I am reading more and more about steemian philosophy, psychology, the gift-economy and how steemians are helping each other. I have been really sensitive notably,
- the continuous help of @lizanomadsoul & @manncpt, or exceptional generosity of @twinner,
- the posts of @mammasita on the ego,
- the conflict I saw on a conversation on a blog of a friend,
- the cooperation and talk I am enjoying with @ccommons.art,
- Steemfest Speakers: @almost-digital - Make it Rain Steem; @dollarvigilante - Crypto and Steem Evolution the report of @inquiringtimes
- How to Run Your Steemit Account in a Gift Economy - A Project For Minnows By A Minnow! and lately the article of @ghulammujtaba entitled I discovered thanks to a resteem of @ccommons.art.
Once Jeff understood Steem, he started to get very excited about it. This is a test case in the free market. There's no one who really owns Steem. There are people who develop it, there are people who run Steemit.com, but there's no real owner of Steem, it's a community. He relates that the decentralized nature of the platform puts the ownership and responsibility into the hands of all of us. This is also a weakness of steem, because we're not as organized as a community, as this responsibility entails. This is one of the reasons, he thinks, that we haven't grown as quickly as we could.
Source: Steemfest Speakers: @almost-digital - Make it Rain Steem; @dollarvigilante - Crypto and Steem Evolution by @inquiringtimes.
My thoughts reading this interesting post found a focus on that small paragraph. Our societies are focusing a lot on competition. If emancipation and resilience are keys, we need to raise awareness, organize better the tools that enable bottom-up participation to increase social innovation. We need to make steem ubiquitous and usable offline. It means, an open framework for talent management is required using maybe super lean management (github style) to allow one and each of us to take initiatives and responsibilities, take part to the care of the individuals of the community and their values. The steem blockchain seems to allow this to happen: "to not need government to remind us to do it".
We need more great example of people supporting each other as mentioned in the article. The generosity and empowerment of the people I met here from the beginning, this is what is making me happy to be here and why I started to organize steemit-workshops at the #globalschool. However, I need to be pragmatic and think wise to be able to do it. I am glad if I can contribute to the next steps of developing the platform together. But let's be honest, this requires to find help and raise awareness for financial support to make it happen or I will not be able to keep track of my will and any action I could do it without thinking to be sustainable. This would lead me in a really insecure state. So How can I take the time to participate, help others and live without being insecure?
All of this is overwhelming. I have the impression, I can’t mindfully react to everything and every steemian as I would like, this situation also inspired me a lot.
Meeting so much wonderful people lately thanks to steemit. Some more visible to me such as the unique @mammasita,@nicoletta, @lizanomadsoul, @manncpt, @hr1, @peter2017, @reiseamateur,... some more discrete but not less supportive such as @twinner, @beers, @shortcut, @unityofmulti, the list is much more longer. It is because I can’t have enough attention to all of you and express how much I am grateful to get your support nearly everyday that I decided to write you, to the whales and to all steemit users this long article.
How getting to know and meet our life purpose, understanding the ego or the escape of a quest for a life purpose can help improving steemian life
Sometimes it is by realizing that we are making mistakes or an omission that we can also realize that we went on marge of what we believe in. Sometimes, we are asking our self, “Do I have a quest for a life purpose?”. Personally, I can't say no. I am systematically philosophizing with one and the other as if the conversation was continuous. I have to realize that I forget those who are around me, thinking probably I have the time to show my gratefulness, but too late comes too fast.
I am telling myself that I am putting meaning in my posts, but I forget and also have fears to take action. I realized from the moment I am on steemit, if I want to publish, thoughts, gratefulness, if I want to participate, to express thankfulness, to respond not on surface and say really what I wish to say, I'll come to believe it will take me all the day long. Probably, even without willing to, I am escaping, I'll forget. Even if I am visibly busy all the time, I have to see it, I procrastinate, not my work, but to engage further in my relationships.
Engaging with people we don't know is complex, engaging with people close to us can sometimes be even more complex.
But do we really want to finish our life with all these unfulfilled exchanges?
