What we say becomes reality: This is a truth that we see in the bible. We see it in (Mark 11: 2), (Matthew 21:21), (James 3: 2). Among other verses. But we often forget that, because we talk like the world instead of speaking the word, and over time we receive what we've been articulating, a lot of confusion, why is this happening? If the bible speaks only of blessing, is not this a great confusion?
If you have had that experience, remember that what you have in your life is the product of your words, thus you have uttered words of anger and evil desires against others that are produced by a moment of anger and that far from correcting mistakes, teaching and blessing they only produce discouragement, disappointment and despair. In order for you to change what you have, you must change what comes out of your mouth.
To change the course of your life, from illness to health, from failure to success, you will have to measure your words. That's easier said than done, but that's the key: You have to say it to be done, how do you start?
First: Keep in mind that this problem can not be solved with the natural, but with spiritual power, because we are talking about a spiritual law, the word says: Because all nature of beasts and birds, and serpents, and beings of the sea, it is tamed and tamed by human nature; but no man can tame the tongue, which is an evil that can not be restrained, full of deadly poison. (James 3: 7-8) It tells us that the language can not be tamed in the same spirit with taming the animals, the wisdom of God is needed. The word is the wisdom of God, Jesus said that his words are spirit and they are life, that means he needs the word of God to tame our language.
Second: Repenting for having allowed others, besides the Holy Spirit, to use their language. Then give your tongue to Jesus and decide that he will speak words of love, of faith, of joy, of peace and of grace. The words of faith stop the fiery darts of evil.
Third: Do what Jesus says: He also said to them: Look at what you hear; for with the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you, and it will even be added to you that you hear. (Mark 4:24) Bone consider your words: Do you want what you have just said to come true? If the answer is no, stop and correct yourself at that moment, and replace the negative words with words of blessings.
If you have not measured your words, change them so you can change the course of your life, ask the Lord to keep your mouth. Put a guard to my mouth, O LORD; Keep the door of my lips. (Psalm 141: 3) Put the power of your tongue to work in your favor, stop using it to cause confusion and start using it to perform miracles, because your mouth is full of blessing! Amen
God bless you greatly
We all need to handle our mouths with wisdom. I have the opportunity to be part of the pastoral team, to meet many people and to relate so much with people, I have learned to know them well and to discern about them. One of the things I have learned is to hear the words of people and by mouth, I know what they are like. You can tell what you are talking about what culture you are, what education you have, what country you come from. By our accent we can differentiate between races, cultures, education, manners. And something as simple as opening your mouth and saying some words, can say a lot about you. The words that come out of your mouth should be like silver, like the gold that passed through the crucible, because by them people will deduce what kind of person you are.
Thank you for your comment, if we must take care of our mouths, handle with wisdom all that we emit from it, as it says of our person and what is in our heart, we must be careful with the idioms of our society when speaking. since these idioms have greatly influenced people when thinking and talking. God bless you greatly.