Hello Steemit! My Personal Account Of 5 Years In The British Foster Care System & Institutional Corruption!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Firstly, let me welcome myself to the Steemit community. I am new to the system and very excited about its potential. I met @jockey and after our discussions regarding social services and the foster care system he informed me that they were currently important topics here on Steemit.

I hope that my experiences in the British foster care system can be of benefit and help others!

My Experience In The British Foster Care System

As such, I will allocate my first post to this particular topic. I was placed into foster care in 2003; after numerous pleads for help regarding an abusive parent. I felt completely let down by the services and the police force in the South East of England. After over 3 years of reported abuse to both institutions I was placed into the system where we were treated solely as an income rather than a neglected young child.

Don't Hold Yourself Back!

Fortunately, due to my innate motivation and work ethic I managed to go onto funding myself through University and graduated with a Masters Degree in Teaching. I also channeled my emotions through Karate, which I participated in for 11 years and achieved a 2nd Dan Black Belt, competing for England in International tournaments.

The Negatives

From my experiences with others I lived with during my time in care; my outcome is a rare case. Unsurprisingly, the majority of my peers in the same negative situation as me within the "care" systems have gone on to; prison, rehab, mental institutions or even death. It is deeply upsetting to me that this situation appears to be ever-lasting, despite the abuse being well known and recognized by the powers able to morally re-shape the unjust occurring.


Moving To Asia

Before moving abroad, I worked as a support worker for children in care myself. Again, I am horrified with the manor to which "care" givers provided their "care" and falsify reports. I feel very passionately about this, particularly as I am now teaching children in a developing country; who are going through similar situations as what I went through.

When will things change? :(

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.


I congratulate you for speaking openly about your personal experiences with fostering and I am pleased to see the experience seems to have made you stronger. Though as you say it is not this way for everyone and the voice of the child is so often missing in this conversation.

Welcome to Steemit my friend! You're going to love it here, once you get your head around how it all works!

I have upped & resteemed you with the intention of getting more people to see this :)

I would love to chat with you about the subject of foster care in more detail if you don't mind? It is a subject I am researching currently. Have you checked the @familyprotection account? There are some very interesting articles in there and potentially even some people you could offer your wisdom to?

Let's keep in touch ;)

When will things change? :(

When enough of us spread this message :)

Also, you may want to switch one of your tags to include familyprotection (not the first one in this case as you've posted it already) because this could help you get your post out to a wider audience.

Good Morning @samstonehill .

I am so happy you appreciated my first post. I was hesitant as i didn't want to appear to be looking for sympathy or attention, but in-fact want the opposite. I am currently working with disadvantaged children in the hope to become a role model and show that there are other potential routes, despite it being incredibly luring and easy to just simply think ''f*** it'' and carry a negative, unhappy and hate-filled perspective to life.

You are right. The voice of far too many children is unheard or ignored and there needs to be more work done through government initiatives and caring individuals like ourselves to implement suitable routes for justice for our children.

I am always free and open to chat to you on the subject @samstonehill :) , however I am new to this and am unsure how to set up the feature for private chat as of yet. Thank you very much for the @familyprotection link

Kind regards,


Welcome, and enjoy.:)

Thank you very much @charlie777pt I will do :)

Welcome to steemit joe.. :)

Thank you very much @fieza-hussin , I am very excited to be a member here alongside some very interesting people :)

Welcome to steemit! Upvoted!

Thank you very much @tzcap :)

Great to see you here on Steemit mate! UPvoted and resteemed! 🐴

tip! for being who you are, doing what you do

@fishyculture Thank you so much, how kind of you :) Have an awesome day :) :) :)

@jockey Thank you so much for all your help the past few days in getting me set up in all my future ventures. You are an incredibly interesting person and I wish you all the best in your next chapter ;)

Happy to have you here on Steemit @joejames818 It seems the same kind of thing goes on everywhere doesn't it? I once applied for a job with the local homeless center. They told me I had "too much empathy" to be hired but they were willing to take me on as a volunteer...

These well-paid "administrators" really only wanted us to work for free, while they made loads of money. It was the same wherever you looked. Animal shelters, homeless shelters etc. The fatcat at the top bringing in big bucks while others work for free at the bottom. We can and should do better...

@evernoticethat It is unfortunately very true my friend. I have numerous recollections that I wish i didn't know of regarding the heartlessness of individuals who should be the ones nurturing and building these unloved children up, but instead work to further create life-long psychological and emotional problems.

Dont get me wrong, there are some amazing individuals who are doing fantastic work (unpaid) to assist with these issue, however these people are far and few between. The majority, as you say, only care about $$$ and haven't got the time, motivation or morals to provide the start all children should be allowed to encounter.

Welcome and thank you for speaking out. It always makes it double sad when victims are so ashamed of what happened TO THEM that they feel they need to remain silent.

Yes incredibly sad, yet completely understandable :( We must be there voice!

Thank you for your care and support @fishyculture

Nice post dear friend, you are amazing I always like your post, have a nice day

Thank you @rizalfajri

I will be sure to be posting again soon.

Have a great day buddy :)

follow meWelcome to Steem @joejames818. Feel free to @kanasite and upvote. Cheers :)

It was about time, six months it's a lot. It feels good since now I can share more personal stuff