Are we ready to bring the most active Facebook and YouTube users to Steemit? Our rewards here pay the advertising budget for the second video ad I filmed today named "#1 New Social Media and Blogging Website? Steemit!" which is an hour long in depth look at what value Steemit offers for each of us! Would you help fund this second advertising campaign by upvoting this post because I will then spend the total rewards shown in USD on video ads with Facebook and YouTube?
View the video ad on Facebook at or below on YouTube.
The basic pitch in the ad is that Steemit provides the best opportunity ever to get started, grow, and monetize a blog combined with the first established platform to get paid for curating and commenting. For each of us already here, the more active users we get, the more value we all gain out of what we have invested already. While the last video we generously funded at was targeted to existing cryptocurrency users, this new ad is aimed more at content creators like me whether they have ever used a cryptocurrency or not. Here are the objectives for this specific ad!
- Bring new daily users to
- Inspire bloggers and content creators with an existing audience to test Steemit to see if it is worth making the move away from what they use now.
- Attract new bloggers, YouTubers, and Facebook users to invest time and creative energy in Steemit instead of WordPress, Facebook, and YouTube.
- Remind cryptocurrency investors having seen the previous ad of the long term growth potential of Steem with the hope of keeping the Steem price rising as more buy, hold, and power up.
- Encourage more developers like to start coding for us along with freelancer journalists, marketers, and artists to invest time in building tools, services, and posts that we will love! This objective comes directly from a request on the previous ad and I focus a lot on it in the new video!
Will you review the initial results from the last ad to qualify me to complete this next campaign? In summary, the first ad campaign we funded has already reached over half a million people online with less than 20% of the total budget spent so far!
Over the next two months as the ads continue to run, we can expect that for the total results the first campaign will reach about 2 million people with the good news about Steem an average of 2 to 5 times each!
Here are the Facebook results which you can see for yourself at
The screenshots below show the data directly from Facebook ads.
These results are AMAZING because for every $1 spent on Facebook ads we are getting 4 people to visit Steemit directly by clicking, one person to share the post, and about 20 people to like the post ad making it easier to advertise to friends! In addition to the direct results, the branding from showing the word Steem and Steemit around so much is hard to calculate and might help with increasing the amount of buying and holding of Steem which is sure to drive up the price! See the views and help with the comments on the YouTube video at
With the Facebook ads reaching so many people, why even spend the money on YouTube ads? If you see the suggested video results above along with browse features and everything besides YouTube advertising, you are seeing organic traffic to the video. While a lot of it is from my channel directly, most of the numbers are higher as a result of the YouTube ads. Being found in a suggested video or YouTube search is one of the most valuable forms of marketing I have found online. The more we advertise this on YouTube, the more of those really valuable views we get.
When we combine the brute force branding and high reach of Facebook ads with the increased organic traffic from YouTube, we can expect the very greatest results in every possible good way from a higher Steem price to more users on Steemit to more influencers to more upvotes on our posts to more new apps, software, and platforms designed for Steemit to new integrations with existing wallets and exchanges.
Would you help me choose the budget for this campaign with your upvote on this post because I will spend a minimum on the ads here of what we give on this post as I am doing for the last post which currently has a budget set of $3,382.13? Will we give more, less, or about the same for this one? I am excited to find out and to continue being of service here to our community! As soon as I finish this post, I will upload the ads to Facebook and YouTube starting at $10/day each and scale to whatever the final number is here for a one to three month advertising campaign!
Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Jerry Banfield
Heeey man, have to pay you some honor.
Exactly 8 days ago I saw your long vid. on You-tube and 5 min later I bought some Steem and made a account here, and i must say freaking cool stuff out here and I'm getting paid for it :O
Big thanks from Holland/Germany
to be honest, without Jerry i would already quit steemit. Thank you for being such a nice person with a high energy and motivating everybody 😘
If you need more motivation you can always ask me, just keep Steem it up
So funny! I did the same! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯
Hehehe weird kind of animals are we :D Jerry is kind of the queen (male) of the hive we follow him
Sooooo right 😂😂😂
Someone please photoshop him onto a bee
OMG @Cryptogirly92 SO FUNNY!
lmfao!! this is too funny!
