Found this article in twitter:
It's a news article from coinjazzera referring Dan Larimer as Serial Swindler. According to this article, Dan made 3 famous crypto scam Bitshares, Steem & EOS.
Referring Steem as scam made this news article irrelevant and is not true. What do you think guys
It is satire, non of it is true.
Last line of the article in small print "This article is satire and for entertainment purposes only."
If i said Dan kind of looks like spongebob, would that be satire? hmmm
Oopps my bad. Didn't noticed it. Thanks for bringing it in.
Posted using Partiko Android
Funny that people fall for articles like that.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Many a true word spoken in jest - right on the money (or fake money) I'd say
Larimer, who is best known for his role in creating popular hit scams Bitshares, Steem, and EOS, brilliantly exit scamed EOS in October and announced plans for creating his fourth new shitcoin