Forbes. The scammers never link the logos because they never have any actual story in them and most people are not likely to take the time to Google Steem Forbes when the link is broken. Rather they are simply likely to be annoyed and leave.
- Switch the links to "what people are saying" to actual Steemit user profiles or results from https://steemit.com/trending instead of quotes from people most of us have never heard of because it is critical to get new users to actually see what is happening today on Steemit. Pick a few top authors and feature them or recent trending posts instead to give people case studies to what is actually happening today on Steemit because that is what impressed me into signing up.
- Update the payment terms at https://steem.io/#intro-ex to what they currently are with an average USD daily payout value. For example, I believe the actual data is close to authors earning $63,000 a day in payouts while curators earn $21,000 a day for upvoting content. THAT is useful to know and would motivate me to invest right away.
- For the social links at the bottom of Steemit, shouldn't the official Steemit account be linked first instead of slack?
- The https://steem.io/#rewards link at the top does nothing currently which would help to either remove it or link it to something!
- Update the FAQ with "How is Steemit 10x better than existing social media platforms? Steemit allows authors and readers to earn money when they contribute to the value of Steemit while existing social media networks do not compensate users for submitting valuable content to their websites."
- Add another YouTube video below the animated explainer video that goes more into depth because I personally learn very little from videos like this and generally avoid watching them after having seen so many. I have two videos which have received mostly positive feedback which might help a few people learn more instead of leaving right away. I am sure others have videos that would be worth considering in the same position!
Thank you very much for reading this post which I hope was helpful! If you agree with even one of these changes, would you please upvote this post because it will help it reach the developers?
Jerry Banfield
I visited Steemit.io many times before creating this account (it took me an entire year!). There was always a reason or two why I never signed up, despite being interested in the project.
I think you hit all of them (and more).
The outdated info in the white paper (inflation and staking period), has repelled many investors. I know, because they always mention it!
GREAT screen name.
Yeah the outdated whitepaper is a problem coming up so often lately!
Glad you got in! Steemit is just reddit + coins on the outside. But it really is a much more ambitious project than that. Yea it’s a blogging contest, but already there’s a lending market @minnowbooster and it’s used for p2p payments #steemGigs.
It’s achieving bitcoin’s dream...
Also, btc is headed for a potentially catastrophic hard fork in a couple of weeks. I’ve sold all mine to be safe. (Whatever ‘safe’ means in crypto xD)
@jerrybanfield I think you make quite a few valid points in your post. If I had discovered some of the issues you had as an investor.... there would have definitely been some red flags raised in my mind. Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention, and for trying to motivate the proper individuals forward to a positive change.
@mcdevlin 182 You nailed it !!
I'm not entirely sure we can expect as much from Steemit as we once did. But I'm happy others see where there needs to be changes made.
For now, I would suggest we all support alternative user interfaces for Steem, such as eSteem, Busy.org, beta.chainbb.com, Steepshot etc.
Also please support the Steem Cooperative =)
Yeah, a March 2016 whitepaper is hardly reflective of how the platform actually functions today... it doesn't exactly need to be equivalent to a living document (that's not a whitepaper's purpose), but some additional detail regarding more recent changes/developments would be much appreciated.
A great breakdown and some good points of improvement that I agree with entirely.
Your point regarding updating the exchanges to remove Shapeshift and add others is especially key, as it is always a big concern to many users as to how fluid the currency can be exchanged. If a currency is not seen as being able to be actively exchanged, it could be argued that many potential investors in the system would be turned off due to fear that their investment would be unable to produce a return that could be capitalized upon. Additionally, the more exchanges listed that take Steem, the widespread the system seems and thus the more appealing it becomes.
I also greatly agree with your point on changing the "What people are saying" part to a more useful set of people as I also had no idea who the people quoted were and thus just ignored the entire section entirely. This comes as a big shame because that section could be used in much better manner. If regular users' quotes are posted there in a more fluid and continuous stream, I think that some key benefits can come of it. Firstly, a vast amount of different quotes from people makes the system look greatly used and highly popular, thus appealing for people who are unsure about the system. Secondly, the ability for these posts to be verified on the blockchain and the knowledge that they are immutable can give confidence to more crypto knowledgeable investors that the posts weren't edited or redacted for optimal results. Lastly, given how people seem to be on Steemit, it should not be hard to find a large amount of posts that talk in favor of the system.
