
Yes and no. It is annoying when you see a comment on a weed post get $300, but essentially I equate that with winning the lottery. That's not going to be the norm. Every comment should at least show you took the time to read someone's ideas or thoughts/experience. And I do feel that steemit should be a place where people can have respectful debates about a variety of topics without animosity. There are many improvements that could be made to make steemit better, but there is enough wealth to go around. I get excited to see others success even if my own posts only garner ten cents or less. I like to add value and ideas through comments. Something facebook and youtube comments will probably rarely ever get. People actually can make money commenting, so using that as a way to encourage or debate the creator is awesome. If you respectfully disagree, I'd have no animosity towards you. We can have opposite opinions and both be valid without any need to troll or disrespect each other. I think the people looking to make a quick buck and cash out are missing out on what steemit is all about. There are plenty of pump and dump schemes to try to win your hand at. We as users help determine the value of steem and your reputation is important. Every person can see all your posts. There is no friend request or privacy in that regard which means that if someone posts negative or hateful content frequently, a dolphin or whale will prevent them from even showing up anywhere. Does the troll really win then if their comments are shown at the bottom? I guess haha, but I take this platform very seriously. At the moment I don't have a steady job. I see this as an opportunity to put out my ideas, help others, and inspire people in any way I can. Is there circle jerking? Yes, but when someone makes a positive honest post about steemit, then I guess people may need to reevaluate their definition. Most of these people are not having success and blaming others instead of looking to learn from the many people who are happy to help. If people instead of blaming boobs and pictures for garnering all the attention instead brainstormed ways to get more new users to be successful through cool contests or promotions, I think there would be a lot more successful people. Unless you are already a blogger, it may be hard to jump in and post great content or have power to curate much. But nobody has an excuse to not make a good comment. It's one of the simplest forms of feedback to provide and tells the author something more than some else simply saying great post. If a bot that can't read content could make the same comment you are thinking about posting, maybe it's not worth your time to post it. I for one appreciate comments that make me want to engage with the person. This is not a knock against people that do this, but a call to make the comment section valuable instead of simple three word responses and trolling. That's my 2 steems (which is not original to me someone else posted it, but I can't remember who).