Hi everyone,
Today I just wanted to share something that, if put in place, could be vital to steemit's success.
Recently, people from all over the world have been joining steemit. The most popular countries being South Korea, Germany, Russia and India according to the statistics I found from another fellow steemit user. Although the majority of the community speaks English, this gives us no reason to turn our back on the other countries that provide outstanding blogs on steemit. Steemit is one big massive community and what we don't want happening is monolingual people only being able to read/understand posts in their own language. This leading to many quality posts being undervalued, purely because someone won't upvote what they don't understand!
Therefore, I present to you the idea of... A translation button.
The benefits of a translation button...
It could convince people from other countries to join!
People from different countries will want to join the steemit community and having a translation button will make them want to join even more. This being because their work will be translated into all the necessary languages to suit the diverse users that steemit comprises of.
Increases quality and easiness of work
I don't know a lot of people who do this but let's take @aidancloquell for example. He, along with his father @mallorcaman (being bilingual) almost always translate their work into English which is amazing and honourable! However, if there was a translation button, posting would be made it so much easier for these guys and everyone else who's first language that isn't English! Also, the quality of work would be made better for everyone as well because it would prevent spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes etc when translating into another language.
People can find work in other languages which before they couldn't read.
At the moment I like vlogs but I feel like there isn't enough content out there. However, if there was a translation button I could easily find more vloggers because I would be able to understand their content and they can do the same with our content.
Increases the sharing and learning of each other's cultures
With the strength of the translation button, people's cultures will be more clearly shown, which will give people a better insight into each other's lifestyles. For me, this is the most interesting benefit by far! If we could all gain a better knowledge of each others background and culture, I am sure this will increase our depth of understanding of people in bad situations.Thank you for reading
Hope you are all having a fantastic week.
Jonathan and Matthew.
Yeah had this problem when I see some korean articles with some lovely pictures, I try and figure out what is the caption or try Google translate. I would love to have a translate button and translate it to Punjabi. This would surely reduce the hassle for both Punjabi and English Readers.
@jonathanyoung Wow! finally we are gradually getting there. Wouldn't it be nice if we can actually have a good notification system that keeps tabs of events that we've misssed out on. Hope that is not too much to ask.
it would surely be great to have a translation button, many times i come across post in languages that isnt english and i wish i could read and comment on them but taking the time to go over to google is a big hassle that can be fixed with a translate button.
This is an excellent idea, but I think the complexities would be overwhelming. While it might be easier for the other social media platforms to handle the language barrier through geographical (server routing) segregation, because Steemit is global, lanuage issues definitely pose a universal problem. Personally, as an English speaker, I pass all posts that I cannot read. Maybe the reward pool will need to be divided into a regional pool. Here is the real problem I forsee... English posts will soon become buried in non-English posts, and visa versa, not getting the true exposure they need to be rewarded properly. I'm sure the Steemit lords will figure something out.
We already have so many people from different walks of life and to get more people enticed into interacting with the community, what better way to do it than them being able to read a post on their own language.
Hopefully this is implemented in some shape or formI think this would a fantastic idea @jonathanyoung
This is a great idea it will popularize Steemit even further. In addition, will expose people to different topics and ideas that haven't been translated in their native tongue yet. It may inspire people to even translate books on the subject they like. I am in Bulgaria and I would love to have Larken Rose's '' The Most Dangerous Superstition'' translated in Bulgarian so I can give it out to my parents and friends to read.
I think it would be fantastic! Having had to relearn english because of an accident I found it so difficult to grasp certain aspects of it The key will be to have something that did not butcher the nuances of them all like google translate does, would almost need several translators to be part of the foundation of building it.
La traduction serait un plus
Mais google traduction ne fonctionne deja pas au top.. ça promet d'etre compliqué !!
would be good to have possibility to edit translated to english text, by note-autor, to input corrections.
Especially google translations from English to Polish sound very funny, the same vice-versa.
Of course, steemit is a global platform, all the languages deserve the same treatment. It's a matter of time I think. It's a huge amount of work and it needs to be done properly.
At the moment people like @catherinegairard or me are writing in English and Spanish but I know not all the people can do that. Plus is more work
As I said is a matter of time to find the right way to do it and to execute. Thank you for sharing @jonathanyoung :)
Thanks for the information ! 👍
Great update !
Thank you! No problem!
Welcome !
This would be a cool idea if it was effective.
I notice a lot of our Korean and Chinese authors post a translated transcript right from the get-go.
Fantastic idea