Thanks for reading the long post and some great ideas you have here.
TLDR; Agree with you, more marketplaces = better looking platform, revamping what people are saying is really important and makes the system look better + wouldn't be hard to find praise of Steem from Steemit.
Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I'd add that if they have a github page, this is often times the best place to post these issues. Additionally, since many of your changes are non-programmatic in nature, if this is a github project, you can actually make the changes yourself on the codebase and submit a Pull Request (PR).
Jerry for President!
Well I'm pretty sure if @jerrybanfield was the president of my country Things surely will be way more bright and successful here in Brasil
Indeed we Really are in need of a Honest, Smart and skillful president here in Brazil
click here!This post received a 3.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @andyluy! For more information,
@randowhale u nailed it!!
Jerry, do you want to be my dad?
What about steemit ? This looks like an outdatd blogging website. Posts gets lost after 10minutes. No serious work on the theme. Cant find anyout good feature like saving articles, suggested articles, learn something from facebook.
@waqasaps u nailed it!!
Hello Jerry you should join us in steem speak one evening Would be great to have you in there with us. Head over to www.steemspeak.com - create an account and download the software. It is a great tool to use and network with Steemians. It is a 24/7 live radio + chat community always active. You are a great member of this community @jerrybanfield. Take care.
@thejohalfiles thank you for giving so much with your voting power on 20 of my recent posts and inviting me to steem speak. I have added it to my links and will give it a try when the time is right!
thank u for the informations thejohafiles about the chat and i already follow u ...hope to see ur postes soon x
@thejohalfiles I got your message to get on discord but couldn't find you there in the user list.
Hello @thejohalfiles How do we get in contact with you?
They have good info there, sometimes rap battles haha
Once again a GREAT post from you Jerry.
Keep on steeming :D
Also Jerry. Remember, You're a genius!
how about using smart phones to post easier.
@jerrybanfield can we appoint you as the next CEO of Steemit?
I would vote. The Banfield steemit army!
We've got a complete from-scratch replacement of the steem.io site currently underway; updating the old one when it's going to be thrown away in 2-4 weeks is silly.
We will however make sure that any of these points that apply to the new one are taken into consideration! Thank you for the feedback. :)
I agree with you! these platform does need some changes, I think we should be able to put our wallet on private because it does make you a target to be hacked possibly
Thanks. Do you know why the steem power upvote is paying less and less everyday? Maybe you could do a post clarifing why is that happening!? Thanks again
I got on the Steem train because of you Jerry ! Thank you very much for your consistency.
Same here. It is good to have people contributing every day.
@jerrybanfield - I love your heart and dedication to producing intelligent thought out content for us all - You should be the STEEMIT Spokesperson!! Real Talk bud
Steemit user participation at its best. Hoping for continued sensible improvements asap.
You are certainly doing your part to promote and to increase interest in Steemit. Maybe Steemit is currently on the back burners while the team deals with EOS?
I'm intensely curious: what makes you think that?
Just my guess. EOS is completely different monster compared to Steemit and more importantly because I think it wants to challenge Ethereum. I would not expect a new team to be setup for EOS, it would be the team behind Steemit and Bitshares because they have the knowledge already. Newer people will be moved to Steemit and Bitshares if they can find them, blockchain tech is hot at the moment with a shortage of experience and qualified programmers.
I always get surprised of the awesome break down you do. It takes lots of work and focus the stuff you do for this community... I believe these are all great things that needs to be done ASAP if we want steemit to be a player in the game. APPPRESHHH @Jerrybanfield!
Awesome post enjoy the information that you provide all of us.
We hope that steem can break even the $5 level, then be sure that the price will go Up and if something bad happen then the price will stay above $5 and anytime it can go to $10 $100 or maybe $1000, If steem will be worth 50percent of facebook then 1steem must be worth $1000 @jerrybanfield
This comment has received a 0.15 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
Great information as always. Thanks
Never used the website but don't see why not most of your suggestions are not implemented. I mean nothing sounds to much coding involved just updating content and information.
