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RE: If You Use Social Media As a Business, Don't Fuck Up

in #steemit7 years ago

Too bad for non-kissing actors. Love romance. Love what you're working on. Well, I've been trying to be like an actor since I was almost eleven, since 1996. Made home videos since then. But never did any kissing scenes. Would I be willing to? Good question. Love smaller government. I'm in Oregon at the moment.

Liked Bush but not any longer. Also kind of liked Obama for a second. Dixie Chicks is kind of fun to listen to. Building 7 did fall. Three building in NYC fell in 2001 in NYC. There were 2 planes in NYC but there were 3 buildings that went down that day in 911 in 2001 in NYC and there was the pentagon and the field.


Yeah I didn't have much of an opinion of Bush. I was sort of tepid about him. As far as 9/11, I just remember what I saw happening live that day. I was in high school and we were just watching news reports pour in. Haven't really thought much about digging deeper into it. Smaller government is a win for me!