Why do people complain?
Of course, not to torture others with their negativity. They are unhappy, they are against the system, against Steemit. We all know the problems on Steemit, but complaining isn’t the right thing to do. If you are a minnow, think twice before accusing the whales or dolphins.
Why you're not upvoting my post, you can see it is qualitative?
Why are you upvoting your comments?
Why you're not supporting minnows?
Why are you selling your upvotes?
Few months ago I was the one who has complained of a lot of things, saying that whales are controlling everything on Steemit. But guess what?
So it must be!
Put yourself in the place of a whale.
You are a whale. You invested your own money in Steem. Isn't clear you want to benefit following your act? Isn't clear you risked your own money investing in Steem and in the same time helping the whole platform to survive?
"When you are complaining, you're a crap magnet!" ~ T. Harv Eker
Nothing will change if you will complain, and if you do this, not only you won’t feel better, but you’ll also make others feel badly. Do you know what happens to your brain when you have a negative way of thinking?
In your brain there is a collection of synapses separated by an empty space. Every time a thought crosses your mind, synapses bond. Your brain physically changes in order to transmit an idea, so there is a big chance for a thought to repeat itself.
Imagine what happens if you’re always complaining.

If you’re a negative person, you won’t just have negative thoughts when you have a problem, but you will also have them when you’re walking peacefully in the park. This is why it’s so important to stop complaining and start being more optimistic.
Tell me if you know something better than Steemit. I am here to contradict you.
The thing is, you’re not only doing harm to yourself, but you’re hurting affecting others too. When you listen to someone who’s complaining, your brain tries to “reconstruct” what that person is feeling, and this is how bad thoughts can install in your mind.
The good news is that your brain can be remodeled, so it’s not the end of the world if you’re used to negative thinking. You can always exercise your way of thinking and bring positive thoughts into your brain and on Steemit.
Start taking care of your brain, your body, yourself and others and stop complaining. Steemit is simply beautiful if you allow yourself to see it.
And this is just the beginning...

I think it's about time you learn the difference between Steem and Steemit, AFAIK nobody invest in Steemit.
Steemit.com is a website and Steemit a company which should be considered as just another actor on the decentralized Steem blockchain.
Thank you so much for your downvotes. I know exactly what everything is. ^-^
If this is the reason you considered to downvote it's okay.
So minnows should be afraid of whales is that what your telling us? I for one don't care about the money so go ahead and waste your power if you want!
You should't be afraid of whales if you're ethical.
This comment has received a 20.00 % upvote from @fredrikaa thanks to: @safetony.
The choice of post-promoters used may have also played a role in the down-votes received.
Would you downvote me just because I used a bot to attract the attention on this post just because I am tired of complainings?
Come on, we all know the bots are not profitable at all so I am not abusing at all.
Nope, I wouldn't.
Some bots allow their services even after 3 days of the post pass. Stay away from using those as, the Steemit community doesn't take kindly to them.
They promote abusing bot votes at the eleventh hour so that the post doesn't reach Trending and goes unnoticed, while making profits on a shit post.
Not implying yours is one or you abused it.
Maybe you used those blacklisted bots? But then again, @transisto may have other reasons. I'm just speculating.
I want to be clear. As I said everyone has the right to do everything, to upvote or to downvote.
The thing I don't like is a downvote without a good reason.
Cheers. Case closed for me
I guess people start to have a closer look at articles that are boosted with a long list if bidbots. So some might use their downvotes in order to balance rewards then. It's the price you pay for the high exposure on the trending page :-) The more attention, the more observation.
Looks like 75% of the upvotes of your article were paid, so that makes it a bit vulnerable (source: steemworld.org), and that may also be the reason why you received 3 x 100% downvotes. But I'm just guessing :-)
You're right, he could've cleared it up.
That's why I am on this post, @benjojo downvoted me twice and I want to know why
It is actually high time that authors here start using the words Steem and Steemit correctly. It's not like it's difficult to learn the difference, and it will be really useful if everyone wrote Steem when they actually mean Steem, because there will only be more and more alternatives to Steemit in the future.
