Patronage and Profit: How to Get the Most out of Your Curation Time

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Here's how I wised up and stopped wasting time clicking a mouse all day for pennies. When I started curating $1 was a good week.

That's me on the left after weeks of curating. Guy on the right just read this post.

The Basics and the Bottom Line

25% of every blog payout is split among upvotes and comments. Curators that upvote first get paid more than curators that upvote last. Comments with more upvotes get paid more. Upvoting and commenting costs you nothing except your time. If you don't use your curation time effectively you are wasting time. Wasting time is bad for your bank account and your personal hygiene.

The basics, the bottom line and good hygene.

All in the Timing

You probably already know this, and if you don't you're probably going to pretend you do cause it's in the instructions (whitepaper) you're supposed to have read already. But for those not in the know (and willing to admit it) this is really, really important:

If you upvote a post that is less than 30 minutes old you loose some, most or basically all of your curation reward. Do not upvote any post unless it is at least 30 minutes old.

I didn't realize this when I started curating and would try to be first in line to upvote the next trending post, thinking I was the Flash of the Steemit Universe. Turns that was not smart and I was not the Flash. Don't be me.

Now, if you want to get technical it's true that the penalty is a sort of sliding scale (100% penalty at 0 minutes dropping to 0% penalty at 30 minutes) and you can gamble that some amount of penalty is profitable if the post goes triple-platinum, but I've tried that too. You will lose more than you will win. Wait 30 minutes and you will win more than you lose. Life is better after 30 minutes.

Upvote when a post is exactly 30 minutes old, or as close to 30 minutes as you can get. Camp out at 29 minutes and refresh refresh refresh. It's fun in a really lame, sad sort of way. And it works. If you want to maximize your curation rewards you need to curate younger posts starting 30 minutes after birth. This is not a coincidence... but you'll have to read that whitepaper to understand why.

Also requires expert timing.

Commenting is Curating

Do not upvote without commenting. If it's worth an upvote it's worth a comment. If it's not worth a comment it's not worth an upvote. See how that works?

Comments pay much, much better than upvotes. Most of your curation income should be coming from comments. You may be able to do 10 upvotes in the time it takes to write one comment, but you will likely be paid 50 or 100 times more for your one comment than your 10 upvotes. Not every comment makes a lot, but on average they make a lot more than upvotes. I speak from experience. Check my curation history and save yourself the learning curve.

True story.

Discipline, you must

I spend 2-4 hours per day, 6-7 days a week curating. Yeah. There's that thing about working hard and getting out what you put in and it applies to Steemit as much as everything else. No one is going to give you a bunch of money for doing very little. Well, unless you're a Playmate or go jungle hiking in a bikini. But we won't go there. I want to, and I know you want to, but we're not going to.

For anyone that wants to do the math I'm making about $2.30/hr. It's not much. But then again, how much is Reddit paying these days?

Yea, it's like that.

Routine is as Routine Does

The best life hack in life is to use your inner mammal to create routines that make repetitive tasks automagic. Here's my curation routine, and if you want to copy me I'll consider it flattering:

Step 0: Login to Steemit and do not look at wallet balance. I repeat, do not look at the wallet. This is the most important part of the routine and you're just going to have to trust me.

Step 1: Set the post filter to "New". I usually start with "New" and then repeat with "Hot". YMMV.

Step 2: Scroll through all posts that are less than 60 minutes old in whatever categories/tags/topics interest you. I personally go through Steemit, Steem, Money, Life, Photography, Bitcoin, Bitshares etc.

Step 3: Open posts that are interesting and/or have a lot of votes/comments using a new tab or browser window for each post. Don't read, comment or vote on them yet. Collecting a bunch of posts to curate en masse seems to be more efficient than trying to curate individual posts as you go - you get into the curation zone when you don't have to scroll and search for the next post each time. I try to collect 20-30 posts per session.

Step 4: Once you have 20-30 posts opened, read and comment on each one. Start with posts that are closest to 30 minutes old and work from there. Upvote after you comment, and try to upvote as close to 30 minutes as you can. Camping out at 29 minutes is not weird.

Step 5: When, and only when, you've finished curating all posts open your wallet and look through all of your rewards and account balances. They will have increased and it will make you feel good. Savoir it. Roll around in it for a while. This is the super-critical reward phase of a routine. You've just rewarded yourself for curating and your inner mammal now wants to do it again. A small reward at the end of a routine is like cheese at the end of the maze. You are the mouse. Your balance is the cheese.

It's pretty simple. Find posts, curate, reward yourself. I do it two or sometimes three times a day. Hourly wage is awful right now but I enjoy reading interesting things. And getting paid anything for your social media time is way, way better than getting paid nothing.

Even Teddy has a routine.

Know Your Voting Power

Don't run your voting power down. Keep it at 80-100% at all times. If I'm talking Greek and you're not Greek, go to com and punch in your Steemit account name. You will see your current voting power on the left. If it's red, please go directly to meatspace for at least 24 hours.

Voting power drops when you vote and increases when you don't. The higher your voting power the higher the reward you bestow with an upvote. It takes about a week to go from zero to hero.

If your voting power is less than 80% you are probably spending too much time curating or not curating effectively, or both. At the time of writing my voting power is struggling to get over 50% for the first time in weeks. I was spending too much time curating and not curating effectively. Don't go there.

Not enough voting power means no pickles.

Go Forth, and Curate Wisely

There you have it. My three weeks of curation frustration distilled into the sweet liquor of wisdom. Drink deeply, and profit!

#steemit #money #steem-help #life #curation

There are 2 pages

Good article johnsmith went back in time and found this gem top search on google reset curation award nice ^^

Nice... per your advice I am commenting but I will vote you in 20 minutes ahahaha :P

I'll do the same...may the timing be ever in your favor !! Ahahahha

Perfect! It's a race... and man, if everyone that reads this just takes away the 30 minute rule it was time well spent.

Been trying to figure this out from conflicting reports. I'll try your 29 min refresh method for a week to see if it pulls in more than my current micro-curation awards! Thanks, and upvoted!

Great to hear, and let me know how it goes. I started about a week ago, so you can check my curation reward history and see how it's working for me. Great thing about the blockchain, pretty hard to sell snakeoil.... good luck!

Wow, ok i curate a lot and comment a shit ton. And i did not know this, i hope you are right (I'm ganna try it out now). Oh and thanks for the lulz this got me good

"Well, unless you're a Playmate or go jungle hiking in a bikini. But we won't go there. I want to, and I know you want to, but we're not going to."

Just following the 30 minute rule will do you proud!

Yea, couldn't resist throwing some boobs in. The whales have gotten much better in the past week or two but the top 10 was pretty breasty for a while. ;)

Even if theres like 2k upvote power on already?

Yes, all things being equal you're still better off taking no penalty. Honestly if the post has already got that much juice you're probably not going to hit payday. But I upvote and comment on a lot of trending material anyway cause it's that good.

Awesome, ok thanks for all the help ill def give it a try

Very useful information. Thanks for sharing.

You're very welcome, sharing is caring!

Hello again @johnsmith
Thanks for the advice, I had bad informations about voting and curation. Great article, but I'm gonna wait until min 29 to upvote it!


Ha! That's awesome - maybe you'll be first at 30, this post will go triple-platinum and whammo!

I switched from writing to curating a couple weeks ago and am having a blast, but wasn't getting much for my efforts. When I stopped to think and put a little more effort in the right places the results were immediate and I had to share. Good luck!

I'm gonna feature this post in ATMOS Magazine, that is going out Sunday, if it's ok with you.

I would be honored! Thank you!

I'm still a n00b at all of this so this post is a pretty simple guide. Thanks so much!

I was a n00b but three short, tender weeks ago. Welcome!

I'm upvoting at 15 mins, I have faith in you John Smith!

Great to see you again! Thanks for your kind words and good luck with the race to 30 minutes... :D

mee is knot sew smart as dem guise.... upvoted early gasp. well written piece though

Well I didn't give up all my secrets. But since you speak my language I'll tell you my last one. If you get all excited and upvote too early you can take your vote back. Just click the upvote button again and presto! It's like you never voted. Then you can hang out with everyone else waiting for the 30 minute mark... and upvote!


Great post, really. I do have a couple of questions, which maybe you answered, but certainly I did not grok.

  • Commenting is a curation reward?
  • and-- so that's 30 minutes from the post, no upvoting.