Hello ! is there honey for today? ha ha ha
Nice pic !
Barry, meet your brother, Jerry.

this thread is life haha
Great idea
Would be epic, and I like where this is going XD
I hope you don't mind my addition to the conversation lol
Hail to the King, by the way how do you make those emoticons? :)
It's a secret jk... I'm just on my iPhone emoji all day 🙌🏼🙌🏼😂😂
Cant believe im seeing Charles Fuchs on STEEMIT !!
Now I know this is going to explode !
Actually I don't use it on my phone yet, maybe I'll spam you in Android Emoji's soon all day long ^^
cool thought
I think half of steem comunity is here becouse of him)
his good man trying to share + 1
He's the reason im here!
Me too, I wonder how many people joined Steemit after seeing that Youtube video?
Jerry You are awesome thanks for introducing me to Steem! Just made about 15 posts in 1 day experimenting and playing with steem
hahaha Free money :P
This is so counterintuitive!
@jerrybanfield do you have any clue how much people you dragged in to this? :)
it's unreal isn't it?
Welcome to your future.
Jerrybanfield is a great guy it helps a lot by posting his thoughts and ideas
There are many new steemit users because of his work
Thank you again Jerrybanfield
I tried to quit watching but I just couldn't stop #thanksjerry
I joined steemit after watching your advert and i bet you were still so new at steem and also my friend ironically referred me to watch your video then join steem just at the same time i was planning to do the same!
Awesome work keep up!
jerry is great!
It is impressive how fast he gains rewards
Good for you Jerrybanfield
Awesome work jerry! I'm a big fan and a day old minnow trying to make it in here. I have always looked uoto you for awesome lessons and I've been a long time student of your courses! Hope you and i make a fortune here on steemit long term!
Fantastic work Jerry! Feel free to link in the "Activism practiced"channel on
Some feedback. You talk really loud in these videos, but you also articulate well which sort of saves it. I guess some people react to a high level of this sort of self assertiveness.
Overall a good job. Keep doing what you do!
Thomas thank you very much for your feedback here because I am motivated now to try some more laid back videos again after pretty much yelling for most of the last 100+!
sir i just watched your post about steemit..And it really motivated plz follow me in my steemit account and vote my posts...
Thanks for your work!
He is possibly the world's most excitable person, but good to see promotion across the web :)
Jerry, you are doing a huge service for Steemit, and the future of social media.
I hope you are repaid 1000x in the future!
I always enjoy your content and will continue to support you, any way I can.
This is a great vision mission. lol . i will resteem it. Keep up the good work
Jerry, that is awesome! Upvoting! Please keep going with our support!
Top work Jerry, thanks bro, bought in a few months before your vid.
Yoooo @jerrybanfield ... you did so much already for the STEEMIT movement in just two short weeks. I got STEEMIT when you told everyone on YouTube!! Thanks for making this community the best! Keep on Stackin! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 💥💥 awesome 💥💥 STEEMIT platform 💥💥
I grew it pretty fast, just been here about 10 days 🙌🏼😂
DAY 1 for me.. 🙌🏼😂 🙌🏼😂 awesome sauze.. Keep Stackin! 💯💯💯💯
cool emojis
thx you 👀👀 👾👾👾👾
@Jerry great video, but funny thing, i was watching it right now on facebook. One small note though, you mention that one vote could be a dollar and could be 20 cents, but usually for 'unknown' users, without any connections at first, their votes count for muuuuch less.
But otherwise, i enjoyed the video and your spirit, keep it up!
You're right I waited a long time in the video to mention this and will hope to remember to say it right away in future videos!