I just edited my post.
That's great. We should all be a bit more aware of this :) Right now I bet like 80 %+ of the community uses Steemit when they actually means Steem, which can be really confusing, especially when new members join from other apps such as DTube, Zappl, Busy.org or any other non-Steemit app.
I only realized YESTERDAY, that it's not "Steemit-witnesses" but "Steem-witnesses". What a shame! >.< Finally I understand what's going on here and start relaxing. :-)
Think positive and you will atract positive things in your life.. you have nothing good to say in most cases it is then better to say nothing at all..
thanks for the clarification , this has said it all
Sadly you have no idea what you are talking about. The genesis of this platform did NOT require the biggest whales to directly invest anything. A significant proportion of the whales simply use the Steem protocol to award themselves tokens at the expense of the rest of the community. Steem was founded upon an idea, incentivising the creation of valuable content, operating as a decentralised token distribution mechanism. In these regards Steem is presently failing.....for enough people that it should matter. Holding whales and practices that harm the purpose and future value of Steem is extremely important and a matter the entire community should be concerned with. Some complaints will be because accounts aren't getting what they want, their own greed is not being statisfied, however some complaints are entirely appropriate and perhaps the only way Steem becomes better, works better for more people and ultimately the only way it will survive. Do you not realise that many whales have already concluded that Steem's failure is very likely? Do you not think that many whales see only the opportunity to extract as much wealth as possible to then utilise elsewhere? Please don't denigrate those who stand against the abuse, the sickness at Steem's core. It's easy to succumb to the pressure to just go along. That is the heart of the present fianacial system, you know, the one that leads to theft, war, famine and the rest of it.
Exactly. I can't understand how someone would defend the whales, when the core values of the Steem platform are being corroded. This platform wasn't supposed to be about greed and control by whales. It was supposed to be for anyone who wanted to build this community. There are many valid complaints about the Steem platform. I'm hopeful that EOS will be able to solve some of the problems that Steem has suffered from.
And yet..... You defend the whale haejln and the greed that he exhibits. It seems as though you are biased or confused.
Or because bernie is a vulgar jerk then you group anyone that flags haejln with bernie. Bernie does not represent @fulltimegeek or 99/100 of us that protest haejln's greed.
Fulltimegeek is not greedy, but extremely generous. For 3 months he delegated out 300,000 SP to 25+ steemit users to do good with it. If you need an example, look at @goldendawne she showed such generosity and helped thousands with her delegation as a steward of gondor. She continues to do this good work even without the delegation.
Fulltimegeek's example could have been followed by Haejln to share the love that Ranch0relax0 showered upon Haejln. But Haejln only sold all of his 'profits' and uovoted himself 95% to earn more and more. He did nothing to try and make Steem or Steemit a better place.
OK, maybe I have mistakenly lumped everyone flagging Haejin together under the bernie flag. I just can't wrap my head around why people continue to hate on Haejin, however. His content is the reason many people even bother to use Steemit.
My bottom line is that Haejin can do whatever he wants with his money because he's actually generating useful content- whether or not people agree with his analysis, I've actually learned a great deal from him. I was following him months ago, and I became more involved in Steemit because of his work (I would start to read more and follow others). I don't think he's hurting the platform, because he is generating actual content and has many followers. The whales I have a problem with are simply putting together bots that automatically downvote people- regardless of the care and effort these people put into the content they created.
So, I guess my stance comes down to those creating actual content (which is great), compared to those just spreading downvotes, hate, bots, and terrible memes (not good). Perhaps I'm biased, perhaps I'm confused, but I'm open-minded enough to admit my faults. I will also admit I'm not an expert on Steemit's platform, I'm just a simple user who has found the Steemit platform to be frustrating at times.
I can understand why I may come across as inconsistent in my views. Hopefully this clarifies where I stand. Peace!
I appreciate your response, it does help in understanding where you are coming from.
