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RE: Getting upvotes but not making money? Don't despair! There's a reason for that (and it's going to get better).

in #steemit7 years ago

forgive me if I missed this--tend to start skimming when posts are more than one screen long--but what is the point of upvoting if one sees no value added to the post one voted for?

are we on the mills system here, where even though one's vote isn't worth a penny it does actually accrue some if only slight value? like a tenth of a penny?

if the answer is no then my first question haunts: why upvote if no value is added? for instance the upvote I just gave you--which churned and stirred and then blinked--and your value remained unchanged!?! why should I not unvote and "save" my votes for where I'll see genuine value accruing to the one I voted for?

thanx meantime for your thoughtful post--following you on this one


Good question. I hope it's the mil system like you described. I'm noticing that almost every comment on here, and also the article itself, have votes but no rewards. It seems like that would make it hard to increase your voting power. I was getting rewards until last night. I posted last night, received four upvotes, and it still said zero. But it's even worse on this article. This is a two year old article, has fifteen votes, and still nothing... strange. I know our votes increase or decrease depending on the available pool each day. I wonder if there's been a large amount used from the pool the past day or so. I'm glad to see my vote on your comment gave something. At least it's working :)

thanx angelfish for your note (and your vote!). only reason I even thought it might be on the mil system is that dTube videos show tenth-of-a-cent values. like $1.496 instead of just $1.49. won't pretend I know how this thing flies but I did notice that a remark I upvoted actually went UP on the page to a higher slot, so even if there's no apparent money accrual, upvotes count for something, physically moving responses up from the bottom so they're more likely to be seen. steem on!