-- in fact-- shit, I broke the rule on your post! What is the exact math on this? Earlier than 30 minutes.... then what exactly? Is this in the whitepaper?

Any other steemit advice? You give good steemit!

Commenting is a curation reward?

Commenting isn't by itself a curation reward. There was a proposal at one point to dedicate a portion of rewards specifically to comments, but it wasn't adopted. Comments are rewarded based on upvotes like anything else.

However, where the advice makes sense is the fact that it has now become common for good comments to get at least an upvote or two, sometimes more than that. And as the author of a comment, you earn the author portion of the reward (75%) rather than the curator portion (25%). On this thread there are many comments earning $0.01-0.20 each. That may not sound like a lot by itself, but if you are engaging in a good conversation and write a few comments, you can collect a few of these little reward morsels on one post without writing anywhere near as much as a new post (or as much as I did here). So it can really boost your rewards.

"And as the author of a comment, you earn the author portion of the reward (75%) rather than the curator portion (25%). " This is good information for everyone out there!

Thanks for correcting! I didn't realize that the comments are paid out of the author reward - that's awesome. And it means that the incentive to comment is even bigger than most people realize. I'm trying to upvote every root comment in this post to spread the reward around - I wonder why other authors don't do the same? My upvotes are worth about $0.10 and I'm curious what people will actually receive, but I have to think it's a lot more (percentage wise) that if the post wasn't upvoted.

I actually will do test with new users who have made very little or any with their post. I invited them for simple discussion, if iit was good discussion, i upvoted. Some would make a few bucks doing this. Also helped if it attracted higher SP members who entered the discussion.

The new users were simply amazed that if engaged with discussion they would make steem dollars and steem power. both as authors and curators.

I need to start doing this more!

Yes, I tried to upvote everyone in these comments once. I think authors should invest more of their voting power in comments on their posts - great way to encourage discussion and spread the rewards around.

Ha, good steemit. I like that!

25% of the posts reward goes to upvotes and comments share in the 75% author reward, per smooth's comment above. Used to be 50% but they changed it to 25% on July 4th. So by both voting and commenting you maximize your cut of the 25% curation reward.

Yes, try not to upvote until 30 minutes after the post goes live. Some details in the white paper but basically you get nothing for voting <1min and maybe 95% at 29 minutes.

Other steemit advice? Hmmm... tell you friends/family/co-workers. I think that's the next step. And for writing, make sure the formatting is good and the photos are fun!

This was a really informative article. I especially liked the link to Steem Stats where you can enter your username and see how much voting power you have. I have really been wanting to see this data! Thanks a bunch!

Steemstats is awesome and I use it daily. Tell everyone you know!

Cool, then maybe you can answer this question. The % listed next to your up its of a post. Is that the percent of the total that you get or does that mean something else?

Yes, that's the percentage of the payout you get. It looks so small... ;)

Also I have this feeling that everyone is going to up-vote right at 30 minutes, so I up-voted this at 25 minutes. I figured a little penalty to get ahead of the curve sounds like a good bet. I guess I'll have to wait and see!

Yes, guilty of that as well. I've never done the math, but I've definitely done a lot of votes at 29 minutes. Shhhhh...

excellent article worthy of a UPVOTE not understood very well what of earnings of cure thank you for the information @johnsmith

Thank you for your kind words, happy to hear it will help you in your Steemit journey!

Cool..Uber Cool..Johnsmith
I love your humour, cool images, and sage writing my friend..Many thanks for your teaching.

You're welcome! And I love your uber commenting abilities... seriously have me blushing right now!

I don't like to wait for up vote, if i like an article i just up vote it. Why on earth would i need to wait, the admins should be smarter than that and find a way to flag bots so normal users can vote whenever they like.

It's to encourage curators to take the time to actually read what they are upvoting and to discourage the use of bots to instantly automatically upvote everything that gets posted.

I understand that, but sometimes a minute is enough to read the article and up vote. I like to read fresh content, so i use the new section and most of the articles i up vote are 5 min old.

Maybe try doing both for a while and see what your results are. I'm hawking maximum reward but there's a lot be said for just enjoying your Steemit time - there's a balance somewhere!

Grate post! thanks.

You're welcome!

It's funny. I just read this, got to the bottom and thought, "that was a good bit of advice," and then up-voted. Then I looked at the time and noticed it was at 17 minutes. FACEPALM!
May take some brain training to wait for the 30 minute mark.