Jerry, I love you! Amazing post, can´t believe I watch the whole vid.
Thanks so much, you are great!!!
I can just support these views. I think point 3 from @jerrybanfield is the most important. I was also really confused at the beginning with the outdated whitepaper. I think if there are too many changes happening at the moment and to write a new whitepaper would be too time-consuming at the moment, at the very least there should be for example a red disclaimer which you can't oversee and tells you that the whitepaper isn't up-to-date. And at least links to current documentations on github.
Whitepaper update is quite in-progress and a current revision will be posted in the not too distant future. :)
Youre contributing value to steem.io man :)
Agree with all changes you suggested! @jerrybanfield
Good post, nice look out.
I also think the steemit team should make it easier to use.
nice platform but a bit complex for new users.
Hey Jerry I watched your whole video! Good stuff!
I'm starting to mull over the idea of going all in on steem...
I love the positivity of everyone on here, you can tell steemit is going places, but I hope it stays under the radar a little longer so I can get in cheap!
So, the concern you have is the concert of all steemians. Thanks for raising the issue. My VOTE & Acceptance on the issues raised in this posts are always with YOU !!
You raise some very easy to resolve but key points. This one:
Replace Shapeshift with either Blocktrades.us or changelly.com at https://steem.io/#intro-ex because Shapeshift is not currently taking Steem or SBD and it has been this way for at least a month. Sending users to an exchange that has Steem disabled is another red flag for trust.
Nearly put me off initially. In the crypto trustless environment, trust in key touch points (such as exchanges) is vital. I have been around this space for several years, so dug a little deeper but people with limited experience etc would not. (unfortunately I went to Poloniex- but thats a whole other story)!!
An excellent post with a great list of proposals. Let's see if the developers notice!
Great ideas, let's hope some of the changes are adopted!
Are they going to change the Steem name all together?
Is it actually 2% / year or what?
Well done!
why payments for post stopped??? whales please upvote minor posts or you will loose people,
I'm just comment to test if I still get rewarded for upvoting my own posts a whooping .02 Cents! :)
........Yep! It worked. Thank you Jerry!
Jerry, thanks for being so involved in the development of steemit. and I want personally thank you for introducing me to the community through your videos.
Hey Jerry, Love your content! have been an avid viewer for some time now. I would love it if you would like some of my posts @kavemantech i'm trying to build a following that will allow me to leave my 9 to 5 and spend my time talking about the things i'm passionate about... I am grateful for any support and i wish you all the success in the world! https://steemit.com/@kavemantech
Agree your idea
such a great post from you jerry and an awesome eye opener...the organisers should look into this.............Awesome
Nice job man we wait for the new
Thank you and good lock
Being a new comer on steem these changes proposed were really worth it, although I never struggled too much because I saw your Steemit video on YouTube. You made me feel good signing up immediately with steemit. My account only got approved today and I doubt many Nigerias are on here. Keep up the cool works, Steemit show really make you an admin! Can I raise the post or not?
nice post , thanks for sharing jerry i love your videos on youtube :)
Great post as always Jerry! What about a phone app? @jerrybanfield
In the meantime use eSteem it is actually really good
I use eSteem and it is great! Great post.
Thanks for the great post Jerry! The changes you mentioned are definitely spot on. I believe Steemit needs to update their content in relation to their growth. When they first made the website, there was a very small user base. Now they have hundred of thousands of users and more coming every day! All of those users have questions, so why not update the accessory sites accordingly? We want positive news surrounding Steemit, and with things like Shapeshift not accepting STEEM or SBD, it creates a negative image. Social media sites are starting to recognize Steemit as serious competition and we need every advantage we can get! Making the site easier to understand and giving proper tutorials is one of the many ways that Steemit can excel. People are always weary of websites that give away "free" cash for content, so as long as we explain the process as a whole and make the message easy to understand, then there will be a new wave of people coming in, and spreading the positive message for years to come. Thanks for sharing!