"I don't think he's hurting the platform, because he is generating actual content and has many followers."
Truly if he gets these users to invest in Steem and power up then he is contributing. But it is also a numbers game. There is only 49000 Steem generated daily and Haejln is working the system to get >3% of that. If 33 other whales produced 'good' content and did the same then the rewards for everyone would go down, down, down until everyone was getting nothing.
Haejln could be less greedy and still get rich by just posting all his TA into 3 or 4 posts everyday. $300 of each post comes from his self vote and ONE whale vote that he probably bought.
Haejln could be happily doing his thing, earning $100,000/year on Steemit posting 3 times a day at $300/Post.
But he refuses to work with the Steemit community. But he REFUSES. He is only satisfied with earning $1 MILLION/year even if it means destroying Steemit and allowing his Followers to get ruined in the process.
What is that? It is greed and avarice.
Any normal person would have said "ok, I will listen to the community. I will accept $500 or $1000 each day. No need for me to be greedy."
Now, let me be clear, if all of Haejln's rewards were coming from 10,000 honest users and not 95% from one dirty whale, then no one would be upset. That would be amazing and honest community support.
However, 95% of Haejln's rewards are coming from ONE whale. One whale that was bought. It is the same as 100% self voting. 100% self voting is not permitted and will get you flagged.
To me, this is pure greed on Haejln's part. He can stop the flagging anytime he wants. Instead he lets his Followers get hurt and still he cries that he will "go private" so that the followers feel sorry for him.
He can stop the flags anytime. He can post 3-4 times a day, earn $300+ per post. Be rich and happy. But that is not enough. He wants MORE.
I dont know what more to say.
Fair enough. I will say that his posts are simply about making money ("massive profits"), so I have a hard time saying that he should limit his postings. I happen to read them all. He's covering several coins each day. Wouldn't it make more sense for others to copy his model, have over 25k followers, and post several times a day? So, I guess I respectfully disagree with your point. I also don't know what more to say, but I definitely appreciate your comments. Best of luck to you!
I agree .... constructive criticism must be there!
Speaking as a newcomer, I'm surprised how only your comment and one or two others take a critical thinking approach to this post. Good on you!
I hope this platform isn't full of people trying to ingratiate themselves in order to get points, that would get pretty boring and dysfunctional.
oh but it just needs a small percentage doing that and it will bring the site down!
I will be addressing the issue in part 2 of this set of blogs!
That's definetely a problem here. There is almost no critical thinking here because most people are biased and afraid that if they say something wrong they will get flagged or downvoted by someone with alot of SP.
But you can easily weed out the fake positivism from people if you stick here long enough.
This is why any form of down-voting destroys free expression and the fluid discourse that allows for true evolution. It's even worse on Steemit because the weight of votes varies -whales vs. minnows- and there is money at stake, and we all know that for all intents and purposes money is 90%~ of everything in this world. I have decided just to speak my mind. I'm not here for the money. Still, it would be good if down-voting disappeared because at best it leads to the tyranny of the majority... and yes it tends towards blind positivism and extensive self-censorship. Not healthy for a public forum.
We are talking about different whales. I said already, we all know the problems here.
And I know exactly what I am talking about. You have to admit whales are controlling everything even the price of Steem. Try to remove all the whales from Steemit and if the price of Steem will be over $0.1 you're a genious.
but after that $0.1 free to go $1000 in no time.
Where can I get more info about that?
I agree with you so much! every day we get people just complaining and moaning! They come to steemit, dont want to do any work and then just complain that they are not being noticed! It took us years to get our reputation, and we still have to work hard! I spent 16 hours a day on steemit first 3 months! Love it and well said! :) whats worse as well, some people try and bring you down by writing articles how unfair it is that you get paid this and that! I love steemit because its still not that negative, but there is some !
I am glad you understood the message!
Well said and negative people are out there and I feel sorry for them. The danger is that they are wiring there brain to get pleasure from being negative. I want my brain wired to get pleasure from gratitude and being positive.
