A Dashboard for Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I have created a new site called It allows you to view many helpful sites about steemit, all on one page. This is different from other sites because it has iframes that link directly to those pages. I programmed it from scratch using html. I am currently accepting suggestions, and I hope you enjoy!

Also, below the fold of the page, there is and a steem voting power calculator.

As requested, here is a list of the tools on this site: by r4fken by jesta by jasonmcz by saulius by lantto by kaptainkrayola by anduweb by blocktrades by burnin (V0.2 was recently released, hand him an upvote too)


I'm not trying to be a jerk here, and I encourage innovation in this space, but I won't be voting on this post. It's grossly overpaid for the effort that was put forth.

This bothers me for the following reason:

  • No credit was given to the tools you're embedding in an iframe.
  • No permission was given from these tool authors for anything like this.
  • This post has earned (in some cases) 500 times more than what some of the original authors of those tools have earned. That feels unjust.

I'd encourage you to add value to the community and learn, but I'm not sure this fits either of those criteria.

Thank you so much for speaking my mind, @jesta! Originally I was going to keep to myself about this, but since one of the great devs here that I look up to has spoken, I feel compelled to do the same.

In terms of effort, I don't mean to brag, but even my grade school self back then knew how to slap together a few iframes on a standalone webpage in a few minutes, half hour max. I'm not here to argue about value, because that is subjective, but grossly overpaid is correct.

My latest tool released 11 hours ago has gotten fantastic feedback from lots of users for solving a problem that many have been having for as long as they've been on Steemit, but the potential payout is not even close to this, at 31 cents. It's not about the money for me, but just for the perspective, this post is 2400x more!

I'm not hating, this is your idea, you thought of it, and it is a great idea. Just... sighh </rant>

I did spend a while doing everything, over two hours, but I see your point. You guys should be the ones making more than me. I just saw and thought it would be a good idea to make something where it was iframes instead of just links.

I've seen projects that are very complex to code and go unnoticed. I am sure they take more than two hours to put together. I would say multiple days and nights, 6+ hour long sittings perhaps. Weeks even. Again, yours was a nice idea.

Yeah, those people really should be getting more credit. The things that pay are the idea and the code, but the complexity should have a say in the payment too.

Yeah holy crap this does some excessive for a few iframes.
Even failed at basic things like putting a usable link to the site.. No offence @joshglen but I wont be voting for this one.

All the devs know how effortless this is to put together, but I can imagine for non-devs this would seem really cool to have all the tools on the same page. It would seem @furion, a fellow dev, has downvoted this haha!

Effortless? I had to do some difficult research and learn css along with how to use iframes. I don't know html well at all, and I had to look up how to do most of these things. The height of the iframes was constantly messed up. Some websites refused to show up. I spent over 2 hours putting this together. Yes, maybe I was overpaid. But it was nowhere near as "effortless" as you put it. I made this tool because it did seem to cool to have it all one site. Thank you, however, for not downvoting.

My bad. That was the wrong word to use. I meant it relatively compared to what other developers do. Years of learning and perfecting their skill. I do applaud you for learning html and css from scratch. Most people would just use a web builder and never have to go through that. But compared to more advanced topics html and css is very basic and is second nature to devs doing web apps. Congrats. No hard feelings.

I am replying to your other comment, as Steemit does not allow such long reply threads. I suppose that I overreacted a bit, it's just that I only had a little experience using html and css, so as a beginner this project was not that easy. For someone with years of experience, I do agree that they could have put this together really quickly.

I suppose that I understand your point. I did learn, a lot about how to use html as this website took over two hours to build due to numerous errors. Also, I thought it would be nice for the community to have a tool like this. I see your point however. The original devs should be earning a lot more than me. Thank you for not downvoting.

The learning itself is great, and I always want to encourage everyone to learn new skills. Two hours though is not a long time - especially for what was accomplished. For an anyone with a few months of experience, that page would have taken 5 minutes. The reason no one has yet is simply because it's not a good idea.

Also, I thought it would be nice for the community to have a tool like this.

As your skills grow in web development, you'll soon learn how tools like these aren't really all that nice. The iframe solution you implemented to pull up all those pages has a laundry list of technical problems behind it - and is a huge hinderance to anyone that actually might be using it.

I see your point however. The original devs should be earning a lot more than me.

We are in agreement, and I know it's not your fault that you got voted on. You shared and thing and it got votes. I just spoke up because I wanted people to realize that they need to think about what they're voting on. Those who voted here really should go find the authors of those tools and give their posts some love.

Thanks for the work you did in putting all these tools together in one place. How about at a shoutout to those that made the individual tools?

I updated the post to add that.

Please at least link them properly... by @r4fken by @jesta by @jasonmcz by @saulius by @lantto by @kaptainkrayola by @anduweb by @blocktrades by @burnin


"I programmed it from scratch using html"

its just a bunch of iframes... its not programing. sorry

exactly! throwing together a markup language can just be called.. writing
and if he knows html, why can't he format those links correctly, then?? haha
200 upvotes?? there's no justice...

But I don't know html very well. I learned some, and some css, just to make this.

Great concept, but can I make a suggestion?

Make it so that the user can:
1.) Choose which Steem Tools they want on the page
2.) Re-Arrange the Steem Tools they are using on the page
3.) Resize the Steem Tools they are using on the page

Those sound like great ideas for a future release! Although, #3 might be really difficult to implement.

Upvoted. Will wonders never cease on Steemit?

Nice bunch of tools on one page, i like it alot @joshglen, appreciate your efforts!

Thank you! That was the goal, to create a single page with lots of tools!

If can stick in an easy to use miner that would be great.

Another Steemit experiment. Very excited and hope there is much education to be learned. Here is a Wish of Success from me @joshglen!

Thank you!

Nice, I like this a lot.

It looks very well put together! It's always amazing to see what innovative new ideas the users on this platform come up with. Keep up the great work! :D

Thank you very much!

Great work, thank you!! This is extremely helpful.

Do you have a link for this? For some reason I can't find it

this is utter awesomeness


Спасибо за инициативу!


Fabulous app!

However, you should get a new certificate. I know most people blow by these types of warnings, but because we're dealing with money and reputation, it's just better if there was no issue at all.

Keep up the good work!

Looking at the certificate, it looks like it is for I am not sure what I can do if it is just displayed in an iframe.

Thank-You for sharing this
I am so glad I found Steem
I have Met nice people here

I love steemit too!

Very good idea man! And thanks for including there. I'll be getting it out of beta in a couple days as there have been multiple improvements, features and continuity aspects added.

Great initiative. It does not look good on ipad though

Too many frames it drain memory

This is an excellent site you have created. Wonderful information to view what is going on. Clean and well organized.

I'm glad you like it!

its a good idea to have all steem related sites in one place.. but the iframe is too annoying and makes it difficult to browse through the sites.. good job but improve the interface to make it more userfriendly plz....

iframes?? All those scroller buttons

nice tool!

Could you add this to your steemdash? Which is a ranking of steem rewards for all steemit users.

I also send a post in here: