Youtube -- How to earn on youtube ? Some Intersting Points need to know!!!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

How many views do you need to make money on YouTube?

Advertisers only pay when someone clicks an ad or watches for 30 seconds. This is why you can't tie your channel views to dollars. If your video gets ten million views but nobody watches or click the ads, you don't make any money. This is how I'm able to make $1 per 25 views.


Do Youtubers still get paid if you skip the ad?

Viewers have to actively interact in some way with an ad for it to earn you money. ... Skippable video ads (ads at the start of a video that a viewer can skip after five seconds) - you get paid if a viewer watches the whole ad (or at least 30 seconds if it's longer). These are the most common type of YouTube ad.


How much does youtube pay for each subscriber?

As I write this, AdSense (YouTube advertising) is paying on average between 1 to 2 dollars per 1000 views*. So, if you want to earn $ 1000 dollars per month, you need between 500k to 1 million monthly views. Advertising is only one of the several ways to make money on YouTube!