Thank you
You have highlighted good point that people have invested heavily in steem platform specially whales and they are doing great for steem ecosystem whether it is voting bot or other services. I have started to get the feeling of dolphin since I stepped in 60s reputation. This is just the start of good things and much more is yet to come.
You have highlighted good point that people have invested heavily in steem platform specially whales and they are doing great for steem ecosystem whether it is voting bot or other services. I have started to get the feeling of dolphin since I stepped in 60s reputation. This is just the start of good things and much more is yet to come.
only 30 levels to go then minnow is rough i dont make any money not even from whale bots. one assumes most negativity comes from everyone at the bottom of the ladder.
Keep struggling. It took me 10 hours daily in the first 3 months to have these results.
thanks a lot mate for the encouragement where you posting for 10 hours? i just do not know how to make myself seen? thanks again =] do you know any good active discords?
I can def relate! Feels good to have a rep above 60, love the platform, and glad to see there is something new everyday getting worked on. As for the complaining, no matter what, people will find to complain, even when they think there shit dont stink, hopefully you get what I am putting down! lol @cryptokraze @jwolf
Good luck!
Thank you for your comment!
Dear sir, I have translated this article into Chinese. I've tried to contact you, leaving a message below this article but failed. I hereby extend my gratitude to you! https://steemit.com/cn/@bring/r3srm-steemit
Great post @jwolf for me it's work, work, work i love steem , i love steem, i love steem, work, work, work no other coin can compare to Steem, it's platform, it's ROI, it's community love and involvement. Right now at this moment this is the RIGHT place to be no doubt about it. When you love what your doing it's not work it's fun :))
Love your compliment!! I have followed you, follow me if you like my post, please !! Lovely weekend:)
My feelings on this are a little mixed. For the most part I agree: I'm tired of the tirades of complaints and verbal garbage thrown at the platform, @ned, and Steemit Inc.
On the other hand, I think it's important to acknowledge constructive criticism, always keeping in mind the ways that the platform could be better while taking a measured, optimistic view. So neither complacent nor negative.
Steemit is not a religion. Steemit social warriors want to silence criticism. Let all voices be heard. The best way to use critical thinking is to hear opposing opinions.
Steemit is going to change the social media world. I am so excited to see how everything unfolds in 2018 with mainstream adoption on its way :D
We Live in Exciting Times Steemians!!
Just do your own thing, post, comment and upvote on things you like. Yeah most of the money and the power is with the big whales but as long as you enjoy the community and post stuff you care about I don't see why there's any reason to be negative.
Plenty of people have grown accounts on here without investing anything and it's still early days for this platform. By being one of the early people in any smaller niche on here one could be massively profitable in the future as more and more people come over from other social media.
I guess people just see the big numbers on the trending page and get angry if they can't score big from day one...
Agree, but we need each other's upvote to grow up
Yeah, that's why I spend most of my time on Steemit upvoting and commenting on other peopel's post at the moment. I'll put more time into content of my own once I have a bit more steem power and a few followers.
Exactly why I made the decision to invest my own money into the platform so I can control my own destiny. If you are trying to do this thing without investing your own money, you won't get very far from my experience.
I'm proud of you, my friend.
Thank you!
Great article and great notion.
I also see some issues with steem. However complaining does not help, what does help is actually doing something productive to solve the issue.
If you want to change something, do something.
That's what I am trying to say! Thank you!
I have followed you. Lovely weekend:)
Excellent article!!
I think too many people start with the thought of making thousands a month for little to no effort.
Seen so many articles lately with just a few lines and one picture randomly added thats doesn't really bring any value to the community at all.
I think the key is PATIENCE and give value to people :-)
Also take the time to read up on how to get your articles noticed and also upvoted.
Regarding mindset it is very simple........
Thanks for the post! We create our own realities! Complaining will only draw negative forces towards you!!
Thanks for this @jwolf.
Tell me what it is so I can join there also. 😀
I agree with this article completely and look forward to the follow up piece.