Thank you Jerry Banfield for waking me up. I learn everyday from your YouTube videos. I recently joined steemit after watching #1 New Social Media and Blogging Website? vid. Man you're the best. Thank you very much.
@jerrybanfield you are sooo weird ^^
honestly hahahaha but i really enjoy how you commit yourself to this story
that's the way to go, brilliant
and even if my upvote is worth nothing, pls have it :-)
Steemit is on fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥🚀🚀🚀🚀
It's lit 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂
Thank you for your post Jerry! I am. YouTube educator, use my chanel to better communicate with my students, while i show them my lifestyle through vlogs. I see that steemit is the way to go! However, i wonder how i can secure my steem investments without the fears of being stolen. I have just been accepted to the steem community and ami am boiling with ideas! Thanks again for the videos
Hey I love your videos bro
Big thanks to Jerry Banfield ☺
Jerry, one of the first in! Thanks again for all the info!!!!!!
You motivate and show us the yellow brick road while holding our hands all at the same time as posting 15 New videos or blogs.You @jerrybanfield are a Human Machine! Somehow time slows down to a crawl in that Green Screen Magic Making Room of yours. I too followed you from Youtube to Steemit and I truly appreciate all you do.
Terry love your comment here thank you for helping me today!
Thank you Buddy. You are a mentor to many and you are very welcome!
Awesome video Jerry!
This is a good opportunity to load on steem . this has not even started yet. see the stability when other are crashing . steem is the place to be .
Back up the truck action 😂
Jerry, you are the best what could Happen to our Community!!!
Thanks for promoting Steemit and making it more successful for all of us!
Big Thanks for your videos :)
OMG @tastetwist how are you! I didn't know you was on STEEMIT! Followed ya! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯
OMG .. lol 💪🏼🙌🏼💯 your the best.. BOOOM BOOOM !
Good stuff @jerrybanfield! I was waiting for you to post this! finished listening to it about 30 min ago! Also, thanks for mentioning me :D
Wow you got mentioned by Jerry, I'm soooo jelly 😞😂
Order that I did this in: First upvoted ( because of the promising and exciting title ), now reading...
I've been seeing you around, youtubers are great for STEEMIT! I just followed ya, let's go make it happen! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Working on it!! :)
Great work :)
Great video @jerrybanfield. I'm a new Steemit user and am incredibly excited about the platform. I've been telling all of my friends about the platform and am hoping they will jump onboard as well. I've watched a lot of your YouTube content and I'm looking forward to following you on Steemit as well!
Excellent work you are doing here Jerry. Upvoted and resteemed.
Keep it up ;)
By facebook hello steemit !!

Facebook might "Buy" STEEMIT, they do everything else 😲😳😂
Yep they will like they bought Instagram !
Oh oh 😂
Wouldn't really compare Steemit to Facebook. Facebook is a social media site and Steemit is a blogging network.
It will become a social media hub with zappl and others coming out that mimics Instagram, facebook and YouTube that ties to steem dollars, stay Tuned, they are all in beta 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
How is Zappl related to Steemit?
yes definitely people from all other social medias has to see the power of steemit! :) upvoted
Totally agree!
@jerrybanfield Thanks for all the things you are doing for steemit. Really like the platform, and you are making more people realize how cool it is.
I joined steemit after I watched his 1hr video explaining how steemit works.
I am in the video! YEAH :D
I have already brought hundreds of Facebookers to Steemit! Yayy!
A blog post about it went viral.
I'm still a newbie for 10 days... I have yet to tell my 22k+ facebook followers, I will soon! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Welcome @stackin to steemit, the next big thing
I'm almost same or even newer than you. :)
My call to steemit went viral on my facebook and I have a pretty engaged audience there.
Welcome @ilyastarar to steemit. The sky is our beginning
I'll follow ya Bossman 😎
Thanks stackin. Followed you too.