Ha! Sounds like you're not alone. I still do it to... read a post and think, this could trend! Upvote! And then I have to take the vote back and wait. You know you can take you vote back and wait?

I thought I read somewhere that you lose all your curation reward even if you up-vote it again later. Not sure where I read it but it stuck in my head. Plus you get the warning saying that you lose the reward. Not sure if that would mean permanently or just until you up-vote again.

You get a warning saying "Removing your vote will reset your curation rewards for this post." which makes sense - no vote, no reward. And if you don't vote again you won't get a reward. But if you do vote again you'll get a reward based on the time you re-voted. So you don't lose anything unless you don't re-vote.

Yeah nice. Didn't notice the word "reset". That makes perfect sense. Thanks.

here at 29 minutes!

There's got be some Steemit jargon for squatting at 29...

Great post, lets see if this work, i was trying to get some reward for curation and just get one, maybe i was doing of the wrong way, thanks for sharing.

The dollar value of the curation rewards is pretty small, so it pays big dividends to make sure you're maximizing the return on your time by curating effectively. Steemit is actually extremely well designed to reward good curation.

Thanks for reply, i still new here trying to learn how much how i can, really thanks for sharing your tips.

my confusion is somewhat reduced.

Then my post was worth every minute!

I don't get why commenting is curation. How do you get curation when comments get no votes 99% of the time? Even when people do vote on my comments the .01-.03 I get disappears into thin air a payout time.

Comments are often provide as much, and sometimes more, content than the original post. So I think the devs want to encourage commenting as much as voting.

I'm upvoting every comment in this post to see what happens. If you remember, let me know how much you actually get when the payout comes.

Author reward of 0.049 SD and 0.024 STEEM POWER for fubar-bdhr/re-johnsmith-how-i-increased-my-curation-rewards-by-more-than-1000-and-how-you-can-too-20160805t214939087z

Well that's interesting - the upvote was worth $0.10 and the total rewards add up to about $0.10 but are paid out in a mix of SD and SP. Didn't realize that! Thanks for following up, greatly appreciated!

They need to rethink the voting limits then. The incentive is to vote on the post themselves since they make most of the money. Maybe separate limits for posts and comments.

Yes, would motivate people to comment more if there was an allocation just for posts. Divide total post reward over all posts, so everyone knows they get something for saying something, and then give posts with more votes more of the allocation. Now that I'm upvoting every post I understand why no one does it - I'm using up my voting power with zero benefit to me.

After reading this I realized that what I could do was just scroll down the new thread to those at 30 minutes and read those. I don't have time to refresh for 30 minutes. Good post.

Yes! That's what I do too. Except you're going to find one at 25 minutes that is going to trend and think... hmmm. Do I upvote or do I wait. And then the refreshing begins...

Here at 45 min and I am commenting because I like this Post.

For those who still does not know the <<Ctrl+F+Search minutes>> is the magic combination of key stroke that would unmask the trending post with in that 30 min window. I was about to write a blog about it but as you say it is more worthy commenting. I make about 20 steem curating 2hrs/day. not bad really. It also helps to stick in the chat if you are a dedicated curator.

Just my two cents.

If you're making 20 steem a day I want to be your friend! Do you mean Ctrl+F and type in 30? As in searching the web page for the text "30"?

And what is this chat you speak of?

Here is the chat ...log in with your ID ,

Ctrl+F then type in "minutes" in the search bar , you will see all trending posts with in 59.59 min

Well holy hamburgers. Thank you! Just rocked my world! You should write a post about the Ctrl+F trick. Super handy. Thanks again!

Now it's clear, thanks!

Great to hear, you're welcome!

Hi @johnsmith, I´m here again.

Like always, your posts are the more helpful in all the red! really thanks for share it, I think than it is very motivational!

Thanks also to @samether for give us the "browser truck".

May you answer me some dougths about this post?:

  1. How many votes are ok per day?
  2. Why is to dificult for the new people or "Small fisches" like me, can have curations? I have 3 weeks without some payment for this concept.
  3. When you write about your routine, in the step 1 what is YMMV.?