Complaining solves nothing. The fact of the matter is most of the Whales are not heartless ogres. Many of them contribute a great deal to this blockchain. Since the early adopters (read Whales) were mostly from the technical background, many of them are involved with behind the scenes activities. This is something over looked.
There are people at all levels making money. Someone who comes on and gets 500 SP, now at about $1,650 at todays pricing. How many people make that off Facebook or YT? Very few.
STEEM is a hotbed of development. Paying attention to what is going on really helps.
But if one is too busy complaining, how can that person learn? Regardless of what it put out there, that person will twist it to the negative.
I love the "I am not negative, I am just a realist".
I respectfully disagree. If everyone just posted everything was fine when its not, thats really just propaganda. Imagine if that happened on the Titanic.... oh wait. Anyway, I agree Steemit is the best site out there, but it could do a lot better.
I would counter that people posting about negative aspects of Steemit are really raising awareness of its imperfections for others to reflect on. It does not mean they have a permanent negative mindset like a depressed person in need of counselling.
I guess the sad feeling is seeing something you love degenerate into something akin to the real world where the ideal was to help everyone be their best, but is spiraling into haves and have nots again.
I must say, I am a glass-half-full person so I know what you are saying. But there are positives to be found in complaining sometimes as well.
Have a great day! :-)
I wish it wasn't account based...
Why you're not upvoting my post, you can see it is qualitative?
Because most of the time it's NOT.
It's crap.
I started as plankton, only had $3.00 that I was given when I signed on.
18 months later,
I pretty much make a living from steem.
If I can do it so can anyone.
I'm DONE with listening to endless complaints.
I mute them...I erase them from my world.
They won't get any votes from me.
That's damn true! I started with 0 here! If I can everyone can!
I do the same thing bro...now I make it. Steemit gives me more that I need
Man I wrote you on steem.chat a few days ago.
I wanted to ask you how did you manage to achieve such a good success here?
Perhaps you could make a post for younger users to learn. Me and I am sure many others would really appreciate some sort of guide like that.
Cheers mate!
I totally agree with this. There is no point to upvote something if it does not represent what I am interested in. I keep exploring though to find good materials around and I am pleased that I can find. There are many posts/blogs for the sake of votes, but that won't be sustainable for those elements. They will fall and leave this world. It will be harder and harder to get rewarded, but I think this is the way to be.
Your posting strategy has always been the same from the beginning?
nope: It changes..almost daily.
innovate, adapt and overcome
depending on the situation as I understand it.
how? did you do this invest? can anyone point me to a discord for help?
@everittdmickey You are great! My dear.
Hi, @jwolf.
This is a great post, and I agree that we should all try to think positive, even in times where we would not naturally think positive about a situation. And this should be true for other situations in life as well - not only for Steem.
Best regards from @valth
This post receiving the amount of money it did for the value of content just shows how broken this system truly is.
yeah...it's horribly, terribly, broken.
perhaps you should consider facebook?
😁 So true. I love how the person in the picture has tape over his mouth! That's a censorship symbol. This post is unintentionally hilarious! 😂
I like steemit :)
I love Steemit.
AH... Sorry ... I was think I say same.. but YEs ... me too I love it :))
I agree, steemit is a great platform!
I think that the money aspect of Steemit makes people do desperate things. Begging for upvotes here from whales is the equivalent to begging a celebrity on Instagram to "like" their post. Where on instagram celebs have social collateral, whales have money that everyone can see. I think that this begging and complaining scares them away from voting or commenting because everything is so public. I'm new here so I am not jaded or anything (yet?) lol! I've spent the last month glued to Steemit and im very optimistic about it all.
You should be optimistic. Steemit can change your life.
Tell me if you know something better than steemit.
Still in the pipeline but I am watching the alternatives very closely jwolf
brother, it's great, well done! I like everything you do!
Zealots, go to Jonestown and drink Koolaide!

You need to take constructive criticism....
