pssst ... it's H E R D Bro ! Heard is the past tense of hear ... This post is 2 months old, but damn it man ! What a GREAT POST and the comments are amazing ! ... While I have your attention ... Could you instruct me as how to have you be my proxy witness voter ? Please .. When you get a chance that is ... And thanks for the great read !
Read More, Reason More ... JTS
Haha! I do that all the time and use the wrong word even though it sounds the same.
Yeah, just go here: and put in my name in the proxy box then put in your active key when prompted (you should login using only your posting key to protect your wallet).
You can learn more on this post as well.
Hey luke .. Sorry for not replying sooner, Had a Inet outage for 24 hrs ...grrr, lol
Are you in a Discord chat channel ? I don't like this method of chatting.. I far as I know Dm (Direct Messg) has not been implemented, IDK, just got back on the net and steemit.
I am, but not often. Not enough hours in the day to hang out in chat. :)
I hear that ! what do you think about frystikken as witness ? he is a huge supporter of mine, I have voted for him, But I want you to be my proxy, and it takes away that vot, would you consider voting for him ?
I know he does a lot to promote talk radio on discord, but my impression was he can get a little frustrated with some of his rants. Hopefully he's not scaring anyone away. :) Maybe they are all in good fun though. I'll give him my vote for now.
nice... a little busy atm, but I WILL get you as proxy asap
Thanks man ! We NEED messaging soo bad !
Forgive me ... Thank You for the tip !!! /bow