I currently live on Bali and have spent many years in Indonesia. In the Regency that I live in the minimum wage is USD $142 per month. People usually work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week for that wage. There are also many people doing very dangerous work for much less.
Image credit Pixabay
Steemit is an opportunity for young people in Indonesia to increase their earning potential while working for themselves. This opportunity for liberation through financial security will bring a whole new freedom to the youth in many parts of the world.
Image credit Pixabay
Indonesia already has a growing Steemit community. One active and trending tag on Steemit is #aceh, a province in Indonesia.
To assist in this process I am currently teaching the Steemit process to a Balinese friend of mine who lives in my village: @baligirl. She is a member of a local family who are my friends. She is smart and I am sure she will have interesting things to contribute to the network. Another friend of mine @russmaier is also over at our house now with @samstonehill to learn about Steemit.
Image credit Pixabay
If possible I would like to gift a laptop to educate families about Steemit in a poverty stricken area of Indonesia. The financial freedom will change many lives.
I am so excited about the opportunities for people on minimum wages to earn money and change their lives through Steemit!
Really awesome! I love seeing folks from places like Indonesia doing great on here. It's so cool how Steemit has the potential to be really life-changing to all kinds of people.
I'm hoping next week to use my account to raise some money and awareness for a really amazing project a friend of mine has in the Philippines.
Thank you, I like your name! If you wish we could list your fundraising campaign in @steemshop.
I also intend to do some fundraising. I was considering going to live in the slums in Jakarta and blog about issues from the source. I would use Steemit and its inherent earning potential to make a positive impact! Followed buddy! =)
Thanks my friend! That would be awesome! I will get in touch with you next week...maybe I can DM you in chat?
In the meantime, I followed you back and would love to see your reporting from the slums of Jakarta if you decide to do that. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing I like to read about on Steemit.
Thank you very much! Please feel free to contact me any time! =)
Hello my friend, I am finally ready to post about my friend's NGO that works for children in Manila, Philippines and recalled that you mentioned listing it in @steemshop. That sounds great, though I must admit my ignorance in not understanding how that works. Would you mind enlightening me as to what I should do to have it listed? :)
Upvoted! I think Steemit is an incredible opportunity for many people to change the way their lives are lived. Something as simple as gifting a laptop to someone could have immeasurable positive impacts not only for them but their family.
Thank you very much! =)
These very real opportunities are of paradigm shifting potential. The future holds some amazing changes. I am glad to be part of Steemit to assist in facilitating this shift towards liberty through decentralisation.
Followed! =)
As am I! It will be great to see more community involvement as time progresses.
Thanks so much 🌻
I am also looking forward to seeing community involvement grow - thank you! Followed! =)
instant follow, seriously interested to see how things pan out and what challenges you face from people. if the income is $150 a month i'm sure most people don't have devices like smartphones or cameras so your limited to basic equipment which brings about challenges. i'm super interested to see what you find and the questions that people ask.
Thank you for following! I agree it is a very interesting question. A basic smart phone can be purchased here in Indonesia for $100 and financing is available so most people have some kind of smart device. I think the barriers to entry are not as big as they used to be. I am keen to assist in this process in any way possible. Cheers! =)
Thank you very much! A basic smart phone in Indonesia can cost less than $100 and there is finance available. The shift in earning opportunities for the communities in developing countries is going to be enormous through Steemit. I will continue to write about this topic. Thanks again! =)
Thank you for the contribution.
~The ManagementResharing @phibetaiota
Thank you! =)
You are welcome! =)
I just realised who you are! I LOVE your guys work! I have upvoted and followed! Keep up the great work! Cheers! =) You may enjoy my article on medical corruption!
Great idea about gifting a laptop! Resteemed.
Thank you mate! I hope to arrange that this year! =)
Thank you very much! I hope to get a laptop to gift to a community along with Steemit training before the end of the year!
Followed! =)
Hey Jockey! Your post posits an interesting premis: Will the lives of Indonesian youth be better with more money in their pockets? I agree and disagree. I think some clarity is needed. First, Regular money, let's call it capital is inextricably tied to the Capitalist Industrial System-- a kind of stunted artificial intelligence that is currently exploiting us and the Earth biosphere to see itself grow and spread. I've lived in remote indegenous villages untouched by the monster and have personally experienced cultures where poverty, pollution and inequality do not exist. However, when money touches these places, the downword drain of resources and exploitation begins. In one year I witnessed the damage of copper mine-- and the big salaries that came with it, for the villagers. Plastic, pollution, fake food, big cars, ugly development, they all followed inevitably. Crypto currency poses a super exciting alternative to this. Given that the currencies value is seperate from the old, dark and heavy systems that have so encumbered us, I feel there is hope. And here, I hopefully agree with you... if we can personally extricate ourselves from the Capitalist Complex, then there is hope we can lead by example for the next generation. Steemit may just be part of this luminous new transcension of the old! I am as excited as you to get going. Its going to be hard work though. The dark roots run deep through every facet of our lives.
I agree... The initial liberty provided through Steemit will be an amazing wave. Thank you and followed! =)
This is awesome - upvoted and followed. You have my support!
Thank you very much! My plan is to start a project in Indonesia this year! =)
Upvoted & followed!
If we can help someone in need so easily, I see no reason why not to do it!
I come from poor a family (as a finnish standard) but now when we are not living in poverty, I would like to help other people!
Let's do this fellow Steemit users!
I love your name and your enthusiasm! Following! =)
Thank you ! ^^ One love!
I have huge respect for Robert David Steele and Cynthia McKinneyLove your work @jockey. Really excited to see that Phibetaiota responded.
Thank you very much! With your current number "27" I believe you should start posting and engaging with Steemit! I think you will like it! =)
The theme of my friend is interesting.I wish you a happy day
Thank you! =)
It would be great to get local Balinese people involved, I got to live for 3-months back in 2015 and had some special relationships with the locals, many with so much to share... what a great insight Steemit could provide to their culture, way of life and so much more
Thank you for your feedback. I am working with a young friend of mine in my village now to try and achieve this! Bali is amazing! =)