Hello bucoleman, I have only been here 4 days and you are the first person I have found who speak sense and is actually putting out great content. I have to say I am no math wizard but a lot of the stuff on here seems . . . pointless, yet it 'popular'
I am trying to navigate myself and thanks for the links you sent.
It is already tempting to buy steem, but I don't even know how you buy a bitcoin and aren't they like a bazillion dollars??
this also seems what they want you to do - because you think you are going to miss out.
So instead of creating good content you just put out literally 'anything' in a post then boost it. It is actually really disappointing as this platform could rock if it truly rewarded people putting out good stuff into the world. Instead, new people like me turn up and become disillusioned really quickly or start playing the 'game'
So far it appears to be gaming, and basically a Ponzi scheme for the people that got in early. I do hope that I am wrong.
I am going to stick around and put out some more content and see what happens.
Thanks again I have found your posts really helpful.
Thanks for the great comment.
You have pretty much figured it out, it is sad, but it is the truth.
With that said, there are a LOT of great writers putting out great articles, some get noticed, most do not. But there are things we can do. I encourage you to find and create quality content and reward that only.
Also, consider using the #nobidbot tag as one of your five tags and lets see if we can get a fire started.
Sounds good, thanks again.
I saw many of them, some are just forgotten on the blockchain.
Much love and best regards
Hello @bycoleman, thank you very much for sending your @intro.bot to our first post. @wonderlamp is a new project to pic out some newbees and give them a little bit more audience. We have just started today, so let's see what we can do for helping newbees with good and original content to grow here on Steemit. @wonderlamp
I used to spend allot of time creating what I thought was good content, only to eventually be run off by Steemits most famous Bully! It's Bidbots and Bullies that will destroy this once great concept. And that is a sad state of affairs.