Hope is a beautiful thing, Infact hope is the essence of life. Without hope life has lost its savor and value.
show me a man that is depressed and frustrated and I'll show you a man who has lost hope.
But let us be careful in encouraging hope that we don't also encourage laziness and complacency. Most young and vibrant youths in this generation are hiding behind the promise of a better tomorrow where as they are not doing anything to add value to their lives and grow towards the promise of a better tomorrow. A wise man ones said that.
The greatest investment you can ever make is not in possessions and affluence but in the value you add to yourself daily.
It is so saddening when I see young vibrant people sit idle doing nothing and expecting things to work out great. Even the bible encourages work it says that's
whatsoever the hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.
The saying of hope at the end of the tunnel might be true but its not an excuse for laziness. This has driven a whole lot of people into a mental state of laziness. It is not enough to sit around waiting and hoping for things to eventually get better, you should stand up, work and take responsibility for your life.
It is possible to get lost in the transit from the tunnel to the light. Take hold of your life today, get out of your comfort zone, take up that little job, take that course, write that proposal, submit that contract, pursue that business idea, grab that opportunity, take that risk, talk to that person. Take a step of Faith towards your light today and Shine.
remember the difference between a closed door and a shut door is just a knock away...
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Thank you.

I have always believed this.
There may not be light at the end of the tunnel, but there is light within you.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the feedback. Deeply appreciated
You welcome sir