Are we witnessing a global epidemic? Are so much people not fulfilled with their life? Now more than ever, it seems people are feeling disenfranchised in their life. Feeling a lack of contentment. Feeling that they are not living their true life purposes.
It is because of all of that I am sharing with you the ideas below. If we could find ways to be more happy and fulfilled with our life, we will be able to cooperate together also better. So, first things first. Let’s try to contribute mindfully as we can to the reflexion. We all have a path to make our life more fulfilling.
In this article inspired by a video from bright inside, we will not try to identify what our or my life purpose is, first we will explore the topic and ask ourselves some questions.
Prior the next steps
If we observe that the world become crazier, so do we? We are spending hours in car or in public transports. To live some people are working themselves to the bones and are asking themselves if their mortal life is just about working five days a week for their weekends, and for sure for the paycheck. People are tired to have to ask their superiors for a day off or to have an advance.
Are you watching how the surveys are done? Are we reflecting collectively on these topics or is it just the concern of the millenials?
Source: http://news.gallup.com/businessjournal/195209/few-millennials-engaged-work.aspx
Job dissatisfaction increase and disengagement is sorring. And the most of the people we can talk with just do not like what they are doing for a living.
Are we considering the numbers about depression and burnout, this is a reality which became common in the last decades for the most of the people I met.
We need to make visible that people are dying with regrets because they are not living their life. This is a true epidemic.
There where surveys conducted in various hospitals and healthcare centers and senior houses in which people are asked when they are on their deathbed and know they are on their way out. They are asked if they could go back in their life and do something different what they wish they could do different. And what was amazing are the five answers which are visibly common.
Let's look at these five common replies:
Deathbed survey: I wish…
- I had the courage to live a life true to myself not the life others expected of me.
- I hadn’t work so hard.
- I had the courage to express my feelings.
- I hope I had stay in touch with my friends
- I had let myself be happier.
Most of theses replies are work or career-related. We could try to demonstrate that probably for each of us.
For the most of the replies we can identify that we are not happy because we do not spend enough quality time with our friends, our family and those we love and in what we are passionate about. Whatever that is or can be we will still be in need to prioritize the fundamentals and the most of us are educated with the memory of our parents or grandparents war traumas who needed to make caves of reserves for the difficult days. We also get the industrialisation in which we learned to consume massively and increase individualism, competition and power abuses. Some became new rich, some richer and a lot with not even the minimum to live in dignity. We learned to acquire knowledge, and even dominate people as if it would be normal.
We need to ask ourselves who do we want to be, not what we want.
Today it can be the day in which you are telling to yourself. I am not happy. And why can’t you change it? Because there is a bunch of reasons, you can’t sacrifice the pay, or you can't just do it right now and you put the thing off the radar, and you forget it. If you don’t want to die in regrets, you’ll need to tell yourself that every dream you have, everything is accessible and it is you that create the obstacles and limits of your own life. It is not because something is not appearing in front of us that is not accessible.
Ultimately it is the fear which get the most of us. How to prevent this?
”Too many of us are not living their dreams because we are living our fears.” - Les Brown
We are self doubting, because we are worrying because what the other could think or we are worried about failure. Self doubt kills more than any failures would ever will.
“The wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard, because in the graveyard we will find inventions that we were never ever exposed to, ideas, dreams that never became a reality, hopes and aspirations that were never acted upon.” - Les Brown
Let's think about that, how many people, including yourself want to do something different and just don’t do it. Whatever the idea or creation could be, we are choosing the easy path because of fear.
A lot of people are afraid of criticism, if they are deciding to go their own way. With the volume of massive influence, no doubt that is hard to think for ourselves.
The number 1 challenge is to live for yourself without considering the regard of the others. There are so much reason to think that we will not fit in, and we have fears, for example of criticism.
There is one way to avoid criticism:
do nothing, say nothing and be nothing. - Aristotle.
