Steemit Skateboarders? Where Art Thou? Here's My First Skate Video Posted To The Blockchain!

in #steemit7 years ago

I am curious... How many skateboarders do we have here in the Steemit Community? I know Steemit is still new to the masses, and not entirely known in the cryptocurrency world (yet)... but we are growing!

We are paving the path for those who have yet to come on board with Steemit.

If you skateboard, or if you have ever skateboarded in the past and enjoyed it... Then I welcome you to add a comment below. It would be great to see if any other skateboarders (past or present) will find this post.

I would love to connect with you! We can use this post as a thread to connect with others who also skateboard since skateboarding is new here.

All comments are obviously welcome, but if you skateboard then LET IT BE KNOWN!!!

Skateboarding is something that is easy for me to write about, and that is because its my passion, my hobby, my form of art and creation, my exercise, one of my forms of transportation, and its something that Ive been actively engaging in for over half of my life.

I just can't live without it!

What are your thoughts on skateboarding?

Is it a crime? Is it for children? Is it dangerous? Scary? Cool? Awesome? Fun? Art? Talent? Creativity? A sport? Not a sport?

There are so many categories that have yet to be added, and developed on Steemit. So even though the skateboarding category is under-developed here and lacking an audience at the moment... I will continue to add my personal contributions and content to the "yet to be" skateboarding category of Steemit.

I look forward to seeing the growth of this community and all the categories that Steemit will have to offer. I'd much rather find all the content that I enjoy, here on this amazing platform.

Don't you agree?

I am not a professional at skateboarding by any means, but I have dedicated my time, disciple, and focus to this formerly outlawed sport.

In the early days of skateboarding, it was viewed a crime, and even a gang activity. The first skatepark in my town was built in 1997, right down my street.

I was destined!

It took over a decade of skateboarders and their families fundraising and convincing city council to donate public land to build the skatepark.

Nowadays, it is becoming more mainstream and new skateparks are being built all over the world. It took a while, but its now here, and its here to stay!

Here's a recent video I made. It was filmed in Vancouver, I managed to get out one afternoon and do the tricks in the video within a few hours of driving from spot to spot and skatepark to skatepark .

Excuse my (amateur) editing job, and have patience with some of the slow-mo :) My good friend Travis filmed this for me from his Iphone 7. I will edit this to include his tag as soon as he joins us on #Steemit!

Either way though, this is some of my skateboarding content that I created almost exactly 2 months ago before I joined Steemit.

It's not my best skating, but then again I didn't spend much time or planning going into making this. The video was just for fun, and I wanted to see what I could create within a day.

"Tools" used for creation:

7)Video Editor

Heads up though, I do mention another passion of mine in this video, but in my opinion it goes hand in hand with any sport and function of life :) I can't live without it, just like I can't live without skateboarding. It is who I am, and what WE are made of.

I will be filming my skateboarding much more over the summer and years to come.

So stay tuned!

Editing will get better too.

Practice makes perfect!
(Facebook Version Is Better Quality Then Youtube Version Above)

I look forward to planting my skateboarding content onto the Blockchain FOREVER!!! And I look forward to seeing your skateboarding content too!

(Plus all the other amazing content here on Steemit!)



I really like those videos, @kangendunc! Thanks for sharing :)
Upvoted & Followed.

I'm an inline skater XD Not the same I know but I still take up some space and I can move pretty quick and I dislike being run over by BMXs as much as the next person ;) My partner used to skateboard but he's pleading "old age" now (his knees and ankles are a bit busted up from various shenanigans and I think landing hurts a bit more than it used to). We have a skate ramp and the kids have skateys but it's been a while since we managed to get out there (they're lazy with safety gear and we're insistent on helmets when ramp skating).

I'd love to take it up again, it's one of the things that has unfortunately fallen by the wayside as I've had to choose how to spend what time I have :<