Thank you, really appreciate it!
I suspect it's a net negative for now, but I hope to spread healthy criticism to the community. I think the financial incentive will maintain civility even if we encourage criticism on this platform.
Thank you, really appreciate it!
I suspect it's a net negative for now, but I hope to spread healthy criticism to the community. I think the financial incentive will maintain civility even if we encourage criticism on this platform.
People are so used to trolls and vile arguments on sites like Facebook, that they are probably a little timid to actively comment knowing that with the reputation score you can't get away with things here like you could on Facebook. I actually think that is a good thing. I don't think spammers, trolls, and plagerizers will have a very long lifespan here. This is the free market at work. Yeah, you can be mean here, but the market will eventually shun you with the downvotes. I think over time, as users learn how this system works and begin to get comfortable with commenting that they'll be commenting and upvoting more and more. I think it does force people to be nice in a way, but as people get comfortable they'll start to push the envelope a little more but rather than really trash others the focus will be more on that healthy constructive criticism than simply bashing people like what happens on facebook. One thing I've noticed so far on Steemit is I haven't seen any vile language or hateful attacks toward others.