I really enjoyed this wonderful explaining, are you agree to be my friend in this plataform :$ I think than I need your advices to creat THE COFFEE like a strong tendence in this terrific plataform... you´re the way to be a whale! lol

Right now, this post is the first chapter to my steemit bible, after some dayes, your help and information will help me!

Thanks a lot.

Greetings from Colombia.

Hello again! Years ago I used to work with horses and my coworkers were a whole lot of Columbian fellows. Some the warmest, most friendly and awesome people I've had the privilege of meeting!

  1. How many votes are ok per day? Seems to be about 20-30 at most will keep your voting power from dropping, so use them wisely.
  2. Why is to dificult for the new people or "Small fisches" like me, can have curations? I have 3 weeks without some payment for this concept. Might be the 30 minute rule - try to vote for new posts as close to 30 as possible. And getting a few comments upvoted makes a big difference, so commenting wherever you can is a good idea. Otherwise it's just a whole lot of work work work.
  3. When you write about your routine, in the step 1 what is YMMV.? Ha, sorry! It stands for Your Mileage May Vary which is an american-english saying that means you might get different results from me, even if you do the same thing.

I'm really happy to hear the post helped you and hope you can use some of the tips to curate more effectively. Good luck and I look forward to meeting again!

Oh!!! Realy thanks again @johnsmith, you´re invite here, in the company where I´m working, the #Steemitcolombia team are implementing the payment with cryptocourrencies, so, your next holiday can be here!!! GBY and thanks again for all your help.

Wow, thank you! Colombia is on my bucket list, so I may just drop buy one day...

Thank you! I was struggling with the whole curating thing, had no idea what was going on.

Well I hope this helped you figure it out faster than I did!

ok lets see what your suggestion does... thanks..

Try it for a week or two and let me know!

Thanks for sharing your experience with the community. 👍

You're welcome! It's what we're all here for and my experience sucked... so hopefully no one else has to go through that.

Nice advice, thanks! :-)

You're welcome, hope it helps!

Did you know mice don't like cheese at all? They love peanut butter!

And chocolate! Mice have a crazy sweet tooth. Actually, that's funny. I wrote it that way because the societal concept of mice liking cheese is so ingrained in the collective consciousness that using anything except cheese would not have made sense. And I know I should go change it but I can't bring myself to do it. I am weak.... ;)

You are efficient!

Thanks for letting me know about to check out my voting power. Very useful and informative post.

You're very welcome - there's tons of new Steemit tools being released almost daily, hard to keep up. Steemstats is the grandaddy though, has almost everything you'd want to know.

I love the info and the personality! While some people say they are tired of posts about steemit, I don't mind learning more about it.

Thank you! To be honest, I'm kinda tired of steemit posts too... and so are the whales. It's very unusual to see a post with this many upvotes and comments and no whale love. But changing my curation habits made such a huge difference to my curation rewards (and quality of life!) that I had to share!

very good information. the time seems right, only thing that gets you will be high SP voters. some have bots set at 15 minutes, thinking thats more for the bots voting list though.

Good strategy though! will test it out a bit.

Thanks man!

Yes, lots of bots running amok harvesting through volume. The devs are actively making life hard for bots, but there are whale bots. With the ROI on SP and vote harvesting I expect to see a lot of big money moving in and setting more and more bots. Hopefully the devs will keep fighting the good fight for us humans. Thanks for your comment!

i hope so...i watch these post and voting patterns all day.

The bots are here and more to come...After reading your post, shut down my bot. At my current SP level, I would make more doing what I like to do by simply curating with discussion.

This was my original gameplan. So im back to it. I have more fun doing it.

Thanks for the post

Wow, that's great to hear! I was machine-gunning curation for the first couple weeks but now I'm finding that being more selective is a much better approach - more fun, more interesting and more profitable. I'm not sure what to think about bots - if there were bots that could find unrecognized gems and dig them up I'd be all for it. But bots that are just trying to harvest via mass voting seem parasitic. Will be really interesting to see what happens when the big boys show up....

Isn't it interesting that once the initial 'mania' has worn off, what settles in is just a desire to contribute to the community properly? Which then incidentally provides a reward. It's a perfect example of excellent game design actually.

Yes, it is fascinating. I'm in this weird place where I could be writing but all I want to do is curate and comment. Making way less than I could but enjoying myself so much I can't stop. It's crazy!

So that was 30 hours right? Reading is hard.

