As I have started coming down from the ELATED state of my "Steemit honeymoon"
Great quote mate! While it's fun to see new comers all hyped about steem and the opportunity to make a buck writing blog posts. I see that many of them have no experience blogging.
This quickly turns into a slight depression once that honeymoon stage is over. Realizing that it takes actual work to make a successful blog and even then it's not guaranteed.
Awesome work on this post. Keep up the hard work <3
J. R.
Agreed. I have started shifting my perspective so that I look at the WRITING PROCESS ITSELF as the main metric for my progress. In this way, I am attaining CONSTANT ROI on my efforts through the process of learning, exploring, and "working out" ideas through the process of writing. In this way I feel less of a need to focus on the money aspect of Steemit, and find more fulfillment in connecting with like-minded people who appreciate the effort I put into the writing, and find PRACTICAL value in some/any of the points I explore.