That when a solution or 2 comes along you have your head in the ground
check out:
A tree does not start out as a tree, but rather start out as a seedling. It takes time to grow... but it needs nutrients, sunlight and water. You should nurture your steemit account in the same manner as a seedling, and it will grow into a beautiful tree. Stop Complaining! Be active and make a lot of connections. And see yourself grow along with steemit.
True! Thank you for your comment.
You are welcome... it need to be said. A smile takes half the effort compared to a frown.
Great analogy. I just started on Steemit and I'm loving what I see so far. I did read an article recently that meets the criteria for exactly what you are talking about. Nothing but pages of anger and saying why this is a 'bad' platform. Being a minnow myself at the moment, this just scares off others from starting their accounts. Whats the point? If they are complaining because they aren't getting steem or they just want attention through shock value, negative attention is just annoying. Provide solutions, just don't shout out the problems.
Great post jwolf, thank you for the information.
The main issue is that it is hard to moderate spam and rewarding posts should be taken from a variety of factors besides an upvote.
How exactly then should content creation be rewarded, is it based on the number of page views, likes, and replies then multiplied by the reputation multiplier? What else is taken into account - account age, account activity, perhaps?
Or simply having more steem than someone else.
I've made more money on Steemit in a month then I have ever done creating free content on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
When more people understand this simple fact, steemit will take off like crazy. With more users, comes more funds, comes more development of the platform.
If it's not perfect yet, imagine how much better it will be! Be happy to be part of this so early on!!
problem is 99 out 100 people are being set up to walk away even before joining.....
That's what I am talking about!
Thanks! I've already got a number of friends who have signed up, but it seems to be taking a while for them to get their approval.
Just told my flatmate, I made around $0.50 in the last hour on steemit... He gave me this and asked me to leave him alone 😂😂
Did I accept it, of course I did :))
What I consistently hear from Steemians who have remained with the platform beyond a year is that persistence & patience are key.
On a balanced note, some negative feedback is warranted when things are not going well with the platform, where we dedicate quite a bit of effort and time.
Consistent complaining does not help. It just drains away positive energy to get things done.
sounds like people in an MLM or ponzoi or Pyramid....
people stay with things because to leave means you made a mistake donating your time to something....
Have you stumbled onto this post by yallapapi? It appears to be the bald faced truth. A real stinger!
Absolutely true. I’ve had MLM experience.
It also has a very demotivating effect.
good point just feel like helping the new people that dont really understand. Steemit can be very confusing from the start it has taken me a month and lots of research to get this far. i dont mean give a man a fish and he will be full for a day. I mean teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry.
No sense complaining. Just work hard and enjoy your time here. Find the communities that like what you have to offer and get some upvotes along the way. Your advice is good for life as it is for steemit.
Compared to other social network services, Steemit is really beneficial and efficient to the users. But the thing is that Steeemit is still beta, and it is just at the STARTING POINT.
Anyone remembers how long it took for Facebook to be popular? Steemit is on its way and growing by surging rate.
I know Steemit is somewhat confusing or inconvenient to some users, but you guys have to know that it's just starting and we are lucky to be with each other at the starting point. we got this Steemit users!
You touch in two topics I’m currently very interested in - #steemit and also #negativity . I should say, not being negative.
I have recently gotten rid of almost everything that was triggering negativity in me...and I’m much happier now. But there will always be people who choose to focus on the negative aspects of everything. So be it. I choose to be different.
Steemit still frustrates me at times but, as with life, it just comes with the territory. I’ve had people say “follow and upvote and I’ll do the same” but they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
At times I feel like I’m talking to (or writing for) myself but...that’s irrelevant. I write because I like to. And I’ll coninue to do so.
I agree completely! People complain about things without putting in the time needed to really get it going. I think a lot of people misinterpret Steemit and don't realize it is a lifestyle not just a posting app.
I love that. Steemit is a lifestyle
100% agree..people tend to complain as they do not have the patience .... Compalining is not the solution taking out a way is much fruitfull. It happens that people negative thought sooner thnn looking at the other aspect.
Thank you!
Totally agree with you mate! You have to stay positive
You can only have one thought at a time, choose a positive one ! Yeah :D@jwolf Good post! One way to look at the choice of thoughts is..
I am in many mediums, like telegram, here, facebook, etc. There is that layer in society, where these people find happiness. And they spread this all the way around whenever they have an opportunity.
No constructive criticism about something, but moaning and complaining. These are the guys who are selling low and buying high and they complain all the time.
I used to turn them down, but it is not easy sometimes. Surprisingly, the listen for rationale and they tend to turn back if they cannot achieve success.
The worst is when complainer is stupid in the same time. You have no chance there, they turn you down from their routine.
Tour right, if there was a better place, then why would they not be there, yet even on that other platform, I'm sure they would still be complaining about something. Seems it is more a habit, people complain because they do not seems to have anything better to say. SteemIt does require dedication, and time, those are both things people do not see, how long it took you to 1. think of this topic, 2. write this article and fix it to perfection. All they seem to do is look at the pay out and thing, I post something I will make that amount as well, but they do not see all your efforts, also spent commenting, reading, or interacting with other users on this platform. Thank you for your work.
Couldn't agree more. We all joined Steemit for free and even with extra $3 for us to get started, that's should be enough for us to be grateful. The other benefits should come from our investment, either with money, or time and efforts. It's so shameful to complain the others that are doing whatever they can with their very own investment.
I agree with you!
You can't tell me what to do, wolfy ;)
I'd say, nothing ever changes if we do not complain at all.
But all we do is complaining, it will do us only harm.
Well, it's everyone choice what to do :)
Hello @jwolf this post is very useful and very interesting to see, if you allow me to translate it into indonesian, so we beginners especially in aceh, indonesia will more spirit again in making quality post. if you are willing to give it I would love to do it. 😊
You can do it, just mention me as the author of the post!
Good luck!
Thank you @jwolf for his trust, i will attach the original link at the beginning of post later, thank you so much 😊
Great article. Me and the co-creator of TB & Kid joined this platform to start a webcomic only 14 weeks ago and we quickly learned right away that the more we give to others the more we receive. We've learned that by seeking out content that we are genuinely interested in and giving to others in terms of an upvote and feedback that Steemit is the most powerful social networking platform ever created. Yeah, we are still minnows, but we've gained more readers and true friends in 14 weeks than we ever imagined. To us that's real wealth.
Thank you so much for your comment!
Two months in and I'm already tired, yes tired of the culture that has manifested into this community which I feel am part of. Instead of complaining I am attempting to correct what I feel is so wrong about this community at my own insignificant level and i suggest we all should give it a try.
don't complain but advice is needed for make steemit more great. About the whale, i don't care till now cause minnow still helped me and hope we can growth together. I created what make me happy, if whale want to come is no problem.
That's true. But it is a difference between complainings and advices!
Think it's a lot of jealousy and new users are here with the classical idea about the 50x $$$ . but the reality is not the case and when a poster gets 0.0 or 0.1, That's not about 50x, They must be somebody which cheats.. and find one big one and look at them they. and studying them fore bad things and we all have bad days. I did it in the beginning to, now a stops and just up-voting @steemcleaners. and a think we are so we are so used to Facebook etc and all that shit, there so we are expecting this to be perfect but that's not. just it's 10 times better
Steemit has so much potential, people need to be patient and wait for others to hop on the train! People will always find a way to complain about everything, you just need to figure out which complaints hold merit.
Stay away from people who are negative and promoting negativity about Steemit. Steemit is a excellent social media where one can live his livelihood.
I fully agree with you @jwolf, hopefully this piece of writing can make people aware that many benefits they can get in Steemit. Although it is quite difficult to change the mindset of people who only think narrowly. keep fighting to educate all steemians
Complaining all day won't solve a thing.
Do your bit, work hard and smart and you'll eventually make it on steemit.