A big part in all of this is about self-trust. we need to find ways to get more confident about our instinct and intuition. You have to listen to yourself and know what it is what you want, because, otherwise how the road is going to treat you. If we do not want to live through a real epidemic of depression, we need everyone to look to their life and ask themselves how happy they are. Now it is the time people are making real change in their life. Today is the day you decide, you know what I am not totally content in my life. There are things I really want to do, I have dreams and I don't want to be that person on my deathbed with regrets. This is the part in which people wonder and worries.
We have bills, family, how I will support myself and those I love if I am making changes to follow a quest to be fulfilled. One second, how to turn this in making money? How I ‘ll be able to bring that change to my day to day life? Because it is so easy to say all of this…
No it is not too late, in reality we put ourself the obstacles on our way. There are always other opportunities which can lead you there. I could write books to explain how I went through difficulties and went on the side of huge obstacles in my life. Yes, I could have been also working in an office or in a marketing company like I did in the past and feel that I am living a miserable life selling people what they didnt really need. But why? The reason I did not pursue in that easy path is that I wanted to choose my life. I was until them listening everybody on what to do with, but not really following my own motivation and will.
To find solutions for our personal development, to fit with our quest for a life purpose, we need to communicate about our realities. That is where and why steemit platform is a wonderful tool to share about our will and effort to make this change. However, this is requiring self-trust. And confidence needs support. It is by externalizing what is animating you, you’ll find help. It is not a problem if you can’t express your needs well or at the first try. Take the time to document the change, to share it. On the path of exposing yourself, taking risks, you might feel in danger. All these challenges are opportunities on which you’ll be able to write and communicate to find other steemians to get to understand your realities, fears and find out how to contribute or help you. This is how I get already help from @manncpt, @lizanomadsoul, @twinner, @beers and @ccommons.art and started some new cooperation.
I could rush on developing my ideas, and think they are solutions for the problems facing the others. However, taking the time to meet the people who are sharing values is the most important. Probably in these new relations, some have a know-how or an experience which will make any solution I could think about more effective or profitable for the community. Maybe one win enough to live and want now to contribute to enable others. What I am sure is, I’ll never find the people who can help me if I am not committing to what I want and express what I need to take steps.
This is how today I am happy to announce the official launch of the Global School in September 2018. The project hosted with @generationeuropa, has been until now an experiment, and I would like to invite those who are feeling to participate to the next steps to cooperate together to make it happen. It is just the beginning.
If there is a global epidemic for the quest of a life purpose, we should see it as an opportunity to improve the life of all steemians and as a reasons to invest in steem, in the steemit community, and help in each other be fulfilled in their life.
Call for action: the next steps
- raise awareness about participation accessibility, and the complexity to engage in taking inititiative and responsabilities towards the community
- participate or create frameworks and tools for talent management: improve participation accessibility to fulfill responsibilities towards others requires the participation and empowerment of the steemians who are more privileged
- create partnership with physical spaces to be present offline
- create tools to unify the analog, physical, human and digital experience which are using the steem blockchain to foster digital transformation and increase social innovation
- make steem usable offline
- exchange and buy services for steems
What are your thoughts about all of this? I am really curious and looking forward to read your inputs, feedback and contributions as well as do my best to participate to the next steps with you.
All the best,
I'm very new to Steemit and obviously not a whale, but I thought I'd read your post anyway. I have to say that in my opinion you have written something powerful and thought provoking. I think a lot of people can learn from you if they take the time to read it, you make some very good points regarding the mistakes people often make in their lives. I wish you the best of luck with what you are trying to achieve.
Thank you for having taken the time to read this long post. I really appreciate your feedback. =) I am always affraid to publish or to express myself, so, I am really sensitive to your message and attention.
Sometimes, I feel addressing messages to the universe. Slowly I try to narrow, first compiling, inspiring ideas, ...and even as a draft as you can see, I do my best to give a name to whom I wish to cooperate with, and sometimes something happens. Sometimes we get new friends and the present of luck.
Thank you again for your kind and encouraging message, furthermore showing you were there! I am looking forward to read you again soon and get to know more about you. =)
I made a wrong move and click on publish as well as my article was not finished yet neither totally reviewed. Hope it is already readable and can help.
PS: I'll do my best to update the post as fast as i can, thank you for your understanding! :-)