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RE: KEISER REPORT SAYS: "Thank you, STEEMIT community!"

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Welcome Max and Stacy! Long time follower on Twitter and of course The Kaiser Report on RT!

What is your strategy hodl coins? Cold Storage? Trezor? Nano? Exchange? (oh no!) the've been FURP ed!

Followed, Upvoted, Resteemed, and Promoted!

How did that feel? Warm and Fuzzy?

Better than being chosen as the Cialis Cyrpto Couple?


hodl for sure. Trezor is good. No exchanges, but some of the wallets are good for smaller amounts. We feel warm and fuzzy, a whole lot like Cialis Crypto Couple, but fuzzier, no, warmer, wait, I think it's fuzzier . . . ?

Well definitely harder! No...fuzzier...wait...what?

You two are simply the cutest news couple on the planet.

What's the special sauce that creates your loving chemistry?

Or have I been duped by fiat love and non-reality media once again? Those Russians!