The minute I saw the purple background I thought it would look good on FB. You got my support :)
What do you think about doing a short introduction for steemit (like 10 minutes)? I would watch even a four hour of you talking about steem, but the regular facebook/youtube user most likely wouldn't.
@licklake thinking the same thing after getting the long videos out a new shorter one for future ads which presents everything fast!
I am excited to see where it goes
Amazing how steem gives you money for joining a great community.
I converted Steem Dollars to Savings Steem Dollars, Is there a way to reverse it?
Because I wanted to convert Steem Dollars to dogecoin. After converting it into savings there is no option coming for "memo" so I am unable to do that?
Please Help! I am confused!
Click the bottom arrow out of the two on savings and click "withdraw" because it takes I think 3 days to get it back!
If the money is already moved to savings then it takes 3 days for a withdraw for security. Read about an occasion in which the savings option recently integrated to wallets has been helpful:
I LOVE your fire, @jerrybanfield!! Please don't ever burn less brightly, just 'cause a few might squint ;-)
I joined Steemit in August 2016 (!!!), and came to your video through my Feed where someone must have Resteemed you! I'm embarrassed to not be further along, but you've set a lovely fire of possibility beneath me.
I was attracted to Steemit as a content creator, so I viewed and used it in that limited sense. Ten friggin months, and I didn't fully appreciate THE TACTICAL + STRATEGIC angles you break down so clearly in your awesome video. The hour FLEW, and I was more inspired and energized than before I watched. Thank you very much for making such a helpful resource.
I plan to link to it in an upcoming post (nearly done!) that will: (1) reach out to my cannabis contacts on LinkedIn + Instagram, and (2) seek closer relations with Steemians who know, use and love cannabis as a tool of wakefulness (not stupor). That's my personal mission... to not only raise, but also deepen, awareness about cannabis + hemp.
I'm proud of my earlier posts, too, and hope you'll spare a few minutes to check some of them out. I think you'll resonate with the theme of freedom that is lived. And, of course, please do follow me! :-)
Thanks for adding so much love and knowledge here, Jerry.
Love your post here thank you I followed and voted up your posts this week!
@jerrybanfield you are a gem to have taken the time to do that, thank you!
Here's a link to the post I mentioned that refers to you, and recommends your awesome YouTube video:
thanks Jerry, im from malaysia. u r so amazing
keep it up @jerrybanfield
You have my vote jerry bring the people in ☺️
Awesome work Jerry. Working for us all. More than happy to help as much as I can.
Thanks for raising awareness for steemit
Great post and great video as always! Shared this video on my Facebook and I hope more people will join!
Love everything you post! Great read on the your addiction how open and honest you are about it's really the only way to get it across to people to let them know no one is alone in these struggles. I ever researched bit connect? I've researched myself and it seems pretty legit but have seen many videos that vary to the extreme of Ponzi scheme to a great alt coin. Pretty good returns on lending coins out...hopefully you get a chance to check it out and report back! Keep up the good work!
You have my strong support. Go for it!
@jerrybanfield You made a mistake in the video. You removed your own comment with the assumption you will get your voting power back, but in reality you wasted your voting power twice instead. It's a mistake many people make, but it's understandable. A lot of algorithms are counter-intuitive or confusing on SteemIt.
Thank you very much for telling me about this because now I know!
Np, now you can teach everyone ;)
Another mistake you made is when you voted on that post and you thought you added about $22. You know your vote is only worth about $1.40 or whatever it was before. What probably happened is that the STEEM/STEEM DOLLAR price updated in the system.
The amount earned and the vote count doesn't update until you refresh the page or you cast a vote.
Great Jerry I am buying steem. Hope it goes to $10.00.
Holy cow Jerry! This is great. I've already shared this video on facebook and emailed a couple friends.
I'm not sure how I found you, I think you may have been a recommended video on youtube.
Keep up the good work!