"I am here for the Alexa ranking and to get my work seen." This seems to be a great bottom line for many of us unless "Posts here do not get seen by the search engines unless an individual post makes $10"
REALLY? I have not seen that anywhere would you link your source because that would be very helpful information for me to process?
The data shared here is definitely discouraging and I think if we are going to do better we have to walk through the despair of looking at the downsides of how things are working now.
Hi Jerry - here is the post that told me about the "NoFollow" "DoFollow" information
The first comment tells you the threshold is maybe $9-$10 based on this steemer checking his own posts. I checked mine at the time (below $10) and others with $10+ and it seemed to be accurate.
Here is another post with the same information and lots of verification in the comments.
And here is how to check the DoFollow/NoFollow status for each post so you do not have to dig in the comments to find this information:

Thank you so much for looking into this and any ideas you have for us little guys :)