Hmmm... you might have to help me out a little on that one...

I'm one of those people that has not read the whitepaper. I don't know why, I just haven't. But your previous curating self sounds quite a bit like myself, and these are some valuable tips for change. I had known about the 30 minute thing for a few days now, but the rest of your post was golden. Thanks!

You're welcome! And the whitepaper really isn't too bad to read, especially when you're already interested in Steemit it's neat to learn how it all works under the hood. Also good to know you already know about the 30 minutes. Cheers, and good luck!

Indeed, I've noticed the only time I get any payout is when I make an original post or comment on something.

Yes, clicking and upvoting is easier but the reward is so small it's not really worth it unless you're a whale. But it's neat that everyone can do pretty well with quality comments!

Has steemit created an swarm capable of uplifting great content for others to see? I'm starting to like how steemit trending page is starting to look more and more, you guys are doing a great job!

Yes, if you were around even a couple weeks ago the front page was pretty discouraging for anyone not young, female and attractive. But now there is a lot of good stuff! The volume of posts has dropped substantially but the quality is increasing steadily. Definitely going the right direction...

I upvoted even though this post is 13 hours old now! Thanks for the useful info.

Thank you, greatly appreciated! While I try to do the majority of my curation on posts that 20min - 2hrs old I tend to upvote good stuff no matter how old it is!

Upvoted you bro!

Thank you - upvoted you back!

This is a good post. Personally I think that the curation rewards are not really worth the effort, but rather to focus on posting and commenting.

And posting some more.

Yep, commenting generally earns more than voting. Posting is much more hit or miss. But I continue voting consistently cause if you're converting most/all to SP all those little 0.02 SPs are going to grow exponentially over time.

Currating and commenting also needs to happen within the first 24 hours of a posts life, correct?

Yes, they currently have a 24 window for payout. Lots of discussion right now about making payouts permanent so authors receive rewards no matter when they get the votes.

Hi, so do you mean that if you don't comment/upvote a post within the first 24 hour period of its posting time, it is not longer valuable to curate?

Actually, after reading the white paper I've learned that the payout window gets extended as people keep voting on the content. Also, once the content payout happens, it can restart if more people vote on the content later.

Great food for thought for a steem newbie. Thank you.

You're welcome, and glad you found it!

Grateful for your informative posts. I learned some valuable information. Thanks AGAIN John :)

Ha! Great to see you found your way here, and glad to hear you got something useful out of the post. I should really keep posting but I'm spending all my Steemit time curating and commenting. It's weird but more fun...

Does your curation reward increase as your steem power increases?

Yes, it most certainly does. Also watch your voting power at

I've created a tool to make monitoring all those opened tabbed posts easier!
Hopefully this will make things easier!


It is indeed very cool. But may I please plead for a Firefox option? I know it's only a small, unpopular browser, but I think it still deserves a little love from time to time.

Yes, I agree it deserves love! As a web dev, I like firefox as well as chrome. Others have asked for a firefox option too.. and I've now gotten around to it! ...

Please accept this tiny upvote as a small token of my appreciation. :)

Hehe thank you! I'm grateful

You are a Steemit GOD! Thank you, and upvoted!

Thanks for the tips!

[Image Reference]

And thank you for the whale!

How does curating compare to creating new content? Can I use content that I've published on other sites?

Honestly depends on whether or not you catch the eye of a whale. Commenting/voting will get you smaller but more consistent income, posting can make a good money or no money. It's getting better as the SP is spreading but right now you make very little for the time invested if a whale does not upvote your post. Yes, you can bring over content from other sites but be very careful not to plagiarize. There are many whales that will flag and downvote you to oblivion for that.

Really useful post, thanks alot!

You're welcome!

Great topic! I just wanted to take a minute and point out that it is best to avoid generic top level comments. Someone might mistake you for a bot!

Add something relevant to the post. For this one you could add something like "I didn't know I could earn more with comments." It also shows you read the article and didn't just upvote it, I appreciate knowing someone took the time to read what I wrote and not blindly upvote it.

Sometimes a simple insightful comment can start a discussion that will gain you even more.

Yes, agree 100%. Saying something like "Nice post" over and over might get you flagged as a bot. Great comment, thank you!

Thank you, so helpful I have bookmarked it for future reference.

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