I like this post. I am fairly new to steemit and have made a varied array of posts. Some with little effort or just sharing others information that I liked or believed other steemians would like.
Then there are my posts (such as the one linked below) that really were quite extensive, thought provoking and embrace the Ethos of bettering things for all of us. I am very much a believer that we created many of the worlds problems so we can solve them if we work together. Together being the key word here. Once we stop thinking of ourselves and simply getting paid to amass our own pot of treasure, but instead put in work with the reward being of benefit to others then the system can begin to change. We have been conditioned into a way of life that is fundamentally wrong and has to change. Relentless consumerism, dirty energy, devastation of the environment all need to stop and stop soon.
When writing posts such as this they come from my heart and are things that until recently I haven't spoken about too publicly as people tend to mock or make fun of my "non mainstream views". A few years ago though I chose to stop just speaking to friends and family or work colleagues about my thoughts on the world and instead took the bold move to post in various places online. As I thought many people laughed, poked fun, hurled abuse at me for questioning all the things that if changed, would mean people having to actually change. People dont want to change, they dont want to move outside of their comfort zone. That is, until the problems begin to land on their door step. We are all guilty of too little too late, blaming others, waiting for someone else to devise a solution.
It really is going to take a group effort and some forward thinking, if we think governments and large corporations with profit as their number one dedication are going to help before we totally ruin society and the environment then we are sadly mistaken. It is therefore very hard to take when I am trying to do good but met with such adversity.
I thought steemit would be different and the people here would immediately flock to my posts and contact me in their droves with masses of appreciation or even better ideas. I thought that immediately I would grow a new community of like minded people and begin to make some ideas take shape. That was a silly way of thinking, as with anything in life most things of great substance take a lot of work. People pass my posts by, very little interaction takes place BUT the initial disapointment has now been replaced with new enthusiasm. I know that eventually people will see them and when the time is right the people who resonate will connect with me. The universe does things the same way it always has, we are all slowly drifting toward an inevitable destination and if the things I dream of are to become reality then at the right time it will all fall in to place.
Stay patient people, keep putting in effort, keep doing the right things and lead by example. Steemit has the potential to help forge new communities and great changes and it will only get better over time.
Feel free to read one of my recent posts here: